KemoTalk 0071

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I'm Confident in my Stamina
KemoTalk ID: 0071
Japanese Title: スタミナにはじしんあり
Implemented: January 26th, 2018
Friends Present: Shoebill, Atlantic Puffin
Area: Waterfront
Time: Day
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KemoTalk 0071 is titled I'm Confident in my Stamina (スタミナにはじしんあり). It is unlocked by an interaction between Shoebill and Atlantic Puffin.


Character Japanese English
Kemotalk 010032001 01.png
Atlantic Puffin
きゃはは!水遊びって、楽しいでーす。 Kyahaha! Splashing around is so much fun.
Kemotalk 010014001 08.png
(ジーーーーッ) *sta---re*
Kemotalk 010014001 08.png
あの子いつでも楽しそうだなぁ……。他の子ともすぐに仲良くなれるみたい。いいなぁ……。 That girl always seems to be enjoying herself.....She could probably become friends with any of the other girls right away. That must be nice....
Kemotalk 010014001 08.png
(ジーーーーッ) *sta----re*
Kemotalk 010032001 02.png
Atlantic Puffin
あー、ハシビロコウさん。じっとしちゃってますねー?もしかしてお腹へってますか? A~h, Shoebill-san. You're really staring there, huh? Could it be that you're hungry?
Kemotalk 010032001 03.png
Atlantic Puffin
じゃあ、とっておきのじゃぱりまんを半分あげちゃいまーす! Well then, we can split the Japari bun I brought with me. Here you go!
Kemotalk 010032001 03.png
Atlantic Puffin
すっごく、んまいんですからー。 They're suuuper yummy.
Kemotalk 010014001 01.png
あっ……お腹はへってないから、じゃぱりまんは全部パフィンが食べていいよ。 I'm.... I'm fine, thank you, please go ahead and have it.
Kemotalk 010014001 01.png
ねぇ、パフィンはいっつも元気だよね?疲れちゃったりしないの? Hey, you always seem to energetic. Do you never get exhausted?
Kemotalk 010032001 01.png
Atlantic Puffin
パフィンちゃんはですねー……。 Hmm... To Puffin-chan....
Kemotalk 010032001 07.png
Atlantic Puffin
泳いだりー、 Swimming,
Kemotalk 010032001 02.png
Atlantic Puffin
飛んだりー、 Flying,
Kemotalk 010032001 05.png
Atlantic Puffin
走ったりするのが大好きなんでーす! And running around are always so much fun!
Kemotalk 010032001 03.png
Atlantic Puffin
ぜーんぜんへいき! I'm always a-okay!
Kemotalk 010032001 03.png
Atlantic Puffin
ハシビロコウさんだって、ずっと立ってるのすごいんでーす! Speaking of Shoebill, the way you stand so straight *all* the time is really something!
Kemotalk 010014001 08.png
わぁ、ありがとう。 Waa~, that's nice of you to say.
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