Japari Night Market

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Japari Night Market

Japari Night Market sign.png

Location Data
Debut Kemono Friends 3
Regions ?
Location Type Japari Park

Japari Night Market (Chinese: 加帕里夜市 Japanese:ジャパリ夜市 Hepburn:Japari Yoichi) is a tourist attraction in Japari Park. It is seemingly inspired by Chinatown or night markets in some Asian countries, especially those in Taiwan. This district is themed around stereotypical Chinese design, with Chinese restaurants, a gazebo in the middle of a plaza decorated with Chinese lanterns, and buildings with some traditional Chinese style. The signs in the night market are written in Chinese instead of Japanese kanji.


In Chokotto Anime Kemono Friends 3

Tibetan Sand Fox and Pallas's Cat are hanging out at the Japari Night Market at episode 19 of Chokotto Anime

A few episodes of Kemono Friends 3 Chokotto Anime take place in the night market. In one episode, Tibetan Sand Fox and Pallas's Cat are sitting at an outdoor table of a restaurant after meal. Japari Buns in a steamer can be seen in the background.

In Kemono Friends 3

Some of the main stories take place in the night market. Various friends are seen hanging around the market.




Places in Japari Park
Kyōshū RegionAn'in RegionSankai RegionNakabe RegionHokkai RegionHōtoku RegionGokoku RegionRiukiu RegionAkushimaPark CentralAnyo RegionRikuhoku RegionAnto Region
Nexon Game
Sodaina MountainOasis No. 1Amatatsu WaterfallJapari Crocodile GardenShizukesa ForestTsubekuri SnowfieldBird GardenGomanto RiverJapari Café (Gen 2) • Wolf HouseKemono Castle
CityJapari Café (Gen 1) • Japari CakeJapari Girls AcademyJapari MartRiukiu Aquarium
Amusement ParkAn'in BridgeHot SpringJapari Café (Gen ?) • Japari LibraryLodge CampoSandstar Volcano
Stage Play
Japari Museum
Azua ParkMarine Life ParkSouth Maerica ParkJungle ParkJapari Hotel
JSRT HQOdysseyJapari Night Market
Types of Areas
Pachislot Kemono Friends
Juuoh Park (Not in Japari Park)
World of Kemono Friends
Major Characters
Humans CalendaHikariJinriJSRT CaptainKabanKakoKyururuMiraiNanaPark FounderTowaHaruka
Friends ServalCellvalCaracalKabanRaccoonFennec FoxPPPEzo Red FoxFour GodsDholeMeerkatShort-Beaked Common Dolphin
Other Cellien QueenCelliensLuckyLucky BeastsLucky Beast Type-IIIStar BeastsGroups
Japari ParkKingdomKyōshū RegionRiukiu RegionPark CentralPavilionJuuoh Park
Japari BunJapari BusJapari LineKemono AmuletLucky BeastPatrol Plane
CellienFriendBeastSandstarCelliumSparkleKemonoplasmKemo Harmony
Useful Pages
Introduction to Kemono FriendsList of FriendsGlossary