Japanese Cormorant

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Japanese Cormorant
Japanese CormorantOriginal.png
Japanese CormorantOldDesign.png
Character Data
Romaji Umiu
Debut Kemono Friends (2015 Game)
Animal Data
Scientific Name Phalacrocorax capillatus
Distribution East Asia
Diet Carnivore
Avg. Lifespan 4-5 years
Read More Japanese cormorant
Conservation Status iucn3.1 LC.svg.png
Japanese Cormorant Pavilion KF3 Nexon Game Gallery

Japanese Cormorant is a Friend that appeared in the original Kemono Friends mobile game.


The old design of Japanese Cormorant has iridescent emerald eyes and short white hair with the black bangs. Orange hair clips hold them in place, and the middlemost bang is yellow, resembling a beak. Both her wings and tail are black, but have a small metallic green gradient. She wears a white shirt with a black and pine green fur collar and a emerald bow tie, and a black cardigan on top. She wears a circular pine green skirt with two layers, white leggings with a gray gradient and black loafers.

The new design has the black and grey messy hair that reaches down to Japanese Cormorant'’s shoulders. She has a single crown-shaped, yellow pin attached right above her now greyed and more sharply curved middlemost bang resembling the beak. Furthermore, her redesign went on with a dark-grey sweater and a simple, emerald necklace. Both her wings are black, but on the new redesign's tail is plain black. Like her old design, she still wears a circular pine green skirt with two layers.

Series Appearances

Appearances In Kemono Friends Media
Media Role

In Real Life

Japanese Cormorant at Kagoshima, Japan.

Japanese Cormorants are birds that live on the Pacific coast of Asia, breeding on the corresponding coasts of Russia, North and South Korea, China, Taiwan and Japan. They are seabirds with long necks and bills, growing to be at about 90 cm in length and with a maximum wingspan of 130 cm. The black feathers gives them a sinister look, but they also have iridescent green and bronze feathers and thin white feathers that extend out from their head and neck.

Comorants nest in groups on rocky coastlines, rarely living inland. Carnivores, their diets are mainly comprised of fish, which they hunt by diving underwater. Humans have historically used these birds, with fishermen training those seabirds to catch fish for them. By tying a rope to the base of the neck, loose enough so only small fish can pass through, the fisherman waits until the bird captures a large fish and removes it from their throat, although this method is not as common today because more efficient techniques exist.


Cormorant fishing can still be seen in Gifu City, in Gifu Prefecture, Japan. Fisherman near the Nagara River have been using this traditional fishing method called "ukai" for over 1300 years.





Bird Friends
Atlantic PuffinGreat AukTufted Puffin
Greater Bird-Of-ParadiseGreater LophorinaWestern Parotia
Birds of Prey Guadalupe CaracaraKing VultureLappet-Faced VultureNorthern GoshawkPeregrine FalconSecretarybirdStriated Caracara
Eagles Bald EagleGolden EagleHarpy EagleMartial Eagle
Owls Barn OwlEurasian Eagle-OwlForest OwletKyushu OwlNorthern White-Faced OwlSpectacled Owl
DodoPassenger PigeonRock Dove
Grey Crowned CraneOkinawa RailRed-Crowned CraneWhite-Naped Crane
Black-Tailed GullCommon GullRoss's Gull
Pelecaniformes Great White PelicanPink-Backed PelicanShoebill
Ibises Black-Headed IbisCrested IbisScarlet Ibis
Adélie PenguinAfrican PenguinChinstrap PenguinEmperor PenguinGentoo PenguinHumboldt PenguinKing PenguinNew Zealand Giant PenguinRoyal PenguinSouthern Rockhopper Penguin
ChickenChukar PartridgeGreen PheasantIndian PeafowlRed JunglefowlRock PtarmiganWhite Peafowl
Acorn WoodpeckerCampo FlickerGreater Honeyguide
Common OstrichEmuGreater RheaNorth Island Giant MoaSouthern Brown KiwiSouthern Cassowary
Oriental StorkSaddle-Billed StorkWhite Stork
Black SwanEastern Spot-Billed DuckEgyptian GooseTundra Swan
Miscellaneous Birds
Arctic TernAustralian BrushturkeyBarn SwallowBlue-and-Yellow MacawCommon CuckooGastornisGoldcrestGreat CormorantGreat Dusky SwiftGreat HornbillGreater FlamingoGreater RoadrunnerHelmeted GuineafowlJapanese Bush WarblerJapanese CormorantLarge-Billed CrowLong-Tailed TitMarvelous SpatuletailMasked BoobyMedium Tree FinchNorthern Carmine Bee-EaterResplendent QuetzalRhinoceros HornbillScarlet MacawSuperb LyrebirdSuzakuYatagarasuYellow-Rumped Cacique