Island Fox/KemoV

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Island Fox

Island FoxKemoVOriginal.png

Friend Data
Debut June 11, 2021
Phase First
Nicknames Shimahai, Gityune(ギチューネ), Shimahae(しまへー)
Special Skills singing, gaming, solving riddles
Channel Youtube
Social Media @Shimahai_KEMOV
Tag #シマハイイロギツネちゃんねる
Art Tag #しまはいあーと
Personal Emoji 🏝 🦊
Island Fox Season 2 KF3 KemoV Gallery

Island Fox, more commonly called by her nickname Shimahai (シマハイ), is a Virtual YouTuber and part of the KemoV project. She debuted on June 11, 2021 as the third member of KemoV. She is a very experienced singer and entertainer, as well as an enjoyer of all kind of games.


She is quick-witted, smart, mature and dedicated to Vtuber work and gaming. She has a soft voice and often speaks in a humorous way but it changes to a mature and powerful voice when singing. She often humorously refers herself as an "otaku" and pay attention to live performances by other KemoV members as well as associated female Vtubers. She is often regarded as a helpful leader by other members and has played a prominent role in connecting various Vtuber friends with KemoV. She is often the one who communicates with fans and viewers about any issues about livestreams.


She greets her viewers with "Hi! Kon-kon!" (はい!こんこん!). She ends her streams by saying "Bye! Kon-kon" (ばい!こんこん!). "Kon-kon" is a Japanese onomatopoeia of a fox's cry.

Regular Streams

Her regular stream often recurs at 23:00 JST and lasts for at least an hour. The themes are mostly either chatting with viewers or gaming, including PS4, Switch and PC games. She rarely stream during the day. At the end of each month, she does an evening stream called "Snack Shimahai" (スナックシマハイ) chatting with viewers and reviewing activities of the month.



  • June 7, 2021: Her debut was announced in Kemono Friends 3's livestream.
  • June 11, 2021: Her first ever livestream as well as 3D Debut along with African Penguin and Humboldt Penguin.
  • June 12, 2021: Her first solo livestream.
  • June 14, 2021: Her first gameplay stream playing "Biomutant". The game's Japanese publisher, THQ Nordic Japan's Twitter account tweeted to acknowledge her livestream.
  • September 19, 2021: She together with African Penguin and Humboldt Penguin represented KemoV to perform at Life Like A Live!2, an online virtual idol concert.
  • October 4, 2021: First external collab with Siro (電脳少女シロ), AniMare(あにまーれ)'s Inaba Haneru (因幡はねる) and Kuku Kazami (風見くく), Tomari Mari (兎鞠まり), Nekomiya Hinata (猫宮ひなた), together with African Penguin and Humboldt Penguin, playing "Gartic Phone".
  • October 23, 2021: She appeared on an episode of Garibenga V (超人女子戦士 ガリベンガーV), a VTuber variety show hosted by the comedian, Eiji Kotoge (小峠英二) and VTuber Cyber Girl Shiro (電脳少女シロ). The episode also featured Hololive VTuber, Shirakami Fubuki (白上フブキ).
  • December 26, 2021: Membership of her Youtube channel started.
  • February 2, 2022: She made a surprise announcement during that day's livestream that her character would be appearing in Kemono Friends 3.
  • February 25, 2022: Together with Coyote and over 50 other Vtubers, she participated in FallAIs2, a Fall Guys tournament organized by Kizuna AI.
  • March 6, 2022: She appeared at the February-March 2022 Pop-Up Shop at Shinjuku Marui, in the form of a robot created by V-Sido creator Wataru Yoshizaki.
  • March 25, 2022: She together with Humboldt Penguin and Coyote represented KemoV to perform at Life Like A Live!3, an online virtual idol concert.
  • June 11, 2022: Celebration stream for her 1 Year Anniversary since debut, with Nekomiya Hinata (猫宮ひなた) and Yamato Iori (ヤマト イオリ) as guests.
  • September 17, 2022: Her new 2D outfit (Summer) avatar reveal stream. This was the first time a KemoV first phase member getting a 2D avatar.
  • September 19, 2022: Island Fox together with two members of Shrims, Hanakoto Igusa and Rurun Rururica, will be joining the e-sport event, EEECUP Vol2, as guests to play Apex Legends.
  • October 5, 2022: She had a collab livestream interviewing and chatting with Nekomasu (ねこます), one of the so-called "Four Kings of Virtual Youtuber" (バーチャルYouTuber四天王).
  • November 6, 2022: First anniversary of the Vtuber group, Shrimsu where Island Fox is in. All the members covered "人生に拍手喝采を / げろソニ2021" to celebrate the anniversary.
  • November 20, 2022: Her another 2D outfit (Winter variation) avatar revealed.
  • December 18, 2022: She performed in the "Kemono Friends V 1stLive" with all the current KemoV members.
  • January 20, 2023: From January 20 to February 17, she participated in a game event of Rise of Kingdoms, "Rise of Oshi" (推し活対抗戦), to compete with three other KemoV members with the help of her fans.
  • January 26, 2023: A major external collab with "fingger Group" (fingger部), a comedian/gamer group representing "fingger" which is a participatory game platform. She played against the group, Girly Record (ガーリィレコード), a Japanese comedian group on YouTube.
  • March 4, 2023: She appeared at Pop-Up Shop at Shinjuku Marui again, this time as the guest on screen, for the event "アライグマがやってくる!?けものフレンズ3 SHOPにあそびに行くのだ!", where the robot Raccoon was revealed.
  • March 14, 2023: Having won the Rise of Kingdom event, "Rise of Oshi", she will be starring in the game's TVCM. The commercial will be broadcasted on the Japanese TV station, Tokyo MX, from 14th to 19th evening. This will be the first time a KemoV member appearing on TV.
  • June 11, 2023: Celebration stream for her 2 Year Anniversary since debut.
  • June 16, 2023: 3D celebration stream for her 2 Year Anniversary with Nekomiya Hinata (猫宮ひなた), Enomiya Milk (愛宮みるく) and Rurun Rururica (ルルン・ルルリカ) as Vtuber guests.
  • June 30, 2023: During her Snack Shimahai, a regular stream at the end of every month, she with the rest of the members announced and launched "KemoVRoadto200k" (けもVフレンズ20万人計画), a plan to reach the short-term goal of 20k subs - counting all members' subscriber numbers collectively on Youtube.
  • September 24, 2023: She, together with Humboldt Penguin, Caracal and Siberian Chipmunk, participated in a joint singing relay 'ドリーム歌枠リレー' with 2 other Vtuber groups, Stellar Cycle Campus (星めぐり学園) and Stardust Virtual Studio.
  • November 9, 2023: She and Kokoro Yoshibana (吉花こころ) appeared as guests on an episode of Garibenga V, a VTuber variety show hosted by the comedian, Eiji Kotoge and VTuber Cyber Girl Shiro.
  • November 11, 2023: She together with Coyote and Caracal represented KemoV to perform at Life Like a Live!6, a three-day online virtual idol concert.
  • December 16, 2023: She will be performing in the second KemoV live performance, Kemono Friends LIVE (けものフレンズV LIVE♪ かがやきをより強く!), with all the current members.
  • January 30, 2024: Celebration stream for reaching 20k subscribers.
  • February 1, 2024: She and Ouka Hatena (黄花はてな) appeared as guests on an episode of Garibenga V, a VTuber variety show hosted by the comedian, Eiji Kotoge and VTuber Cyber Girl Shiro.
  • March 24, 2024: She together with Humboldt Penguin, Caracal, Brown Long-Eared Bat and Jungle Cat will be representing KemoV to perform at Life Like a Live!7, a three-day online virtual idol concert.
  • June 14, 2024: Her third anniversary 3D stream, with Humboldt Penguin, Itopoid (イトッポイド) and Yamato Iori as guests.
  • July 18, 2024: She along with 4 other KemoV members are participating in Nekosaba RUST (猫鯖RUST) playing with over 100 Vtubers.
  • August 25, 2024: She organised 'Blazing Japari Singing Matsuri' (灼熱のジャパリ歌謡祭), a singing relay with various Vtubers joining. This is the first time KemoV organising a singing relay with external parties.
  • September 15, 2024: She, Inaba Haneru and .LIVE's Chieri Kakyoin (花京院ちえり) appeared as special guests on the last event of Garibenga V. Different from previous episodes, this event was held at Zepp Shinjuku in Tokyo.
  • November 7, 2024: It's been announced that she will release her first original solo song 'Grayish Heaven'. This will be one of the 6 original solos to be released by KemoV for the Kemono Friends live performance on November 9, 2024.
  • November 9, 2024: She along with 8 other current KemoV members performed in the Kemono Friends live performance, 'Kemono Friends LIVE Hello Japan!' (けものフレンズLIVE はろー じゃぱん!) at Studio Freedom, Tokyo.
  • January 24, 2025: She together with Humboldt Penguin, Caracal, Geoffroy's Cat and Brown Long-Eared Bat joined the Hotpot livestream for Kemono Friends X Mizkan collaboration celebrating 10th year anniversary of the franchise. This was her first official hand-cam stream.


  • She calls her fans "Min'na-tachi" (みんなたち).
  • It is said that she like corn tea. Her fans therefore often welcome new viewers in the chat with corn tea which is represented by emoji (🌽🍵). Her membership badges are also inspired by corn tea or corn.
  • August 1st is designated as "Shimahai's Day".
  • She loves to drink. She also likes salt, in terms of food.
  • She is known for giving nicknames to other members, including Coyote's Coyo-chan-man (コヨちゃんマン) and Dire Wolf's Dia-man (ダイアマン). She often calls Jungle Cat Jan-san (ジャンさん), and Brown Long-Eared Bat U-chan(うーちゃん) instead of their common nicknames. Seemingly she was also responsible for inventing and popularising Siberian Chipmunk's other nickname, Kozō (こぞう / 小僧).
  • Caracal gave her the nickname "Shimahae" (しまへー). Siberian Chipmunk also calls her by that name.
  • She has formed a group called Shrimsu(しゅりむす) with 5 other Vtubers outside the KemoV project and often collabs with the group. The other members include Irodori Mayoi (彩まよい), Rurun Rururica (ルルン・ルルリカ), Sakurazuki Kanon (桜月花音), Mizugame Mia (水瓶ミア) and Hanakoto Igusa (花琴いぐさ).
  • She drew and tweeted a doodle which was meant to be her self-portrait but it became a popular meme among fans. She later named it as Kanihai (カニハイ).
  • She is known to have very little reaction to horror games and jumpscares in them.
  • She performed as one of the Vtuber vocals for the song, Blessing, premiered at Ookami Kuon (桜神くおん)'s Youtube channel on 28 July 2022. Other vocals included Mitsurugi Lia (ミツルギリア), Inuzuki Ren (戌月れん) and Amanohoshi Chiroru (甘ノ星ちろる).
  • When Island Fox was debuted as a KemoV member in 2021, island fox plushes of Santa Barbara Zoo in California had temporarily sold out. The plush was probably the only merchandise of the fox at that time and demand from fans contributed to the shortage, evidenced by the photos of that plush from Japanese fans.
  • In June 2022, fans organized an unofficial event, "Shimahai Art Train 1st Anniversary", where they rented a train from Mizuma Railway (水間鉄道) and decorated it with fan arts. The tweet from the official account of the railway.
  • Around early 2023, 'Hijinkai' (ハイジン会), a fan community of Island Fox has established because of the game event of Rise of Kingdoms, "Rise of Oshi" (推し活対抗戦). This community has been notably mentioned by Santa Barbara Zoo for their donations to the fundraising campaign of an injured island fox's surgery in February 2024.
  • Similar to African Penguin, Island Fox's voice actress name in the mobile game, Kemono Friends 3 is listed as "・・・?". Her name not being listed in the game conforms to the practice of Virtual YouTubers' real-life personal identity being protected.


External Links

Island Fox's YouTube Channel

Island Fox's Twitter account

First Phase African PenguinHumboldt PenguinIsland FoxCoyoteDire WolfCaracal
Second Phase Large-Spotted GenetGeoffroy's CatBrown Long-Eared BatJungle CatSiberian Chipmunk