Friends Type Cellien

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A group of Friends Type Cellien in the manga version.

Friends Type Cellien (Japanese:フレンズ型セルリアン Hepburn:Furenzu Gata Serurian) is a type of Cellien that appeared in Kemono Friends 2.


On the verge of Friends Type Cellien outbreak.

Friends Type Cellien is characterized by a huge eyeball attached to the face of the Friends, and its entire body is black. The silhouette is the same as that of the original Friends in the anime in which it first appeared, although it changes depending on the medium. Their abilities mimic those of the original Friends, for example, Cheetah is a fast runner and Common Bottlenose Dolphin is a good swimmer.

The process of their emergence is triggered by the attachment of the Cellium to the sketches drawn by Kyururu. A Friends Type Cellien is born, as if it were a copy of a Friends in the sketch. In the experiment conducted by Kaban, when a large amount of Cellium is brought into contact with the sketches, a tendency for the Cellien to become larger by that amount emerges. If a sketch depicts many Friends, it is depicted in the animation as if the Cellium is dispersed as many as the number of Friends.

In the sense of a Cellien that represents Friends, though, so does Cellval, but it differs in a number of ways, including the fact that Cellval copies Serval herself, not the drawing, in all her glory, and that her body is green and has compound eyes.


In Kemono Friends 2

Makes its first appearance in "Check In." It appears in the territory of the Friends that Kyururu met, and becomes known to Kaban and her research friends through "Double Sphere" and Raccoon , Fennec Fox. Kaban immediately conducts an experiment to determine the mechanism of the appearance. Once Kaban's experiments were complete, Kaban and her friends immediately moved on to the source of the outbreak, Kyururu. Kyururu learns from Common Bottlenose Dolphin and California Sea Lion, who had reached the Japari Hotel a step ahead of them, that his sketches are generating the Friends Type Cellien, and retrieves his sketchbook. However, a little late in the day, a large number of Friends Type Cellien have already been generated, and Kyururu and his friends are surrounded. Thanks to the efforts of Kaban and the other Friends, the Friends Type Cellien are exterminated.

In Kemono Friends 2 (Manga)

A group of Friends Type Cellien in the manga version.

The process is almost the same as in the anime, and it attacks Kyururu and his friends. In this manga, there are differences between the Friends Type Cellien and the original Friends, notably that the Western Lowland Gorilla-type Cellien are larger and more powerful than the original Western Lowland Gorilla. There are also Kaban-type Cellien and Kyururu-type Cellien that did not appear in the anime.


Friends Type Cellien also appeared on Stage Play. However, it is unknown what caused it. In the previous work, a flag with a drawing of Friends left by humans was found in the Snowy mountain area, so it is possible that a drawing left by humans, such as the Kyururu sketch, was left somewhere and became the source of the outbreak.

World of Kemono Friends
Major Characters
Humans CalendaHikariJinriJSRT CaptainKabanKakoKyururuMiraiNanaPark FounderTowaHaruka
Friends ServalCellvalCaracalKabanRaccoonFennec FoxPPPEzo Red FoxFour GodsDholeMeerkatShort-Beaked Common Dolphin
Other Cellien QueenCelliensLuckyLucky BeastsLucky Beast Type-IIIStar BeastsGroups
Japari ParkKingdomKyōshū RegionRiukiu RegionPark CentralPavilionJuuoh Park
Japari BunJapari BusJapari LineKemono AmuletLucky BeastPatrol Plane
CellienFriendBeastSandstarCelliumSparkleKemonoplasmKemo Harmony
Useful Pages
Introduction to Kemono FriendsList of FriendsGlossary
Major Characters KyururuServalCaracalLucky BeastGiant ArmadilloGiant PangolinDomestic Dog (Mixed-Breed)
Minor Characters AardwolfAtlantic PuffinAye-AyeBat-Eared FoxBlack LeopardBlue WildebeestCalifornia Sea LionCampo FlickerCommon Bottlenose DolphinCheetahCommon Vampire BatCrested IbisDomestic PigDonkeyEastern Spot-Billed DuckEmperor PenguinEurasian Eagle-OwlFennec FoxGentoo PenguinGiant PandaGreater LophorinaGreater RoadrunnerHumboldt PenguinKabanLeopardMargayNorthern White-Faced OwlOkinawan HabuPassenger PigeonPronghornRaccoonRaccoon DogRed PandaRoyal PenguinSaltwater CrocodileSiberian TigerSouthern Rockhopper PenguinSpectacled CaimanThomson's GazelleWestern Lowland GorillaWestern Parotia
Cameos African Wild DogArabian OryxAsian Golden CatAsian Small-Clawed OtterAustralian DevilAxolotlBarbary LionBlack-Backed JackalBlack-Headed IbisBlack-Tailed Prairie DogBrown BearCape LionCapybaraChickenDomestic DogEzo Red FoxGolden EagleGolden Snub-Nosed MonkeyGolden TigerGray WolfGreat AukHonduran White BatImpalaIriomote CatIsland FoxJaguarJapanese River OtterJapanese WolfKoalaLarge-Billed CrowLionMaltese TigerMasked Palm CivetMeerkatMooseMouflonNorth American BeaverNorthern GoshawkNorthern Sea OtterOkapiPlatypusPumaRed FoxRed KangarooReticulated GiraffeRock DoveSand CatScarlet IbisShort-Beaked Common DolphinSilver FoxSpotted HyenaStoatSuri AlpacaTsuchinokoWhite LionYatagarasu
Beyond MemoriesPanda and PandaCreatures of the SeaDifferent Kinds of HousesThe Power of HumansA New MorningBeyond SpeedNew Song in ConcertWelcome HomeCheck-inThe Ocean's MoodI'm Home
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