Festival:Update History
The history of Kemono Friends Festival, both in terms of pre-release promotional history and post-release update history.
Pre-Release History
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Kemono Friends Festival was first hinted at by the @kemo_project Twitter account on March 14th, in this tweet, which contained a link to a page counting down to March 26th. Upon the arrival of the date, the game was announced, along with its genre, adventure RPG, and the beginning of its pre-registration campaign.
- 10,000 Registrations - 300 Miracle Gems (achieved March 26th)
- 30,000 Registrations - 900 Miracle Gems (achieved March 28th)
- 60,000 Registrations - 1800 Miracle Gems
- 100,000 Registrations - Shiserval Right
The official Festival Twitter account was also opened on the same day.
On April 16th, an OPENRec livestream was held that revealed that Friends had five stats - HP, Strength, Speed, Weight, and Senses - that could be adjusted using points. During this stream, three new Friends - Sand Cat, African Bush Elephant, and Tufted Puffin - were revealed, along with the existence of "AP" and a coin-based currency other than Miracle Gems. A Tweet was also posted regarding the statistics, though the new Friends were left in the stream.
On April 19th, another tweet was posted containing a short clip of a story scene from the game, confirming the presence of Celliens, Northern White-Faced Owl, and Eurasian Eagle-Owl.
On April 27th, a second story clip Tweet was posted, simultaneously revealing Humboldt Penguin for the game.
On June 7th, Festival was released with 70 Friends.
On June 9th, the game received a number of bug fixes and altered the game's battles to run smoother across all devices.
On June 10th, the Event Stages were changed; the Commemoration stages were replaced with Daily Quest stages, which also contained the first Wild Release material drops in the game.
From June 15th to June 20th, the first Event ("Menso-re! Riukiu Friends!") took place. It contained 4 limited-time Friends; a seasonal skin for Raccoon (Riukiu Raccoon) and 3 brand-new Friends (Okinawa Rail, Shisa Left and Shisa Right). Riukiu and Shisa Lefty were obtainable from a limited-time gacha pool, while Rail and Shisa Right were obtainable as rare drops from the event's exclusive Chapter. The Event Chapter itself included 4 stages and 4 dialogues.
From June 22nd to June 29th, the second Event (Everyone's Idol! Colorful Hululu!) took place. It contained 4 limited-time Friends; a seasonal skin for Humboldt Penguin (featuring her in an idol outfit) and 3 brand-new Friends (Grey Crowned Crane, Daito Fruit Bat and Indian Peafowl). Humboldt Penguin and Peafowl were obtainable from a limited-time gacha pool, while Crane and Bat were obtainable as rare drops from the event's exclusive Chapter. The Event chapter itself included 4 stages and X dialogues.
From June 30th to July 9th, the third Event (おねがい!たなばたのほしぞら) took place. It contained 4 limited-time Friends; a seasonal skin for Crested Ibis (featuring her in an outfit based on the deity Orihime) and 3 brand-new Friends (Tsuchinoko, Iriomote Cat and Gray Wolf). Crested Ibis and Tsuchinoko were obtainable from a limited-time gacha pool, while Iriomote Cat and Gray Wolf were obtainable as rare drops from the event's exclusive Chapter. The Event chapter itself included 4 stages and X dialogues.
- List of Friends added in June
- African Bush Elephant ★★★★
- Arabian Oryx ★★★★
- Arctic Fox ★★★★
- Brown Bear ★★★★
- Emperor Penguin ★★★★
- Ezo Brown Bear ★★★★
- Indian Elephant ★★★★
- Indian Rhinoceros ★★★★
- Lion ★★★★
- Moose ★★★★
- Northern White-Faced Owl ★★★★
- Royal Penguin ★★★★
- Sand Cat ★★★★
- Shiserval Lefty ★★★★
- Shiserval Right ★★★★
- White Lion ★★★★
- Riukiu Raccoon ★★★★
- Okinawa Rail ★★★★
- Idol Humboldt Penguin ★★★★
- Daito Fruit Bat ★★★★
- Orihime Crested Ibis ★★★★
- Gray Wolf ★★★★
- African Rock Python ★★★
- Crested Ibis ★★★
- Eurasian Eagle-Owl ★★★
- Fennec Fox ★★★
- Gentoo Penguin ★★★
- Hippopotamus ★★★
- Humboldt Penguin ★★★
- Jaguar ★★★
- Margay ★★★
- North American Beaver ★★★
- Northern Goshawk ★★★
- Polar Bear ★★★
- Raccoon ★★★
- Southern Rockhopper Penguin ★★★
- Southern Tamandua ★★★
- Sumatran Elephant ★★★
- Suri Alpaca ★★★
- White Rhinoceros ★★★
- Shisa Lefty ★★★
- Shisa Right ★★★
- Indian Peafowl ★★★
- Grey Crowned Crane ★★★
- Tsuchinoko ★★★
- Iriomote Cat ★★★
- Aardwolf ★★
- Asian Small-Clawed Otter ★★
- Bengal Tiger ★★
- Black Leopard ★★
- Black-Tailed Prairie Dog ★★
- Chapman's Zebra ★★
- Collared Peccary ★★
- Crested Porcupine ★★
- Greater Flamingo ★★
- Hippopotamus Gorgops ★★
- Large-Billed Crow ★★
- Lappet-Faced Vulture ★★
- Leopard ★★
- Northern Sea Otter ★★
- Panther Chameleon ★★
- Plains Zebra ★★
- Red Fox ★★
- Red Kangaroo ★★
- Reticulated Giraffe ★★
- Scarlet Ibis ★★
- Serval ★★
- Wild Bactrian Camel ★★
- Chicken ★
- Puma ★
- Domestic Dog ★
- Dromedary ★
- Eurasian Beaver ★
- Giant Panda ★
- Grévy's Zebra ★
- Holstein Friesian Cattle ★
- Mountain Zebra ★
- Pallas's Cat ★
- Red Junglefowl ★
- Rock Dove ★
- Eastern Spot-Billed Duck ★
- Tasmanian Devil ★
On 7/9, Challenges were implemented, divided into Daily, Normal and Event variants with per-quest rewards for completion.
From July 10th to July 20th, the fourth Event (ドタバタ!?フェネックカフェ) took place. It contained 4 limited-time Friends; a seasonal skin for Fennec Fox (featuring her in a French maid uniform) and 3 brand-new Friends (Caracal, Huacaya Alpaca and Shoebill). Fennec and Caracal were obtainable from a limited-time gacha pool, while Huacaya Alpaca and Shoebill were obtainable as rare drops from the event's exclusive Chapter. The Event chapter itself included 4 stages and X dialogues.
From July 21st to July 30th, the fifth Event (ねらって!マリンスプラッシュ!) took place. It contained 4 limited-time Friends; a seasonal skin for Margay (featuring her in a stylised sailor uniform) and 3 brand-new Friends (Ocelot, Southern Sea Otter and Blue Whale). Margay and Ocelot were obtainable from a limited-time gacha pool, while Otter and Whale were obtainable as rare drops from the event's exclusive Chapter. However, this event incorporated a different format for the first time, utilising a points system for stage completion and ranking; completing stages faster, with more defeated enemies and with more HP remaining accrues more points, and rewards are given for reaching set totals. All players were placed in a leaderboard according to their totals. Post-event rewards were also given depending on the player's ranking, including gold KSK and materials; players in the top 50 also received a Blue Whale and the game's first instances of White Wild Release material (meaning it is now possible to Wild Release a 4-star Friend).
From July 31st to August 9th, the sixth event (どきどき!真夏の海あそび!) took place. It contained 5 limited-time friends; seasonal skins for Serval and Aardwolf (featuring them in bikinis) and 3 brand-new Friends (Common Bottlenose Dolphin, Short-Beaked Common Dolphin and Chinese White Dolphin). Serval, Aardwolf and Bottlenose Dolphin were obtainable from a limited-time gacha pool, while the other Dolphins were obtainable as rare drops from the event's exclusive Chapter. This event used the same ranking and score system as the previous event. Post-event rewards were also identical (only with Chinese White Dolphin being awarded instead of Blue Whale)
- List of Friends added in July
- Maid Fennec Fox ★★★★
- Shoebill ★★★★
- Marine Margay ★★★★
- Blue Whale ★★★★
- Summer Serval ★★★★
- Summer Aardwolf ★★★★
- Chinese White Dolphin ★★★★
- Caracal ★★★
- Huacaya Alpaca ★★★
- Ocelot ★★★
- Southern Sea Otter ★★★
- Common Bottlenose Dolphin ★★★
- Short-Beaked Common Dolphin ★★★
From August 10th to August 20th, the seventh event (咲かせて!夏の夜空に打ち上げ花火!) took place. It contained 5 limited-time friends; seasonal skins for Bat-Eared Fox and Red Fox (featuring them in yukata) and 3 brand-new Friends (Silver Fox, Bat-Eared Fox and Ezo Red Fox). Bat-Eared Fox, Red Fox and Silver Fox were obtainable from a limited-time gacha pool, while the other Foxes were obtainable as rare drops from the event's exclusive Chapter. This event used a rank system, with Ezo Red Fox being the award Friend.
From August 21st to August 30th, the eighth event (レッツゴー!りうきう探険隊!) took place. It contained 6 limited-time friends; seasonal skins for Hippo and Reticulated Giraffe (featuring them in camouflaged clothes) and 4 brand-new Friends (Baird's Tapir, Koala, Okapi and Przewalski's Horse). Hippo, Giraffe, Horse and Tapir were obtainable from a limited-time gacha pool, while Koala and Okapi were obtainable as rare drops from the event's exclusive Chapter. Przewalski's Horse and Giraffe were added to gacha later in the event, a few days after release. This event used a rank system, with Okapi being the award Friend.
From August 31st to September 10th, the ninth event (わいわい!フレンズたちのお月見会!) took place. It contained 5 limited-time friends; seasonal skins for Suri Alpaca and Scarlet Ibis (featuring them in festival dresses) and 3 brand-new Friends (Japanese Black Bear, Tufted Puffin and Atlantic Puffin). Alpaca and Ibis were obtainable from a limited-time gacha pool, while Bear and the Puffins were obtainable as rare drops from the event's exclusive Chapter. This event used a rank system, with Japanese Black Bear being the award Friend.
- List of Friends added in August
- Yukata Bat-Eared Fox ★★★★
- Yukata Red Fox ★★★★
- Ezo Red Fox ★★★★
- Military Hippo ★★★★
- Military Reticulated Giraffe ★★★★
- Okapi ★★★★
- Tsukimi Suri Alpaca ★★★★
- Tsukimi Scarlet Ibis ★★★★
- Japanese Black Bear ★★★★
- Silver Fox ★★★
- Bat-Eared Fox ★★★
- Baird's Tapir ★★★
- Koala ★★★
- Przewalski's Horse ★★★
- Tufted Puffin ★★★
- Atlantic Puffin ★★★
From September 11th to the 20th, the tenth event (おうえん!フレンズ☆チアリーダー!) took place. It contained 6 limited-time friends; seasonal skins for Southern Tamandua and Collared Peccary (featuring them in cheerleader uniforms) and 4 brand-new Friends (Pale Fox, Platypus, Greater Roadrunner and Kodiak Bear). Tamandua, Peccary and Bear were obtainable from a limited-time gacha pool, while the others were obtainable as drops from the event's exclusive chapter.
From September 21st to the 30th, the eleventh event (ジャガーとコツメカワウソのどんどこどんどん!) took place. It contained 6 limited-time friends; seasonal skins for Jaguar and Asian Small-Clawed Otter (featuring them in parade uniforms) and 4 brand-new Friends (Coyote, Mouflon, Black Wildebeest and Blue Wildebeest). Otter was released about halfway into the event. Jaguar, Otter, Mouflon and Blue Wildebeest were obtainable from a limited-time gacha pool, while the others were obtainable as drops from the event's exclusive chapter.
From September 22nd to the 30th, an additional printer was added in celebration of World Rhino Day. A new Friend, Black Rhinoceros, was added to the game, and she had heightened roll chance along with White Rhinoceros and Indian Rhinoceros.
- List of Friends added in September
- Cheer Southern Tamandua ★★★★
- Cheer Collared Peccary ★★★★
- Pale Fox ★★★★
- Marching Jaguar ★★★★
- Marching Asian Small-Clawed Otter ★★★★
- Coyote ★★★★
- Black Rhinoceros ★★★★
- Kodiak Bear ★★★
- Platypus ★★★
- Greater Roadrunner ★★★
- Mouflon ★★★
- Blue Wildebeest ★★★
- Black Wildebeest ★★★
From October 1st to the 10th, the twelfth event (フクロウ探偵登場!) took place. It contained 6 limited-time friends; seasonal skins for Northern White-Faced Owl and Eurasian Eagle-Owl (featuring them in detective uniforms reminiscent of Sherlock Holmes and Watson) and 4 brand-new Friends (Golden Jackal, African Golden Wolf, Campo Flicker and White Peafowl). The Owls and Golden Wolf were obtainable from a limited-time gacha pool, while the others were obtainable as drops from the event's exclusive chapter.
From October 10th to the 21st, the thirteenth event (四神イベント!セイリュウ降臨!) took place. It contained 6 limited-time friends; seasonal skins for Royal Penguin and Emperor Penguin (featuring them in blue dancing outfits) and 4 brand-new Friends (Seiryu, African Wild Dog, Golden Snub-Nosed Monkey and King Cheetah). The Penguins and African Wild Dog were obtainable from a limited-time gacha pool, while the others were obtainable as drops from the event's exclusive chapter. This event had a slightly different layout compared to prior events. Its chapter consisted of 5 stages (up from 4), the last 3 of which had Seiryu as a special boss and rare drop.
From October 22nd to the 30th, the fourteenth event (ジェーンとイワビーのハッピーハロウィン!) took place. It contained 6 limited-time friends; seasonal skins for Gentoo Penguin and Southern Rockhopper Penguin (featuring them in witch-like uniforms with a Halloween color scheme) and 4 brand-new Friends (South American Tapir, American Bison, Common Ostrich and Bald Eagle). The Penguins, Tapir and Bison were obtainable from a limited-time gacha pool, while the others were obtainable as drops from the event's exclusive chapter.
On October 24th, a PvP feature was added, in the form of an Arena where players could use teams of 3 Friends to battle. Additionally, a rerun printer was active until November 7th, with rateup chances for several prior event 4-stars.
- List of Friends added in October
- Detective Northern White-Faced Owl ★★★★
- Detective Eurasian Eagle-Owl ★★★★
- Campo Flicker ★★★★
- Water Dancer Royal Penguin ★★★★
- Water Dancer Emperor Penguin ★★★★
- Seiryu ★★★★
- Halloween Gentoo Penguin ★★★★
- Halloween Southern Rockhopper Penguin ★★★★
- Common Ostrich ★★★★
- Angel Sand Cat ★★★★
- Devil Tsuchinoko ★★★★
- Thomson's Gazelle ★★★★
- White Peafowl ★★★
- African Golden Wolf ★★★
- Golden Jackal ★★★
- African Wild Dog ★★★
- Golden Snub-Nosed Monkey ★★★
- King Cheetah ★★★
- South American Tapir ★★★
- Bald Eagle ★★★
- American Bison ★★★
- Impala ★★★
- Bush Hyrax ★★★
- Common Eland ★★★
From November 1st to the 11th, the fifteenth event (砂漠の天使とさがしもの) took place. It contained 6 limited-time friends; seasonal skins for Sand Cat and Tsuchinoko (featuring them in angel and devil costumes, respectively) and 4 brand-new friends (Impala, Thomson's Gazelle, Bush Hyrax and Common Eland). Sand Cat, Tsuchinoko, Impala and Bush Hyrax were obtainable from a limited-time gacha pool, while the others were obtainable as drops from the event's exclusive chapter.
From November 11th to the 21st, the sixteenth event (四神イベント!ビャッコ降臨!) took place. It contained 6 limited-time friends; seasonal skins for Panther Chameleon and Black Leopard (featuring them dressed as kunoichi) and 4 brand-new friends (Byakko, Aye-Aye, Red-Eared Slider and Axis Deer). Chameleon, Leopard, Slider and Deer were obtainable from a limited-time gacha pool, while the others were obtainable as drops from the event's exclusive chapter. This event took a similar structure to the event containing Seiryu, with a boss chapter at the end.
From November 21st to the 30th, the seventeenth event (おねがい!シマウマシスター) took place. It contained 6 limited-time friends; seasonal skins for Chapman's Zebra and Plains Zebra (featuring them as nuns) and 4 brand-new friends (Sheep, Mountain Tapir, Stoat and Malayan Tapir). The Zebras, Mountain Tapir and Stoat were obtainable from a limited-time gacha pool, while the others were obtainable as drops from the event's exclusive chapter.
From November 21st to the 30th, the eighteenth event (おねがい!シマウマシスター) took place. It contained 6 limited-time friends; seasonal skins for Chapman's Zebra and Plains Zebra (featuring them as nuns) and 4 brand-new friends (Sheep, Mountain Tapir, Stoat and Malayan Tapir). The Zebras, Mountain Tapir and Stoat were obtainable from a limited-time gacha pool, while the others were obtainable as drops from the event's exclusive chapter.
From November 30th to December 10th, the nineteenth event (ゆきやこんこん♪わんにゃんフレンズ) took place. It contained 6 limited-time friends; seasonal skins for Domestic Dog and Domestic Cat (featuring them in warm winter clothing) and 4 brand-new friends (Silky Anteater, Japanese Marten, Sable, Eurasian Lynx). Dog, Cat, Anteater and Lynx were obtainable from a limited-time gacha pool, while the others were obtainable as drops from the event's exclusive chapter.
- List of Friends added in November
- Angel Sand Cat ★★★★
- Devil Tsuchinoko ★★★★
- Thomson's Gazelle ★★★★
- Wind Kunoichi Panther Chameleon ★★★★
- Wind Kunoichi Black Leopard ★★★★
- Byakko ★★★★
- Sister Chapman's Zebra ★★★★
- Sister Plains Zebra ★★★★
- Sheep ★★★★
- Snow Fun Domestic Dog ★★★★
- Snow Fun Domestic Cat ★★★★
- Sable ★★★★
- Impala ★★★
- Bush Hyrax ★★★
- Common Eland ★★★
- Axis Deer ★★★
- Red-Eared Slider ★★★
- Aye-Aye ★★★
- Mountain Tapir ★★★
- Stoat ★★★
- Malayan Tapir ★★★
- Silky Anteater ★★★
- Eurasian Lynx ★★★
- Japanese Marten ★★★
From December 11th to the 20th, the twentieth event (四神イベント!ゲンブ降臨) took place. It contained 6 limited-time friends; seasonal skins for Tasmanian Devil and Cheetah (featuring them in villainous-looking attire) and 4 brand-new friends (Giant Armadillo, Australian Brushturkey, Genbu, Giant Pangolin). Devil, Cheetah, Armadillo and Pangolin were obtainable from a limited-time gacha pool, while the others were obtainable as drops from the event's exclusive chapter.
From December 20th to the 29th, the twenty-first event (ないしょの★はっぴーめりーくりすますぅ!) took place. It contained 6 limited-time friends; seasonal skins for Brown Bear and Polar Bear (featuring them in Christmas costumes styled after Santa Claus) and 4 brand-new friends (Tibetan Sand Fox, Pink Fairy Armadillo, Reindeer, Geoffroy's Cat). The Bears, Fox and Cat were obtainable from a limited-time gacha pool, while the others were obtainable as drops from the event's exclusive chapter.
From December 20th to the 29th, the twenty-first event (迎春!おきつねみくじ) took place. It contained 6 limited-time friends; seasonal skins for Silver Fox and Ezo Red Fox (featuring them in shrine maiden uniforms) and 4 brand-new friends (Oinari-Sama, Raccoon Dog, Japanese Wolf and Japanese Badger). The Foxes, Raccoon and Wolf were obtainable from a limited-time gacha pool, while the others were obtainable as drops from the event's exclusive chapter.
- List of Friends added in December
- Baddie Tasmanian Devil ★★★★
- Baddie Cheetah ★★★★
- Genbu ★★★★
- Santa Brown Bear ★★★★
- Santa Polar Bear ★★★★
- Reindeer ★★★★
- Miko Silver Fox ★★★★
- Miko Ezo Red Fox ★★★★
- Oinari-Sama ★★★★
- Giant Armadillo ★★★
- Giant Pangolin ★★★
- Australian Brushturkey ★★★
- Tibetan Sand Fox ★★★
- Geoffroy's Cat ★★★
- Pink Fairy Armadillo ★★★
- Raccoon Dog ★★★
- Japanese Wolf ★★★
- Japanese Badger ★★★
January 2019
- Domestic Pig ★★★★
- Ryukyu Boar ★★★★
- Giant Forest Hog ★★★
- Desert Warthog ★★★