Eastern Spot-Billed Duck/Season 2

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Eastern Spot-Billed Duck
Eastern Spot-Billed DuckAnime.jpg
KF S2 Eastern Spot-Billed Duck (Manga).png
Friend Data
Voice Yūki Kaneko
Debut Episode 1 (Anime), Chapter 0 (Manga)
Home Area Savanna
Distribution ?
Promo Yes
Eastern Spot-Billed Duck Season 2 Festival Pavilion KF3 Nexon Game Gallery

Eastern Spot-Billed Duck is a Friend that appears in Kemono Friends 2.



She's very strict with rules, especially the proper way to follow her lead, but cares a lot about others' safety. She can't resist guiding anyone that is on a journey.


Role in the Plot


Episode 1: Beyond Memories

Eastern Spot-Billed Duck stops Serval, Caracal and Kyururu to warn them about paying attention to their surroundings and how to move as a group. After Serval shows her a drawing of the place they are heading to, she recognizes it and decides to guide them there.

Acting as their guide, Eastern Spot-Billed Duck stops the group right before a dangerous gap in the ground and tells everyone to jump over it in the same way she does. When Caracal decides to show off and jump further than Serval did, Eastern Spot-Billed Duck scolds her for going ahead of the group like she said not to. She and the group manage to reach their destination and she gets emotional after receiving a drawing of all of them from Kyururu. A bit after that, a Cellien attacks. The group retreats into the Japari Line monorail station and she pretends to be hurt on the ground to catch the Cellien's attention, while the rest of the group escapes to the upper floor. Once the Cellien gets close enough to her she runs to safety in a cloud of smoke.

As Kyururu, Caracal, and Serval ride the Japari Line monorail to Azua Park after the Cellien is defeated, she flies and catches up to them, telling them she's glad they're safe and tells them to take care.

Episode 2: Panda and Panda

Eastern Spot-Billed Duck compels Arma and Sen-chan to follow her lead even though the pair are visibly tired by the long way she is leading them.

Episode 12: I'm Home

She shows the way back into the hotel when Kyururu, Caracal, and Serval are looking for his drawing, and also guides all of the Friends to Kaban's boat so they can escape safely from the collapsing hotel, telling them to form a single-file line.


Chapter 0: Preview

She drink tea that was served by Suri Alpaca then Donkey calling both of them because she bring a good news by showing Kemono Friends 2 poster. She say that it's the sign of bright future. She run away when Suri spit on floor after she got bad news that the three of them don't even show up in poster. The trio feel relieved after they received another news that they will show up in both anime and manga.

Chapter 1


  • Whenever she jumps or falls on the ground, a rubber duck noise can be heard.
  • In the English translation of Episode 1, she is incorrectly identified as Indian Spot-Billed Duck.
  • The bill-shaped hair on her head is erroneously colored green and the highlights on her eyes change position throughout Episode 1.

Major Characters KyururuServalCaracalLucky BeastGiant ArmadilloGiant PangolinDomestic Dog (Mixed-Breed)
Minor Characters AardwolfAtlantic PuffinAye-AyeBat-Eared FoxBlack LeopardBlue WildebeestCalifornia Sea LionCampo FlickerCommon Bottlenose DolphinCheetahCommon Vampire BatCrested IbisDomestic PigDonkeyEastern Spot-Billed DuckEmperor PenguinEurasian Eagle-OwlFennec FoxGentoo PenguinGiant PandaGreater LophorinaGreater RoadrunnerHumboldt PenguinKabanLeopardMargayNorthern White-Faced OwlOkinawan HabuPassenger PigeonPronghornRaccoonRaccoon DogRed PandaRoyal PenguinSaltwater CrocodileSiberian TigerSouthern Rockhopper PenguinSpectacled CaimanThomson's GazelleWestern Lowland GorillaWestern Parotia
Cameos African Wild DogArabian OryxAsian Golden CatAsian Small-Clawed OtterAustralian DevilAxolotlBarbary LionBlack-Backed JackalBlack-Headed IbisBlack-Tailed Prairie DogBrown BearCape LionCapybaraChickenDomestic DogEzo Red FoxGolden EagleGolden Snub-Nosed MonkeyGolden TigerGray WolfGreat AukHonduran White BatImpalaIriomote CatIsland FoxJaguarJapanese River OtterJapanese WolfKoalaLarge-Billed CrowLionMaltese TigerMasked Palm CivetMeerkatMooseMouflonNorth American BeaverNorthern GoshawkNorthern Sea OtterOkapiPlatypusPumaRed FoxRed KangarooReticulated GiraffeRock DoveSand CatScarlet IbisShort-Beaked Common DolphinSilver FoxSpotted HyenaStoatSuri AlpacaTsuchinokoWhite LionYatagarasu
Beyond MemoriesPanda and PandaCreatures of the SeaDifferent Kinds of HousesThe Power of HumansA New MorningBeyond SpeedNew Song in ConcertWelcome HomeCheck-inThe Ocean's MoodI'm Home
Albums Notteke! Japari BeatYoukoso Japari Park e ~Complete Best~FRIENDS BEAT!Starry StoryKemono Friends 2 ORIGINAL SOUND TRACK
Songs Hop In! Japari BeatAround RoundConnect the StarsYou're My Home
BeastCellienCelliumFriendFriends Type CellienJapari BunJapari BusJapari LineLucky BeastPenguins Performance ProjectSandstar
Azua ParkMarine Life ParkSouth Maerica ParkJungle ParkJapari Hotel
KotodamanMabinogiDestiny Child