Common Cuckoo

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Common Cuckoo

Common CuckooOriginal.png

Character Data
AKA Cuckoo, European Cuckoo, Eurasian Cuckoo
Romaji Kakkō
Debut Kemono Friends (2015 Game)
Animal Data
Scientific Name Cuculus canorus
Distribution Europe, Asia, Africa
Diet Insectivore, Egg-eater
Avg. Lifespan 12.9 years
Read More Common cuckoo
Conservation Status iucn3.1 LC.svg.png
Common Cuckoo Nexon Game

Common Cuckoo is a type of avian Friend that appeared in the original Kemono Friends mobile game.


Common Cuckoo's primary color is gray, with one exception being her bright yellow eyes. Her shoulder-length hair starts as a dark gray which gradients to a medium and then light gray at the tips. She has three chunky bangs, with her center one a yellow and dark gray, representing the real life animal's beak. The wings on either side of her head are varying shades of dark gray, also like the real life bird.

Her clothes are fairly simple: the most noticeable garment is her azure-colored scarf. She dons a dark gray long-sleeved shirt with a light gray sweater vest on top. The vest has a pattern similar to a bird's breast feathers. Her leggings are a very light gray that fade to a white. Going against the gray theme, her sailor-style skirt is white and she also wears yellow Mary Janes.

Series Appearances

Appearances In Kemono Friends Media
Media Role
2015Nexon Game Minor character, obtainable

In Real Life

A common cuckoo. Photo by Vogelartinfo, 2011.

The common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) is a member of the cuckoo family of birds, Cuculidae, which also includes the roadrunners, the anis and the coucals. It is a relatively small bird, about 32–34 centimeters (13–13 in) long from bill to tail. They are typically gray in color but the females tend to have a pinkish tint to the underbelly bars and sides. Common cuckoos moult twice a year: a partial moult in summer and a complete moult in winter. This species is a widespread summer migrant to Europe and Asia, and winters in Africa.

Common cuckoos are brood parasites, which means it lays eggs in the nests of other bird species. This bird particularly favors the nests of dunnocks, meadow pipits, and reed warblers. Not only do the eggs look very similar to the eggs in the invaded nests, the adults are also mimics, specifically to the sparrowhawk. This technique allows the females to lay their eggs without being attacked.

The diet consists of insects, with hairy caterpillars, which are distasteful to many birds, being a specialty of preference.

It is a popular bird in folklore and culture, having been referenced by Aristotle, William Shakespeare, and Frederick Delius.


Images of the common cuckoo, Cuculus canorus, and Eurasian sparrowhawk, Accipiter nisus, showing the extent of mimicry. Photo by Chiswick Chap
  • The earliest recorded usage of the word "cuckoo" in English is from around 1240, in the song Sumer is icumen in.
  • There are four subspecies of common cuckoo worldwide.
  • There have been recorded rufous color morphs, which occurs occasionally in adult females but more often in juveniles.
  • The longest recorded lifespan of a common cuckoo in the United Kingdom is 6 years, 11 months and 2 days.
  • Between 1995 and 2015, the distribution of cuckoos within the UK has shifted towards the north, with a decline by 69% in England but an increase by 33% in Scotland.
  • It is featured on the coat of arms of Suomenniemi.


  • Snow, D. W.; Perrins, C. (1997). The Birds of the Western Palearctic (Abridged ed.). Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-854099-1.
  • Robinson, R. A. (2005). "Cuckoo Cuculus canorus". BirdFacts: Profiles of Birds Occurring in Britain & Ireland. British Trust for Ornithology. BTO Research Report 407. Retrieved 12 August 2011.
  • Denerley, Chloe; Redpath, Steve M.; Wal, Rene van der; Newson, Stuart E.; Chapman, Jason W.; Wilson, Jeremy D. (2019). "Breeding ground correlates of the distribution and decline of the Common Cuckoo Cuculus canorus at two spatial scales" (PDF). Ibis. 161 (2): 346–358. doi:10.1111/ibi.12612. hdl:10871/37563. ISSN 1474-919X. S2CID 91171632.
Bird Friends
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DodoPassenger PigeonRock Dove
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Oriental StorkSaddle-Billed StorkWhite Stork
Black SwanEastern Spot-Billed DuckEgyptian GooseTundra Swan
Miscellaneous Birds
Arctic TernAustralian BrushturkeyBarn SwallowBlue-and-Yellow MacawCommon CuckooGastornisGoldcrestGreat CormorantGreat Dusky SwiftGreat HornbillGreater FlamingoGreater RoadrunnerHelmeted GuineafowlJapanese Bush WarblerJapanese CormorantLarge-Billed CrowLong-Tailed TitMarvelous SpatuletailMasked BoobyMedium Tree FinchNorthern Carmine Bee-EaterResplendent QuetzalRhinoceros HornbillScarlet MacawSuperb LyrebirdSuzakuYatagarasuYellow-Rumped Cacique