Cellien Hunter

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Cellien hunters from the original Kemono Friends anime.

A Cellien hunter (Japanese:セルリアンハンター Hepburn: Serurian Hantā) is a Friend who takes on the duty of fighting and defeating Celliens to protect other Friends from harm.


Some Friends are naturally well-equipped to combat Celliens; as such, it is likely that as long as Friends and Celliens have cohabited, there have been Friends who take on the roles of Cellien hunters. As such, it is likely that they predate the JSRT or Japari Park Guard Force that appears in Kemono Friends 3. In the era in which they are active, most Friends do not deal with giant Celliens; instead, the common method of dealing with them is to contact a skilled Cellien hunter.


Kemono Friends (2017 Anime)

A team of Cellien hunters comprised of Brown Bear, Golden Snub-Nosed Monkey, and African Wild Dog makes an appearance in the endgame of the original Kemono Friends anime. The earliest mention of these Cellien Hunters was in S1E09: Snowy Mountains Area by Silver Fox.

S1E11: Cellien

The team is first encountered in this episode, when Brown Bear and Golden Snub-Nosed Monkey divert Kaban and Serval from the Black Cellien's path. The pair later regroups with African Wild Dog and launches an assault on the goliath, but upon learning that their foe has become dangerously powerful with the help of Sandstar RAW and suffering an injury to Golden Snub-Nosed Monkey, the team elects to retreat and plan for the next battle.

S1E12: Amusement Park

When Kaban is in danger, a large assortment of Friends are summoned by Lucky Beast to attack the Black Cellien, and the Cellien hunter team joins the fray. Along with their fellow Friends, the three Cellien hunters succeed in inflicting heavy damage on the giant Cellien.

Stage Play Series

A Cellien hunting team comprised of Saber-Toothed Tiger, Bald Eagle, and White Tiger appears in the first official Kemono Friends stage play.

World of Kemono Friends
Major Characters
Humans CalendaHikariJinriJSRT CaptainKabanKakoKyururuMiraiNanaPark FounderTowaHaruka
Friends ServalCellvalCaracalKabanRaccoonFennec FoxPPPEzo Red FoxFour GodsDholeMeerkatShort-Beaked Common Dolphin
Other Cellien QueenCelliensLuckyLucky BeastsLucky Beast Type-IIIStar BeastsGroups
Japari ParkKingdomKyōshū RegionRiukiu RegionPark CentralPavilionJuuoh Park
Japari BunJapari BusJapari LineKemono AmuletLucky BeastPatrol Plane
CellienFriendBeastSandstarCelliumSparkleKemonoplasmKemo Harmony
Useful Pages
Introduction to Kemono FriendsList of FriendsGlossary
Kemono Friends (2017 Anime)
Major Characters KabanServalLuckyMiraiRaccoonFennec FoxEmperor PenguinGentoo PenguinHumboldt PenguinRoyal PenguinSouthern Rockhopper Penguin
Minor Characters African Wild DogArabian OryxAsian Small-Clawed OtterAurochsAxis DeerBlack-Tailed Prairie DogBrown BearCampo FlickerCrested IbisCrested PorcupineEurasian Eagle-OwlEzo Red FoxFossaGiant ArmadilloGolden Snub-Nosed MonkeyGray WolfHippopotamusJaguarJapanese Black BearLionMargayMooseNew Zealand Giant PenguinNorth American BeaverNorthern White-Faced OwlPanther ChameleonReticulated GiraffeSand CatShoebillSilver FoxSuri AlpacaTsuchinokoWhite Rhinoceros
Cameos AardwolfAtlantic PuffinAustralian DevilAxolotlBearded SealBergman's BearBlack JaguarBlack LeopardBush HyraxCapybaraCrunchyroll-HimeEurasian BeaverEzo Brown BearFrilled LizardGiant PandaGolden TigerIndian ElephantIndian PeafowlJinmengyoKing CobraKodiak BearLeopardMalayan TapirMaltese TigerOcelotOkapiPlains ZebraPolar BearPumaRed KangarooRed PandaScarlet IbisSika DeerSouthern TamanduaTasmanian DevilThomson's Gazelle
Savanna AreaJungle AreaMountainDesert AreaLake ShorePlainsJapari LibraryPPP LiveSnowy Mountains AreaLodgeCellienAmusement ParkBus-LikeJapari Bun Hunt
Albums Youkoso Japari Park eJapari CaféJapari Café 2Kemono Friends Original Soundtrack
Songs Welcome to Japari ParkOzora DreamerMy Friend
Cellien (List) • Cellien HunterFriendJapari BunJapari BusLucky BeastPenguins Performance ProjectSandstar
Japari CaféJapari LibraryLodge CampoSandstar VolcanoAmusement Park
Collab Shorts