Campo Flicker/Anime

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Campo Flicker

Campo FlickerAnime.jpg

Friend Data
Voice Masumi Asano (JP)
Yenni Ann (EN)
Debut Episode 10 - Lodge
Home Area Lodge Campo
Distribution ?
Associates Gray Wolf, Reticulated Giraffe
Promo Yes
Campo Flicker Anime Season 2 Festival Pavilion KF3 Nexon Game Gallery

Campo Flicker appeared as a major character in Episode 10 - Lodge of the original Kemono Friends anime.


Campo Flicker is a friend who seems to like variety and fashion, she has great memory and remembers the architecture of every chamber of the Lodge Campo, she is fascinated by them. She is more courageous than the other Friends in Episode 10, as she isn't scared by Gray Wolf's facts.

Role in the Plot

Episode 10 - Lodge

Campo Flicker first appears to welcome Kaban and Serval to the Lodge, enthusiastically showing them plenty of different rooms suited to different types of Friends. She was one of the first to see the "ghost", spotting a fast-moving shadow among the branches while scouting the area at night.

Afterwards, she arrives at the conclusion than the "ghost" may be a Cellien which has undergone a mutation, citing its unusual color and asking the others to stay in groups over the next night. She later participates at the reveal of the ghost's true identity.

At the end of the episode, she meets Fennec Fox and Raccoon.

Episode 12 - Amusement Park

Campo Flicker carries Moose through the air to the battle with the Black Cellien. At the end of the episode, she is seen participating at the party, enjoying Japari Buns alongside Hippopotamus.


Gray Wolf and Reticulated Giraffe

Gray Wolf and Reticulated Giraffe are two of Campo Flicker's guests.


Kemono Friends (2017 Anime)
Major Characters KabanServalLuckyMiraiRaccoonFennec FoxEmperor PenguinGentoo PenguinHumboldt PenguinRoyal PenguinSouthern Rockhopper Penguin
Minor Characters African Wild DogArabian OryxAsian Small-Clawed OtterAurochsAxis DeerBlack-Tailed Prairie DogBrown BearCampo FlickerCrested IbisCrested PorcupineEurasian Eagle-OwlEzo Red FoxFossaGiant ArmadilloGolden Snub-Nosed MonkeyGray WolfHippopotamusJaguarJapanese Black BearLionMargayMooseNew Zealand Giant PenguinNorth American BeaverNorthern White-Faced OwlPanther ChameleonReticulated GiraffeSand CatShoebillSilver FoxSuri AlpacaTsuchinokoWhite Rhinoceros
Cameos AardwolfAtlantic PuffinAustralian DevilAxolotlBearded SealBergman's BearBlack JaguarBlack LeopardBush HyraxCapybaraCrunchyroll-HimeEurasian BeaverEzo Brown BearFrilled LizardGiant PandaGolden TigerIndian ElephantIndian PeafowlJinmengyoKing CobraKodiak BearLeopardMalayan TapirMaltese TigerOcelotOkapiPlains ZebraPolar BearPumaRed KangarooRed PandaScarlet IbisSika DeerSouthern TamanduaTasmanian DevilThomson's Gazelle
Savanna AreaJungle AreaMountainDesert AreaLake ShorePlainsJapari LibraryPPP LiveSnowy Mountains AreaLodgeCellienAmusement ParkBus-LikeJapari Bun Hunt
Albums Youkoso Japari Park eJapari CaféJapari Café 2Kemono Friends Original Soundtrack
Songs Welcome to Japari ParkOzora DreamerMy Friend
Cellien (List) • Cellien HunterFriendJapari BunJapari BusLucky BeastPenguins Performance ProjectSandstar
Japari CaféJapari LibraryLodge CampoSandstar VolcanoAmusement Park
Collab Shorts