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Character Data
Romaji Karenda
Debut Kemono Friends 3
Voice 京香 Kyoka
Gender Female
Occupation CARSC Aid
Calenda Gallery
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“Just a hypothesis.”
Calenda, Kemono Friends 3

Calenda is a human character and plays a prominent role in Kemono Friends 3's main story. Despite somewhat resembling one of the staff of Japari Park, she actually works for CARSC - an organization in collaboration with the park.


Calenda has a black safari hat with a white, yellow, and blue-tipped feather on the right side. She has blonde hair and blue eyes. She wears a black tank top, red arm band tied on her left arm, and black fingerless gloves. She has a white jacket tied around her waist, camouflage pants, a leg bag with a CARSC logo, and black combat boots.


Calenda is an ecstatic and, for the most part, joyful character, with a deep love for animals, similar to Mirai. This trait of hers is conveyed throughout various events in Kemono Friends 3 - examples being her excitement after meeting with the BATTEN Japari-Dan for the first time when speaking about them with "Boss" shortly after, and a scene in Chapter 3 where she and Mirai passionately ramble about Friends. Despite her rather outgoing personality as an adult, Calenda was shy as a child and spent most of her time playing with Flicky, a Dog she became very attached during her childhood.

While she mostly maintains her enthusiastic demeanor throughout her time spent in the park, she does express anger while being provoked, such as being attacked by a Cellien in Kyōshū and having a similar issue after being targeted by a Hunter Cell on board a staff helicopter. She is also shown to be easily guilt-ridden at times. Calenda exhibits knowledge in a variety of topics, such as weather, and biology - this is most prominently displayed when Calenda explains to Arctic Hare how White Cellien (which were rapidly spreading throughout Hokkai at the time) likely originated and were taking shape from Bacteriophages, and imitating their behavior.

Role in the Plot

KF3 Season 1

While visiting Japari Park as a visiting researcher, she tried to deceive the Japari Park staff and retrieve Cellien back to its home country. At that time, he let Alex Cellien escape and caused the Alex incident to occur. She herself did not know this and continued to collect Cellien, Cellium, and Sandstar under the direction of "Boss", but was discovered by BATTEN Japari-Dan. Then, ostensibly as fieldwork, she approaches and accompanies JSRT. However, when she sees Alex in the Nakabe Region, she realizes what she has done and begins to act differently from "Boss". In the Odyssey, she confesses to Oinari-sama about what she has done. However, Oinari-sama, on the contrary, encourages her and gives her good luck charms. She was then attacked by Cellien and taken to the hospital but was able to escape with the help of her "Boss". Upon reaching the Hokkai Region, Calenda is sheltered by Arctic Hare. Then they joined up with JSRT and stood up to foil "Boss"'s intentions. After that, "Boss" and the Flicky fight, and "boss" is about to take Flicky away from her, but she enters the emergency evade command to let him go. In the end, Flicky was not taken away. She was heartbroken to see Dhole revert from Friends to the original animal in the Hōtoku Region, but she met Seiryu and was thrown words of inspiration. She rises again and tells JSRT that she has a message from Seiryu that Alex is next in line for Park Central. Then she gets her feelings straightened out and finally watches Dhole defeat Alex. Finally, she left the park promising to return to Japari Park.



"Boss" is Calenda 's supervisor at CARSC. Calenda was following "Boss" unquestionably, acting without challenging a single order uncritically. However, when Alex became a giant Cellien, he was ashamed of herself for nescient following and began to oppose "Boss".


Flicky is a Calenda buddy.



KF3app 3.png
JSRT CaptainCalendaFlicky"Boss"HikariDholeMeerkatShort-Beaked Common DolphinPeach PantherBlackbuckTasmanian DevilAustralian DevilServalRaccoonFennec Fox
Main Story QuestsShiserval DojoEvent QuestsGrowth QuestsFriend QuestsCaptain Arai-san's Diary Quests
CellienLucky BeastJapari BunJSRTStaff CarJapari Park Guard Force
User Guides
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Photos (Animal PhotosList by Rarity) • Cards (Arcade) • Items (AppArcade)
Friends marked with italics are alternate versions with different attributes to the original.
KF3 Funny.png
African PenguinAfrican Rock PythonAmazon Tree BoaAsian Small-Clawed OtterAtlantic PuffinAustralian BrushturkeyBat-Eared FoxBengal TigerBlackbuck (Horn of Darkness Unleashed) • Black DragonBlack ServalBlack-Tailed Prairie DogCaracalClouded LeopardCommon Bottlenose DolphinCommon ElandCommon GullCommon Ostrich (To The Place Further Than My Visions) • Daito Fruit BatDorudonDromedaryEastern Spot-Billed DuckEuropean HareFrilled LizardGolden TigerGoshingyu-samaGreat CormorantGreater RheaGreater RoadrunnerGrizzly BearHello Kitty ServalHelmeted GuineafowlHi-no-ToriHippopotamusHippopotamus GorgopsJaguar (Successive-Strike Style) • Japanese Pancake DevilfishKamaitachi (Ten)Long-Tailed ChinchillaMeerkatMukkuNatsumi HinataNorth American BeaverNorthern Goshawk (Coolness For All) • OkapiPanther ChameleonPassenger PigeonPeach PantherPlatypusPumaRaccoonRairyūRed JunglefowlRhinoceros HornbillRingtailRüppell's FoxRyukyu BoarSand Cat (I Just Had A Great Idea) • Scarlet IbisScarlet MacawSheepShoebillShoebill (ジっとできない湿地のハンター) • Short-Beaked Common DolphinSuzakuTemminck's PangolinTsuchinoko (If You Really Need Me, I Guess I'll Help…) • Tufted PuffinWhite ServalYatagarasu
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Alpine MarmotAurochsBald Eagle (Justice For All) • BantengBinturongBlack-Backed JackalBlackbuckBlack MambaBlack Rhinoceros (騎士としての決意を胸に) • ByakkoByakudaCalifornia Sea LionChapman's ZebraCheetahChinese White DolphinChinstrap PenguinDholeDomestic Dog (Mixed-Breed)DonkeyEastern QuollEastern WolfEzo Brown BearGachapinGolden JackalGray WolfGreater Bird-Of-ParadiseGreater FlamingoHello Mimmy ServalHolstein Friesian CattleIberian LynxJack-o'-LanternJapanese BadgerJapanese MacaqueKamaitachi (Chi)King CobraKing PenguinLappet-Faced VultureLarge-Spotted GenetLong-Tailed TitMakamiMalayan Tapir (I'll Try...!) • Mongolian Wild HorseMooseNine-Tailed FoxOcelotPink Fairy ArmadilloRaccoon DogRaijūReindeerRoyal PenguinSeal Brown HorseServalServal (Big Eyes in a Beautiful Face) • Shiserval LeftySiberian ChipmunkSiberian HuskySiberian TigerSivatheriumSouthern CassowarySpectacled CaimanSpotted HyenaStriated CaracaraSumatran TigerSuri AlpacaTasmanian TigerWestern Lowland Gorilla
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AardwolfAfrican Bush ElephantAmerican BisonAustralian DevilAxolotlBarbary LionBlack LeopardBlack WildebeestBlue DragonBlue WhaleBlue WildebeestBornean OrangutanCape LionCerberusChibi KumamonChinese Water DragonCoelacanthCommon DeguCommon OstrichCrab-Eating RaccoonCrested Ibis (Doubt My Dulcet Voice?) • Danzaburou-DanukiEmperor PenguinEurasian Eagle-OwlEuropean Cave LionEzo Red Fox (Pro Gamer) • Fennec FoxFraternal MyotisGiant OtterGiant PangolinHonduran White BatIndian ElephantIndian PeafowlIndian WolfJackson's ChameleonJungle CatKing CheetahKodiak BearLarge-Billed CrowLeast WeaselLionMaltese TigerMandrillMasai GiraffeMountain HareNarwhalNilgaiNorthern White-Faced Owl (Here Comes The Genius Professor) • Pallas's CatRed Fox (You Can Count On Me!) • Red KangarooRed PandaReticulated GiraffeSaber-Toothed TigerSableSkyfishTachikoma Type-STasmanian Devil (Scary Devil) • ThylacineTibetan Sand Fox (Trend Sense… Tingling?) • Tsushima Leopard CatWestern ParotiaWest Indian ManateeWhite Lion (ひんやりクリーミーを求めて) • Woolly Mammoth
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Alisa SoutherncrossArabian OryxArctic FoxArctic HareAustralian Devil (One-Eyed Devil†) • Black Jaguar (Single-Strike Style) • Black-Tailed GullBobcatBrown Long-Eared BatBush HyraxCaracal (Just Charge In! Entertainment Squad) • Chapman's Zebra (Style Icon) • ChickenCollared PeccaryCommon Vampire BatCrested IbisDomestic CatDomestic RabbitEgyptian GooseEzo Red FoxFennec Fox (Seems Like It's My Time To Shine Too…) • GenbuGentoo PenguinGeoffroy's CatGiant PandaGiroroGreater HoneyguideGreen PheasantHilgendorf's Tube-Nosed BatHuacaya AlpacaIriomote CatIsland FoxJapanese HareJapanese River OtterKomodo Dragon (Memories of a Summer's Day Go Well with Poison) • Malayan TapirManeki NekoMasked BoobyMeerkat (Tutor of Justice) • Northern GoshawkNubian IbexNueOinari-samaOkinawa RailOriental StorkPallas's Cat (Dressed To The Teeth) • Red DragonRed FoxSand CatSatanic Leaf-Tailed GeckoSecretarybirdSika DeerSilky AnteaterSilver FoxSnowshoe HareSouthern TamanduaSteller's Sea CowTachikoma Type-HTasmanian DevilTibetan Sand FoxWhite HorseWhite LionWhite PeafowlWhite ReindeerWhite Serval (さいきょーあいどる!)
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AardvarkAdélie PenguinAfrican Golden WolfAfrican Wild DogAmerican AlligatorArizonan JaguarAsian Small-Clawed Otter (Smile Delivery!) • Aye-AyeBald EagleBergman's BearBlack RhinocerosBorneo ElephantBrown BearCampo FlickerCanada LynxCapybaraCoastal TaipanCommon WombatCoyoteDall SheepDe Brazza's MonkeyDhole (Trusty Vice-Captain) • Dire WolfDomestic DogDomestic PigDraco CentaurosEmerald Tree BoaEzo Mountain HareGambian Pouched RatGastornisGiant AnteaterGiant ArmadilloHoney BadgerIndian RhinocerosJaguarJapanese MartenJapanese WolfKeroroKirinKomodo DragonLeopardManed WolfMargayNorthern TamanduaOkinawan HabuPale FoxPallas's Cat (青い瞳の迷い猫) • ParaceratheriumPeach Panther (My Wild Side Tingles♡) • Plains Zebra (Guru of Stripes) • PronghornRaccoon (My Time To Shine-Noda!) • Royal Penguin (The Princess of PPP) • Saltwater CrocodileShiserval RightShort-Beaked Common Dolphin (Wafui Wafuuui!) • Southern Rockhopper PenguinSun WukongTsukuyomi-No-ShinshiUnicoWhite DragonWhite RhinocerosWolverineYamata No Orochi
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Arctic WolfAsian Golden CatBearded SealBlack-Headed IbisBlack JaguarBlue-and-Yellow MacawCellvalChestnut HorseChevrotainCommon Bottlenose Dolphin (ハツラツなつっこ!) • Crested PorcupineDebiru-samaDugongEurasian Eagle-Owl (That's Where The Brilliant Assistant Comes In) • Eurasian LynxFossaGannan YakGolden Snub-Nosed MonkeyGreat AukGreat HornbillGreater LophorinaHamadryas BaboonHarp SealHigumamonHumboldt PenguinImpalaInugami GyoubuJapanese CormorantJinmengyoKamaitachi (Setsu)KinshachiKit FoxKoalaLion (Our Pride) • MegatheriumMountain TapirNew Guinea Singing DogNew Zealand Giant PenguinNorthern Sea OtterNorthern White-Faced OwlOrcaPeregrine FalconPlains ZebraPolar BearRed-Eared SliderResplendent QuetzalRing-Tailed LemurSaddle-Billed StorkSanmoto GorōzaemonSeiryuShisa LeftyShisa RightSilver Fox (Genius Inventor G) • Skyfish (Sparkling in Rainbow Colours ☆) • Southern Sea OtterSouthern Tamandua (One-Shot Pose!) • Steller Sea LionStoatThomson's GazelleTsuchinokoTundra WolfWalrusWhite TigerWild Bactrian CamelWitch
Appeared but Unobtainable Currently
Basilosaurus IsisRock DoveSpringbok
World of Kemono Friends
Major Characters
Humans CalendaHikariJinriJSRT CaptainKabanKakoKyururuMiraiNanaPark FounderTowaHaruka
Friends ServalCellvalCaracalKabanRaccoonFennec FoxPPPEzo Red FoxFour GodsDholeMeerkatShort-Beaked Common Dolphin
Other Cellien QueenCelliensLuckyLucky BeastsLucky Beast Type-IIIStar BeastsGroups
Japari ParkKingdomKyōshū RegionRiukiu RegionPark CentralPavilionJuuoh Park
Japari BunJapari BusJapari LineKemono AmuletLucky BeastPatrol Plane
CellienFriendBeastSandstarCelliumSparkleKemonoplasmKemo Harmony
Useful Pages
Introduction to Kemono FriendsList of FriendsGlossary