Blue-and-Yellow Macaw

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Blue-and-Yellow Macaw

Blue-and-Yellow MacawOriginal.png

Character Data
Romaji Rurikongō Inko
Debut Kemono Friends 3
Animal Data
Scientific Name Ara ararauna
Distribution South America
Diet Herbivore
Avg. Lifespan 65-70 years
Read More Blue-and-yellow macaw
Conservation Status iucn3.1 LC.svg.png
Blue-and-Yellow Macaw KF3 Gallery

Blue-and-Yellow Macaw is a type of bird Friend that first appeared on official merch.


Blue-and-Yellow Macaw has short hair with a variety of colours, mostly blue on the outside with yellow on the inside, especially on the wings, white hair framing her face with black stripes as it comes down between her eyes. She wears a two-tone sweater-dress with a yellow chest and blue sleeves, reminiscent of the bird's blue wings and yellow body.

She has soft blue eyes and sports two bracelets on her right wrist, one blue and one yellow. She wears light blue sandals that come up to bows above the ankle.

Series Appearances

Appearances In Kemono Friends Media
Media Role
2019Kemono Friends 3 Minor character, playable

In Real Life

Blue-and-yellow Macaw in the Walsrode Bird Park, Germany. Photo by Quartl, 2009.

The Blue-and-gold macaw (Ara ararauna) is a sizable parrot native to South America and belongs to the extensive family of neotropical parrots recognized as macaws. Renowned for their vibrant plumage, vocal abilities, widespread availability in the pet trade, and strong affinity towards human companionship, these birds are highly sought after in aviculture circles.

Blue-and-yellow macaws generally live for about 30 years in the wild, but in captivity they can live for much longer, sometimes as much as 75 years. These macaws live in tropical forests, woodland, and savannas. Their natural habitat spans from Central to South America, encompassing regions stretching from Venezuela to Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, Brazil, and extending into portions of Panama. In their natural habitat, Blue-and-gold macaws exhibit strong social bonds, forming tight-knit groups. The diet of Blue-and-gold macaws consists of nuts, seeds, and fruits, which they consume using their robust beaks to crack open shells and crush seeds. Occasionally, they ingest clay from riverbanks to aid in neutralizing toxins from unripe seeds in their diet.

They are gregarious, engaging in various activities alongside their fellow flock members, such as playing, bathing, and foraging for ripe fruit in their forest habitats. While they generally enjoy the company of their flock, during the breeding season, they pair off to rear their offspring. Communication among these birds is primarily through loud screams and squawks, often flying so closely together that their wings almost touch. Active during daylight hours, they may gather in small, noisy flocks in the early morning to search for food, eventually seeking shade by midday. These macaws are notably vigilant, swiftly taking flight and emitting loud calls at the slightest hint of danger.

Blue-and-gold macaws form monogamous partnerships, remaining mates for life. Their breeding season spans from January to July, with breeding occurring annually or biennially. Nests are typically constructed in elevated tree hollows, often fashioned by other animals. Clutches consist of 2 to 3 eggs, with hatchlings initially lacking feathers and sight, their plumage beginning to emerge around 10 days after birth. Both male and female macaws diligently care for their offspring and exhibit high levels of aggression towards intruders when protecting their families.


  • Macaws favor the fruit of the Jabillo tree.
  • When a macaw pair isn't able to find their own nest, they take another bird's nest and kill the hatchlings.
  • Mating pairs can be easily spotted within a flying flock, as they stay very close to each other.
  • Blue-and-gold macaws are important seed-eaters within our tropical forests. They influence forest dynamics by eating and spreading seeds.


1. "Blue-and-Gold Macaw" on The IUCN Red List site.

Bird Friends
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Miscellaneous Birds
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