Black Mamba

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Black Mamba
Black MambaOriginal.png
Black MambaOldDesign.png
Character Data
Romaji Burakkumanba
Debut Kemono Friends (2015 Game)
Animal Data
Scientific Name Dendroaspis polylepis
Distribution sub-Saharan Africa
Diet Carnivore
Avg. Lifespan 11 years
Read More Black mamba
Conservation Status iucn3.1 LC.svg.png
Black Mamba Manga KF3 Nexon Game Gallery

The Black Mamba is a type of snake Friend that first appeared in the original Kemono Friends mobile game.


Old Design

Black Mamba appears an aggressive friend, in a battle-ready pose. She adorns red shadow above her obsidian eyes, her black hair cut into a short, sleek style. Like all other serpentine friends, she sports a pale olive hoodie with fangs and glowing white eyes. The drawstrings on the jacket resemble a gradient red-yellow snake tongues, with what appears to be belly plating around the stomach area of the shirt. Underlying the hoodie is a tawny pleated skirt, which a thick snake tail pokes out from underneath. On her legs, scaled thigh highs that match her shirt and tail, as well as a pair of buckle boots.

New Design

Series Appearances

Appearances In Kemono Friends Media
Media Role First Appearance
2015Nexon Game Minor character, playable character
2015Kemono Friends: Welcome to Japari Park! Background characterChapter 17
2019Kemono Friends 3 Minor character, playable character

In Real Life

A Black Mamba, photo by TimVickers.

The Black Mamba is a large reptile native to sub-Saharan Africa, widely known and most infamous for it's fatal venom. Without treatment, the bite has a 100% chance of rendering a human being dead within 20 minutes. Accompanying this dreadful bite, this particular species is also considered the world's fastest snake at speeds of 12.5 MPH, making a run-in with one undesirable. Despite both of these factors, the Black Mamba is shy, and possesses both of these traits to escape predation. Black mambas live in the hot African Savannah, hunting a wide variety of prey. This prey mostly consists of small birds and mammals, but can also include bats, domestic poultry, and bushbaby.


A Black Mamba exposing its fangs and ink black of its mouth in a threat display.
  • The Black Mamba gets its name not from its scales, but instead the blue-black internal part of their mouth that is displayed when threatened.

Reptile Friends
American AlligatorGharialSaltwater CrocodileSpectacled Caiman
Chinese Water DragonFrilled LizardJackson's ChameleonKomodo DragonPanther ChameleonSatanic Leaf-Tailed Gecko
African Rock PythonAmazon Tree BoaBlack MambaBoomslangByakudaCoastal TaipanEmerald Tree BoaEuropean RatsnakeKing CobraOkinawan HabuTsuchinoko
Alligator Snapping TurtleGalápagos TortoiseGenbuIndian Star TortoiseLeopard TortoiseRed-Eared SliderRed-Footed Tortoise