Black-Tailed Prairie Dog/Pavilion
Black-Tailed Prairie Dog | |||
Friend Data | |||
Implemented | January 26th, 2018
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Color | Green
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Sleep Pattern | Diurnal
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Materials | ![]() | ||
LB Line |
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LB-III Line |
Black-Tailed Prairie Dog | Anime | Season 2 | Festival | Pavilion | KF3 | Nexon Game | Gallery |
Black-Tailed Prairie Dog is a Friend who appears in Kemono Friends Pavilion.
Like her anime counterpart, she seems to be happy but sometimes worried. She is so hyperactive that her tendency of being stuck while digging holes is reflected in her unique behavior as described below.
Japanese | English |
「大切なファミリーを全力で守るであります。警戒は抜かりないのであります。ところで、ファミリーの挨拶はハグとチューと決まってるであります。あなたにもハグハグしてから、チューっと······キャン?なんで逃げるでありますか!?」 |
This animal leads a hole-digging lifestyle. Some will stand guard near the entrances, and will make a barking noise to warn allies when an enemy comes near, which is why they are called "dogs". Family members will connect their burrows with tunnels. The largest settlement on record is 65,000 square kilometers, roughly the size of Sri Lanka, and is said to be home to 400 million individuals.
"I'll protect my precious family with all of my might, sir. My vigilance won't rest for a second, sir. By the way, I greet all of my family with hugs and kisses, so I'm also going to give you lots of hugs, and lots of kisses too... Wait, why are you running away, sir?!" |
How to Encounter
Black-Tailed Prairie Dog has a moderate encounter rate across all areas, with the Savanna having the best chances; likely a reference to the fact that Black-Tailed Prairie Dogs are found in the Great Plains of North America in real life.
The Shovel is easily the most effective Plaything for spawning Black-Tailed Prairie Dog, being able to duckboat when used in the savanna. Aside from this, she has a fair assortment of Printer item rateups, such as the Garbage Can and the Clay Pipe.
Unique Behavior
- じたばた (Struggle) - Gets herself stuck in the hole dug by the Shovel and attempts to break free.
- いっしょに作ろう! (???) - Super Unique Behavior, with North American Beaver on the Floating Boathouse.
Encounter Lines
![]() |
This article could benefit from Japanese text. You can help Japari Library by editing the page, or by discussing the issue. |
![]() |
This article could benefit from a translation. You can help Japari Library by editing the page, or by discussing the issue. |
Line | Japanese | English |
Line 1 | 穴掘り,最高! | Digging holes, it's the best! |
Line 2 | 突撃であります! | Charge, sir! |
Line 3 | 掘るであります! | Digging, sir! |
Line 4 | とりあえず遊ぶであります! | Playing for now, sir! |
Line 5 | {{{jpencounterline5}}} | {{{enencounterline5}}} |
Line 6 | {{{jpencounterline6}}} | {{{enencounterline6}}} |
Level 100 | 1. (ザクザクザク!)今日も穴掘りは絶好調でありますよ! 2. おうちや一休み出来る穴をお探しなら、わたしがいつでも掘るでありますからね。 |
{{{en100line}}} |
Holiday Lines | ||
Halloween 2018 | トリック・オア・トリートであります! | Trick or Treat, sir! |
Christmas 2018 | メリー・クリスマスであります! トナカイどのに頼まれた「つりー」を立てる穴は掘ってあるでありますよ。 |
Merry Christmas, sir! I'm digging the hole to put the "tree" in that we asked Reindeer-dono for, sir. |
New Year's Day 2018-2019 | きんがしんねんであります!これからも掘って掘って掘りまくるであります!! | Happy New Year, sir! I'm going to keep on digging and digging and digging all the time, sir!! |
Special Lines | ||
Floating Boathouse | ビーバーどののお手伝いができてうれしいであります! | {{{enspecialline1}}} |
- Prairie Dog's description was given a minor change on 8/21/19: the numbers were changed from full-width to half-width, spaces after quote marks were removed, and a 3-dot ellipsis was changed to 6 dots.