Arctic Hare/Pavilion

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Arctic Hare

Arctic HarePavilion.png

Friend Data
Implemented December 12th, 2018
Color Green
Sleep Pattern Nocturnal
Materials Stretchy Rubber
LB Line None
LB-III Line None
Arctic Hare Pavilion KF3 Kingdom Nexon Game Gallery

Arctic Hare is a Friend who appears in Kemono Friends Pavilion. She was added along with 6 other Friends in Version 1.6.0.


Japanese English


This rather large species of rabbit lives in the extreme cold of the North American tundra. It’s pure white winter coat is perfect camouflage, but in the summer it shifts to a brown or gray coat that better resembles the rocks and plants of its habitat. They are quite agile, with a running speed of up to 60 km/h. They can live a solitary life, but can also form colonies of dozens or hundreds of individuals.

「I’m always careful about my diet, because I eat too much and before I even know it, I’m bigger than the other rabbits. I’m also good at digging up the snow. Ara? Is it getting cold? Then, let’s play Oshikura-manju, shall we?」

How to Encounter

One of the two 'common' Snowy Mountain friends (the other being Arctic Fox). All of Arctic Hare's starting rateups are craftable; the Snow Rabbits, Big Glove and Snowboard all spawn her, although it is recommended to craft the former two due to them having more desirable rateups (unless you are extremely short on material). On top of this, Arctic Hare has a decently high base spawn rate in the Snowy Mountain area itself: she will likely be your highest-levelled friend from the area if you are using large numbers of playthings.

Unique Behavior

  • お友達になりましょー (Let's Be Friends) - Lays down on all fours beside the Snow Rabbits.


Arctic Hare's KemoTalks Kemotalk 010094001 01.png
Kemotalk Name Friends Involved Kemotalk Name Friends Involved Kemotalk Name Friends Involved Kemotalk Name Friends Involved
1249 Kemotalk 010093001 01.png Kemotalk 010097001 01.png Kemotalk 010099001 01.png 1250 Kemotalk 010087001 01.png 1251 Kemotalk 010033001 01.png 1252 Kemotalk 010093001 01.png Kemotalk 010095001 01.png
1253 Kemotalk 010053001 01.png Kemotalk 010104001 01.png 1254 Kemotalk 010001001 01.png Kemotalk 010002001 01.png Kemotalk 010003001 01.png 1256 Kemotalk 010095001 01.png 1259 Kemotalk 010006001 01.png Kemotalk 010095001 01.png Kemotalk 010097001 01.png
1264 Kemotalk 010093001 01.png Kemotalk 010095001 01.png Kemotalk 010096001 01.png 1274 Kemotalk 010053001 01.png Kemotalk 010093001 01.png Kemotalk 010098001 01.png 1278 Kemotalk 010093001 01.png Kemotalk 010099001 01.png 1285 Kemotalk 010094001 01.png
1286 Kemotalk 010094001 01.png 1287 Kemotalk 010094001 01.png 1288 Kemotalk 010094001 01.png 1289 Kemotalk 010094001 01.png
1318 Kemotalk 010093001 01.png Kemotalk 010095001 01.png Kemotalk 010100001 01.png 1517 Kemotalk 010126001 01.png
Cameo Appearances
KemoTalk Icons
Kemotalk 010094001 01.png Kemotalk 010094001 02.png Kemotalk 010094001 03.png Kemotalk 010094001 04.png Kemotalk 010094001 05.png Kemotalk 010094001 06.png Kemotalk 010094001 07.png Kemotalk 010094001 08.png

Encounter Lines

Icon chara 0149 04.png This article could benefit from Japanese text.
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Line Japanese English
Line 1 走るのだって速いんですから、わたしー。 I’m a fast runner, you know.
Line 2 短いお耳もキュートでしょ?(ピクピク) Aren’t these short ears cute, too? (Pikupiku)
Line 3 重いとか太いとか言わないでー。 Don’t tell me its too heavy or thick!
Line 4 かくれんぼもだーい好きです! I love playing hide-and-seek!
Line 5 フワフワの毛皮、触ってみますかー? Do you want to pet my fluffy fur?
Line 6 {{{jpencounterline6}}} {{{enencounterline6}}}
Level 100 1. 私ー、ちょっと油断すると、すぐに太っちゃうんですよねー。
2. ダイエット、ダイエット!(ピョーンピョーン)
1. If I’m not careful, I’ll gain weight very quickly. 2. Diet, diet! (Pyon Pyon)
Holiday Lines
Christmas 2018 メリー・クリスマスですねー。ウキウキしちゃいますよー。(ピョンピョン) Merry Christmas! I’m so excited.
New Year's Day 2018-2019 明けましておめでとうございますですー。モコモコフワフワだから寒いのはへっちゃらですよー。 Happy New Year! I’m so fluffy and fuzzy, I don’t mind the cold at all!


  • When spawned standing, Arctic Hare will often hop twice on the spot. Although this animation is unique to her, it is not considered a Unique Behavior.

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Kemono Friends Pavilion × Shiro Chronicle Joker
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