American Alligator

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American Alligator
American AlligatorOriginal.png
American AlligatorOldDesign.png
Character Data
AKA Mississippi crocodile
Romaji Mishishippīwani
Debut Kemono Friends (2015 Game)
Animal Data
Scientific Name Alligator mississippiensis
Distribution Southeast United States
Diet Carnivore
Avg. Lifespan 30-50 years
Read More American alligator
Conservation Status iucn3.1 LC.svg.png
American Alligator KF3 Nexon Game Gallery

“ I'm often misunderstood as being angry, but I'm rarely mad despite my scary-looking face. It seems that people keep thinking I'm angry all the time, so I'm trying to change that image! E-Even now, I'm still not angry, so please don't be afraid...”
American Alligator's introduction.

The American Alligator is a type of Crocodilia Friend that appeared in the original Kemono Friends mobile game.


Old Design

American alligator's color palette is primarily green, with an accent of purple for her eyes. She has a asymmetric cut which is longer on the left, a short ponytail, and two greenish braids on the side of her head. This haircut could be a reference to scales on the real life American alligator.

American alligator wears a light green t-shirt hidden by a darker green jumpsuit. Said jumpsuit has a notched collar and is opened to breast level. She has two belts, one around her waist featuring small spikes, and one around her left thigh.

She also wears bulky gloves with elbow and forearm pads that match with her knee-high boots. Her boots and shoulder pads have three small spikes on each. Just like real alligators, she bears a thick green tail with a crest and yellow underbelly.

New Design

The new design of American Alligator has braided hair with bows.

Series Appearances

Appearances In Kemono Friends Media
Media Role
2015Nexon Game Minor character, playable character
2019Kemono Friends 3 Minor character, playable character

In Real Life

The American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis)

The American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis), sometimes referred to colloquially as a gator or common alligator, is a large crocodilian reptile endemic to the southeastern United States. Alligators are usually found in various types of still and freshwater, such as slow-moving rivers, swamps, marshes, and lakes. Lacking salt glands, the American alligator can only tolerate salt water for brief periods. [1]

The jaws of the American alligator are wide and equipped with incredible strength, containing 74-80 pointed teeth to seize and hold prey. Put most simply, alligators are apex generalist carnivores. In their natural habitat, they'll consume most other animals in the environment, including turtles, fish, invertebrates, small mammals, and birds. The behaviors exhibited by the animals during feeding depends on the size of the prey. Alligators will swallow small prey whole, and shake large prey into smaller pieces. If the kill is massive, they grab and spin on the long axis of their bodies, tearing off manageable chunks. [2] [1]

Aside from swimming, American alligators can both walk and run. When alligators wish to increase speed, their diagonally opposite limbs move simultaneously move forward. This allows for faster movement, but it also decreases stability. Agile swimmers, the American alligator is an ambush predator. They float on water, submerged with only nostrils and eyes above water to look out for prey. When weather is in extremes, they will also dig muddy holes, known as "gator holes", in order to maintain body temperature. Unlike other reptiles, American alligators do not hibernate during winter, becoming dormant instead. [3] [2].

Once on the verge of extinction, the American alligator has made a remarkable recovery due to strict conservation measures and extensive research. It is no longer endangered, with the exception of scattered populations. Despite this, it is considered threatened, as the American alligator is very similar in appearance to the endangered American crocodile. This measure is intended to prevent the misidentification of the two species by hunters. Hunting is allowed in some states, but is strictly controlled. [1]


Photography by Phil Lanoue taken from : "National Geographic"
  • When their teeth erode away over time, new ones appear. They experience about 2500 to 3000 teeth during their life span.
  • The best way to differentiate alligators from crocodile is to demarcate the shapes of their heads. Heads of alligators are U-shaped and that of crocodiles are V-shaped. Another difference is that alligators have only the upper teeth visible when the mouth is closed, while crocodiles have interlocking teeth.
  • The closest modern kin to alligators and other crocodilians are birds.


1. "American Alligator Fact Sheet". The National Zoo.

2. "Alligator mississippiensis". University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.

3. "American Alligator".

Reptile Friends
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