Team I'll Bite You Quest

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Team I'll Bite You


Quest Data
Quest Type Group
Quest Number 7
Friends Komodo Dragon
Sand Cat
American Alligator
Frilled Lizard
Black Mamba
Galápagos Tortoise
Saltwater Crocodile
Alligator Snapping Turtle
Panther Chameleon
Japanese Giant Salamander
Water Girls
Carefree Floaters' Club

Team I'll Bite You Quest is a quest in the original Kemono Friends mobile game. The quest explains the origin of Team I'll Bite You, one of the nine Groups in the original game. It takes place in the Nakabe Region, though the majority of the quest features a section of the region referred to as the Japari Park Crocodile Garden, where many reptilian Friends gather.


Trouble at the Waterfall

“Today, me, [protagonist], Park Guide-san, Puma, and Sand Cat all came to play in the waterfall. We arrived at the waterfall, but we couldn't play there. We had to fulfill the dream of a frail girl.”
Serval, in her diary

The story opens in the Nakabe Region of Japari Park, where Serval, the protagonist, Mirai, Puma, and Sand Cat have gathered at a waterfall. Serval lets out an excited shout, and Puma comments that it isn't going to echo even if she shouts. She then goes on to mention how excited she is to swim in an open space like this, since it's been a long time. Sand Cat thinks about how she would be yelled at for wasting this much water, but she's too excited, and wants to dive in immediately. Mirai happily watches the three of them enjoying themselves, and notes how peaceful today seems, hoping that this will continue.

The mysterious Friend is chased by a large Cellien.

Suddenly, a mysterious new Friend appears, asking the party for help as a Cellien chases her. Serval, Puma, and Sand Cat immediately rush into battle, but the Cellien counterattacks by attempting to strike the newcomer. However, the protagonist protects her, surprising her, as the protagonist and her have never met before. Serval compliments the protagonist, and then moves on to fighting the Cellien, vowing to show it the power of the Nyan Nyan Family. The group chases off the Cellien, and afterwards, the mysterious Friend reveals herself to be Komodo Dragon, who introduces herself as Komomo. She thanks the protagonist for protecting her, and is again surprised and begins to warn the protagonist against something, but stops herself to compliment Serval.

The Nyan Nyan Family members all gather around and chatter afterwards, though Komomo is left marvelling at the power of the group and resolves to form one herself. She ponders who the leader should be, and settles on a specific Friend, though she leaves her identity ambiguous for the time being. She then resolves to find her at the Japari Crocodile Garden, and drags the protagonist along with her. Serval follows, but Sand Cat and Puma stay behind. Mirai then exclaims that the Celliens from before are following the trio, and chips in to help save them.

Arriving at the Crocodile Garden

After making their way to the Japari Crocodile Garden, Komomo apologizes for suddenly grabbing the protagonist's hand and running. Serval wonders at the Crocodile Garden, which she has never been to before. Mirai explains that the Crocodile Garden is a place where all kinds of reptile Friends gather, and goes on to say that it isn't very large, and can be explored in less than a day. Moments afterwards, an unknown Friend begins to stare at the group, surprising Komomo and causing her to hug the protagonist without thinking. Mirai then identifies the Friend as American Alligator, a Friend known for being quiet and kind, so Komomo has no need to be afraid.

Elly runs away from Komomo.

American Alligator explains that her scary expression is just her usual, default expression, teary-eyed and begging the group to believe her. Komomo then apologizes, offering her a handshake as a gesture of her sincerity. Alligator thanks her for believing her, and warns the group that the area contains many Celliens, telling them to be careful. However, she is too late, as the Celliens then attack immediately. The irony of the immediacy isn't lost on Serval, and she rallies the group to battle. The group then fights and defeats the Celliens as a team. After the battle, Komomo finds that she is fascinated by the protagonist, who is speaking to her as if a friend, and she says she returns that feeling.

Serval says she also considers Komomo a friend, but is distracted by an odd noise. Mirai points out that the source of the odd noise is Elly, the Frilled Lizard, who is upset that she's being called Elly, and assumes they want to pick a fight with her. Serval shrugs off the accusation, calling her cute, annoying Elly. However, Elly then notices Komomo and becomes afraid. She runs off, calling her dangerous, which confuses Serval, who asks what Komomo did. Komomo then denies having done anything, curiously asking why Elly ran and calling her strange. Before Serval can say anything else, Celliens appear again, and the group works together to fight the threat once more.

Searching for the Seeked Beast

Komomo talks about her choice for the leader of her new group, describing her as hard to meet, admitting that even she has never met her. Serval asks if her choice has any more unique traits, and Komomo goes on to explain that she can jump up to 10 meters high, enjoys drinking sake, and snores. Serval is amazed, asking if a Friend capable of jumping that high could even be real, and Mirai ponders if this exceptional ability means that Komomo is referring to "The Seeked Beast". Mirai notes that if this were true, then Komomo would be correct that this Friend would be difficult to find.

Afterwards, two unknown Friends see the group, and one of them asks what they're doing. The other scolds her for being so hasty to take a fighting pose, telling her that she'll appear hostile. Komomo asks for their identity, and Mirai reveals that they are Black Mamba and Boomslang, respectively. She explains that they are both kinds of snakes known for their potent venom, though she finds them cute as Friends, and wonders if she would still mind being bitten by either of them. Serval immediately asks them if they know who "The Seeked Beast" is, and Boomslang, who believes in getting along with everyone, reveals she has met her before several times, and can take them to her.

The party meets Boomslang.

Serval is ecstatic to meet with a Friend who can take them to "The Seeked Beast", but Black Mamba is nervous about losing her cool around people who don't know her. Knowing this, Boomslang tells her it's alright to go on without her while she takes care of this, though she advises her to try to get along with them next time. Black Mamba then leaves, and Boomslang excitedly leads the charge, addressing the protagonist directly. Komomo feels slightly threatened by her enthusiasm towards the protagonist, and clicks her tongue, which Serval hears, but does not know the source of. Komomo tells the protagonist not to betray her, and Serval feels a chill go down her spine, so Boomslang suggests fighting the Celliens that just appeared to warm up.

Once the dust settles, Boomslang mentions that "The Seeked Beast" tends to hang around the back of the Crocodile Garden. Komomo asks the protagonist to search together with her, and holds their hand. Boomslang notices, and believes the two get along well, and decides to hold the protagonist's hand as well, angering Komomo, who tells her to let go while her hands are too busy to hit her. Serval then feels another chill, and notes that Komomo's way of speaking changed. Boomslang asks if Serval is okay, and tells her that she'll be warm if she holds someone's hand. Boomslang then elects to hold Serval's hand herself, and afterwards notices Galápagos Tortoise nearby.

Boomslang greets Galápagos Tortoise, and she returns the sentiment. Boomslang then notes that Tortoise is slow and cute today, and asks her if she's seen "The Seeked Beast" today. Galápagos Tortoise mentions that earlier, she saw a glimpse of her looking for something. She ponders if what she was looking for is her favorite liquor, and Boomslang isn't sure, but notes that an affinity for alcohol is a convenient thing to know about. Just then, Celliens appear blocking their path, and Mirai warns the group of their presence. She mentions that she feels chilly, and since she's cold, they should defeat the Celliens and warm up.

Komomo's True Nature

After the fight, the group is eating, and Komomo mentions how she's good at making omelet rice. She tells the protagonist that next chance she gets, she'll make it for them, and put a heart mark on it with ketchup. Serval is eating a banana flavored Japari Bun, but says that she wants to try Komomo's omelet rice, which Boomslang agrees with. Soon, an unknown Friend appears, asking what they're eating, and calls over Saltwater Crocodile to share a manjū with her. Saltwater Crocodile calls her a glutton and identifies her as Alligator Snapping Turtle, saying that if she's too gluttonous, she'll blow her away with an uppercut.

Boomslang recognizes the two, calling them very powerful, and invites them to join the new group the party plans to form. Alligator Snapping Turtle says she will refuse to listen to any leader that isn't stronger than her, but Boomslang doesn't mind, as the leader will be "The Seeked Beast". Saltwater Crocodile says that means there will be no problem, but asks if they've found her, as she's elusive. Boomslang sadly admits that they haven't, but Komomo says it will be fine if they never find her, because then she and the protagonist will be together forever. She creepily mentions that she's happy, and asks the protagonist to please say they're happy, too.

Boomslang interrupts to say that Celliens are attacking again, and asks everyone to fight them together. After the battle, Komomo makes an unnerving comment to the protagonist telling them not to go to school anymore, embarassed at the idea of being called lovers by others, but asks them not to let go of her hand, regardless. Serval attempts to question Komomo on this, but she doesn't hear her. Komomo asks Serval what she wants, but sees something else and asks who is there. Serval is surprised to hear that someone else is there, while Komomo asks them to show themselves, threatening them. The intruder then admits defeat and reveals themselves.

Boomslang recognizes her as Panther Chameleon, using an invisibily technique. Mirai notes how even though it's amazing that Panther Chameleon can hide her body like that, Komomo being able to see through it is amazing as well. Panther Chameleon agrees, but mentions that "The Seeked Beast" will still be hard to find, as she is even more difficult to find. Komomo says that regardless, it will be worth it if she can find their "love nest", prompting Boomslang to tell her that there is no love nest, and that there are Celliens approaching. Komomo gets angry and wants to hit her, but the protagonist stands in the way and prevents her from doing so. Mirai nervously says that it may be too straightforward, but she apologizes for disturbing Komomo's world. She then changes the topic to the Celliens, preparing for battle.

The Seeked Beast is Found

After the fight, Mirai mentions that none of the Celliens got anywhere near them, and Serval praises Komomo, who went above and beyond in the battle. Komomo thanks Serval, who says she is cute, meaning she can be invited to her and the protagonist's house party. Serval is perplexed by this idea, as it would mean Komomo and the protagonist are living together, an idea she was not aware of. Komomo creepily speaks about her and the protagonist's future together, laughing to herself afterwards. Boomslang then interrupts to say that they have searched the majority of the Japari Park Crocodile Garden, but they still have not found "The Seeked Beast".

Just then, Axolotl appears from under the water, introducing herself as Sala, alongside Japanese Giant Salamander. Sala says that if the group is looking for something, she can find it, and Japanese Giant Salamander backs up the statement, saying that Sala can find anyhing. Sala humbly denies that, followed by Boomslang pointing out how they're always so relaxed, to the point she's starting to feel relaxed too. She asks the duo if they've seen "The Seeked Beast" lately, and Sala promptly tells the group that she's right over there, and the party then sees "The Seeked Beast" with their own eyes.

Boomslang thanks the duo for helping them find "The Seeked Beast", and resolve to follow her, defeating any Celliens that are in their way. After catching up to her, Boomslang calls out to her, catching her attention. She turns around, and Mirai instantly recognizes her as Tsuchinoko. She excitedly speaks about how many people have tried many methods to try and locate her for a very long time, and that there are many reports of encounters with a Tsuchinoko, yet no one has ever seen one. She joyously informs the group that the Tsuchinoko is a very, very rare Friend to find indeed. However, Tsuchinoko herself shrugs it off, and asks why they have come. Boomslang is about to discuss the group with Tsuchinoko, but a large Cellien appears.

Tsuchinoko agrees to lead Team I'll Bite You.

Serval marvels at the size of the Cellien, and soon recognizes the large Cellien as the one that the Nyan Nyan Family chased off back at the waterfall. Tsuchinoko asks the group to stop getting her into trouble, but Serval is quick to action and asks Mirai to analyze the Cellien. Mirai confirms that the Cellien is indeed the same one, and informs the group that it's stronger than it was earlier. Tsuchinoko is unfazed, and unleashes a beam from her eyes. Boomslang recognizes this as a powerful signature move, "Riddle Eyes' Beam", and decides to join the fight. Komomo tells the protagonist to wait while she defeats the Cellien, and joins the battle as well. Tsuchinoko admits the Cellien would be difficult to fight on her own, and tells the others not to get in her way.

Once the battle is over, Serval congratulates the three on defeating the Cellien, which Boomslang attributes to Tsuchinoko's leadership. Boomslang then formally asks Tsuchinoko if she will become the leader of the new group, which Tsuchinoko refuses, as it's not in her character. However, Boomslang tempts her with a special kind of rare sake called “Hebigoroshi”, astonishing Tsuchinoko. Boomslang offers the sake in exchange for Tsuchinoko becoming the leader of the new group, and Tsuchinoko accepts immediately.

Serval is happy to witness the birth of a new group other than the Nyan Nyan Family, and asks Mirai if she feels the same. Mirai says that she believes a nice group was formed, and the newly-formed Team I'll Bite You begins to address the protagonist. Komomo characteristically tells them that they can't look at other people, though Boomslang naively does not pick up on the implications of this and says that the two must get along well, making her happy. Tsuchinoko hears the protagonist's name, and tells them to do their best. Komomo thanks the protagonist for accompanying her on her selfish journey, and asks them to take care of her forever.

“Because of all this, a new group that includes the kid I met at the Japari Park Crocodile Garden was formed, with Tsuchinoko as the leader. Well, at first, I gave an unreasonable demand, and just wanted to spend time together with [protagonist], but… … with this, I've finished the love nest that will protect us. From now on, together with [protagonist]… … And if they betray me, ufufufu... Ahh, just by thinking about [protagonist], my chest starts to get tight… … I wonder if love is a poison. If that's the case, then I hope [protagonist] will fall into my poison love.”
Komomo, in her diary


Character English Japanese
Serval's Diary Today, me, [protagonist], Park Guide-san, Puma, and Sand Cat all came to play in the waterfall. We arrived at the waterfall, but we couldn't play there. We had to fulfill the dream of a frail girl. 〜サーバルの日記〜


SCENE: Nakabe Region (WATERFALL) -
Waterfall! Yahoo! 滝だー!やっほー!
You know, it won't echo, even if you shout. But I'm excited - it's been a long time since I've swam somewhere vast like this. 叫んでも山彦は返ってこないわよ? でも、私もこんな広い場所で泳ぐのは久々だから、ちょっとワクワクしちゃうわ。
Sand CatNexonIcon.png
Sand Cat
If you wasted this much water in the desert, you'd be scolded. But since Sand Cat is excited by seeing all of this water, she doesn't mind diving in. 砂漠でこんなに水を垂れ流したら怒られますよ。でもスナネコはたくさんの水を見て興奮しているので、特に気にせずダイブします。
Ufufu, looks like the three of you are having fun. Today feels especially peaceful. It would be nice if days like today could continue. うふふ、お三方とも楽しそうです。今日は特に平和です。こんな時間がずっと続けばいいですね。
Komodo DragonNexonIcon.png
Y-you there! Help me! そ、そこにいる方々っ!助けてください!
! !
That person is being chased by large Cellien! あの方、大型セルリアンに追われています!
We can’t just watch! Puma, Sand Cat, let’s go! Hyaah! 見過ごすわけにはいかないね。ピューマ、スナネコ、行こうっ!てやぁー!
I don’t have any reason to refuse if you ask. Haah! 頼まれたら断る理由はないわね。はぁっ。
Sand CatNexonIcon.png
Sand Cat
When we’re together with Serval, we always get into trouble. We're never bored, though, so that's good! サーバルといるといつもトラブルに巻き込まれます。退屈しないのでいいですっ、けど!
! !
The Cellien is counterattacking... ... watch out!... ... [Protagonist]-san!? セルリアンが反撃を... ... 危ないっ!... ... 「主人公」さんっ!?
Komodo DragonNexonIcon.png
Y-you're protecting me? Even though I'm someone unfamiliar… … Thank you very much. わ、私をかばってくれたのですか? 見ず知らずの私なんかを。... ... ありがとう、ございます。
Nice, [protagonist]! Alright, everyone, let’s suppress it in one go. I will show you the power of the Nyan Nyan Family! ナイスだ「主人公」。よーしみんな、このまま一気に畳み掛けちゃおう。にゃんにゃんファミリーの強さ、見せてあげる!
! !
The Cellien ran away! We successfully drove it off. セルリアンが逃げていきます。見事撃退しましたねっ。
Komodo DragonNexonIcon.png
Komodo Dragon
I’m safe... ... My name is Komodo Dragon. Please, don't hesitate to call me Komomo. [Protagonist]-san, thank you very much for protecting me earlier... ... “Are you okay?”... more kind words. If you’re too kind to me, I... no. I’m already... ... about you... Ah, Serval-san, thank you very much for helping me, as well. You’re really strong and reliable. 助かりました... ...。私はコモドドラゴンと言います。お気軽にコモモとお呼びください。「主人公」さん、先ほどはかばっていただいて、ありがとうございました。... ... 『大丈夫だった?』なんて、またお優しいお言葉を。あまり優しくされますと私、いえ。もうすでに私はあなたのことを... ... ぽっ。あ、サーバルさんも。助けてくれてありがとうございます。とても強くて頼もしかったです。
Ehehe. This is the power of the Nyan Nyan Family. えへへっ。これがにゃんにゃんファミリーの力だよ。
As I would expect from our leader. うちのグループのリーダーはさすがね。
Sand CatNexonIcon.png
Sand Cat
Serval does well, when she tries. サーバルもやる時はやりますよね。
Even though you're praising me, it was nothing~ そんなに褒めても何もでないよ〜。
Komodo DragonNexonIcon.png
Komodo Dragon
This is the power of a group who combined their power... ... Wonderful. I want to make one, too. To do that, an appropriate leader is needed... ... Uhm... ... ... Like I thought, the leader should be that Friend... ... Then, my next destination is the Japari Crocodile Garden. I’m sorry, but can I ask you for help? Now, let’s go! これが力を合わせたグループの力... ...。素晴らしい、是非私も作りたいです。それには、適切なリーダーが必要ですよね... ...。うーん... ... ... ... やはり、リーダーは... ... あのけものさんで決まりです。でしたら行き先はジャパリワニ園ですね。すいませんがお手伝いをお願いします。さあ、行きましょうっ!
W-wait! [Protagonist] is being dragged away. We have to follow them! ちょ、ちょっと!「主人公」が連れてかれちゃった。私たちも追わないと。
Sand CatNexonIcon.png
Sand Cat
Then, Sand Cat and Puma will stay behind and play in the waterfall. Have a safe trip, leader. では、スナネコとピューマは滝で遊んでますね。いってらっしゃい、リーダー。
The Celliens from before are attacking [protagonist] and Komomo-san! Let’s go hurry and save them! 先へ行った「主人公」さんとコモモさんがセルリアンに襲われてます。急いで助けに行きましょう!
Komodo DragonNexonIcon.png
Komodo Dragon
... ... Sorry, for suddenly grabbing your hand and running off. ... ... 急に手を繋いで行ってしまい、ごめんなさい。
It was surprising, but I’m glad that you're both safe. Now then, where are we... ...? This is my first time coming here, but it looks fun anyway! びっくりしたけど、ふたりとも無事でよかったよ。それで、ここは... ...? 初めて来たけど、なんだか楽しそう!
Komodo DragonNexonIcon.png
Komodo Dragon
This is the Japari Park Crocodile Garden that I spoke about earlier. ここが先ほど言っていたジャパリワニ園ですよ。
The Japari Park Crocodile Garden is a place where crocodiles, snakes, turtles, and similar kinds of Friends can gather. It's not very big, so if you have half a day, you could explore the entire area. ジャパリワニ園はワニ、ヘビ、カメなどのけものさんたちが集う場所ですね。そこまで広くはありませんので、半日もあれば全て見て回ることができると思います。
American AlligatorNexonIcon.png
… … (*stare*) ... ... (ジー)。
Komodo DragonNexonIcon.png
Komodo Dragon
Kyaa!... … I’m sorry. That person over there is glaring at me, so I hugged [protagonist]-san without thinking. きゃっ!... ... すいません。そちらの方がにらんでいたので、つい「主人公」さんに抱きついてしまいました。
Ah, that's American Alligator-san. She’s a quiet and kind person, usually. So, you have no need to be scared… … Probably. あ、あの方はミシシッピーワニさんですね。基本はおとなしくて優しい性格の方です。だから、怖がらなくても平気ですよ。... ... 多分。
Probably!? 多分なの!?
American AlligatorNexonIcon.png
American Alligator
No! I’m not angry. This is just my usual expression that I always have... ... Please believe me... ...! (*teary-eyed*) 違うんです、怒ってるわけじゃないんです。私、元々こういう顔つきなだけなんです。信じてくださいー... ...!(うるうるっ)。
Komodo DragonNexonIcon.png
Komodo Dragon
I-I’m sorry for jumping to conclusions so quickly. Let’s shake hands and make up? ご、ごめんなさい。私ったら早とちりでした。仲直りの握手、しましょう?
American AlligatorNexonIcon.png
American Alligator
*Sniff*, Thank you very much for believing me. As thanks, um, let me warn you that there are a lot of Celliens in the area, so please be careful. ぐずっ、信じてくれて、ありがとうございます。お礼と言ってはなんですけど、この辺りはセルリアンが多いので気をつけてください。
! !
I'm seeing that with my own two eyes… … [Protagonist], let’s finish them quickly. 身をもって体感したよ... ...。「主人公」、さっさと片付けようっ。
Komodo DragonNexonIcon.png
Komodo Dragon
[Protagonist]'s commands in battle are very effective. I’m fascinated by you. And you're speaking to me like you would a friend... heart is filled with that same kind of kindness. 「主人公」さんのご指示は本当に的確ですね。私、見惚れてしまいました。それにこうして仲間と同じように声をかけてくださる... ... そのお気遣いに私の胸はもう、いっぱいですよ?
Me too, me too! I think of Komomo as a friend, too!... ... Eh? Do you hear that? 私も私もっ、コモモのこと仲間だと思ってるから!... ... って、あれ? 聞こえてない?
Oh my, someone's running over from that direction. That’s... ... Elly-san, the Frilled Lizard. あら、向こうから誰かが走ってきます。あれは... ... エリマキトカゲのエリーさんですね。
Frilled LizardNexonIcon.png
Frilled Lizard
Don’t call me Elly! I’m Frilled Lizard-sama! Hey, you wanna pick a fight, is that it?! エリーとか呼ぶんじゃねぇ!エリマキトカゲ様だ!おー、やんのか、こらー!
Oh, we don’t, sorry. Ahaha, you're cute. おー、やんないよー、こらー。あはは、可愛いねっ。
Frilled LizardNexonIcon.png
Frilled Lizard
Don’t smile at me like that!... ... Ugh! Komomo!? Sh-she’s dangerous! Y-you'll be okay if you run! Goodbye... ...! 私を見て微笑むなー!... ... げげっ!コモモ!? そ、そいつはやばいって!に、逃げるが勝ち!ほいじゃさよならー... ...!
She took off like she’s running away from something. Komomo, what did you do? 逃げるように行っちゃった。コモモ、何かしたの?
Komodo DragonNexonIcon.png
Komodo Dragon
I didn't do anything. I wonder why she ran away? What a strange person... ... Ufufufu. いいえ? 一体どうしたんでしょう? 変な方... ... うふふふ。
I feel like Elly’s behavior just now wasn't normal... ... でも、エリーのあの様子はただ事じゃないような... ...
! !
Celliens again? There are so many Celliens around... ... We'll have to fight them! またセルリアン? 本当にセルリアンが多いね... ... とにかく倒さなきゃ!
Komodo DragonNexonIcon.png
Komodo Dragon
I will help you, ufufu. お手伝いしますわ、うふふ。
Komodo DragonNexonIcon.png
Komodo Dragon
It seems like the kid I want to lead us is hard to meet. In truth, I haven't met her before, either. 私がグループのリーダーにしたい子は滅多に会えない子らしいのです。私も実際に会ったことはないのです。
We've walked a long way, but we still haven't met her. Are there any other unique traits she has? 結構歩いてるのにまだ会えないもんね。他に特徴は?
Komodo DragonNexonIcon.png
Komodo Dragon
She’s a really fast person... ... She's an amazing jumper, and it's said that she can jump between 5 meters and 10 meters high. It's also said that she likes drinking sake, and snores when she sleeps. 非常に素早い方で... ... 高さ5メートルとも10メートルとも言われる凄まじいジャンプ力を持っているとか。あとは、日本酒好きで、眠る時はいびきをかくそうです。
A jump that's t-ten meters high... ...!? Is she really a beast!? じゅ、10メートルの高さのジャンプ... ...!? それって本当にけものなの!?
The ability to jump as high up as a three or four story building... ... Could it be that “The Seeked Beast” is in Japari Park? But she can't be met so easily... ... 3〜4階建てのビルの高さくらいのジャンプ力... ... まさか、ジャパリパーク内で『訊ねけもの』と呼ばれている、あのけものさんのことでしょうか? でもそんな簡単に会えるわけ... ...
Black MambaNexonIcon.png
Aaah? All of you, what are you doing here? ああ? お前ら一体、ここで何してんだよ?
That's no good. If you take a fighting stance at anything like that, you’ll look like a belligerent. 駄目ですよぉ、いきなり、そんなファイティングポーズで喧嘩腰になっちゃー。
Komodo DragonNexonIcon.png
Komodo Dragon
... ... Who are you? ... ... 誰ですか?
The gray one is Black Mamba-san, and the green one is Boomslang-san. Both of them are originally from snake families that have strong venoms. But now that they're animal girls, they're cute, which makes me think, "maybe I don't mind if I'm bitten." 灰色の方がブラックマンバさんで、緑色の方がブームスラングさんですっ。お二人とも、元々はとても強い毒を持つヘビ科の方です。でも、アニマルガール化していると可愛くて、噛まれてしまってもいいかも、とか思っちゃいますね!
Hey, hey, both of you! Do either of you know a kid called "The Seeked Beast”? ねえねえ二人とも。『訊ねけもの』って呼ばれる子のこと、知らない?
I know~! My motto is "get along with everyone", so I've met with "The Seeked Beast"-chan a few times. If it's okay with you, I can guide you to where she's probably hiding~. 知ってますよ〜。私、誰とでも仲良くがモットーなので『訊ねけもの』ちゃんとも何回か会ってるんです。よかったら彼女がいそうな場所、案内しますよ〜。
Waah, we did it, [protagonist]! We found a Friend that can help us! わあっ、やったね『主人公』!心強い友達ができたよー!
Black MambaNexonIcon.png
Black Mamba
I... ... uhm... ... (It's going to be awkward if I lose my temper and start a fight while I'm with unfamiliar company) 私は... ... その... ...。(慣れてない連中と一緒に居て、また喧嘩っぽくなっても気まずいんだよねぇ)。
Black Mamba-chan, it’s fine if you go ahead first. Once I’m done with this, I'll go find you as soon as I can. (Next time, you should try to get along with them, okay?) ブラックマンバちゃん、先に行っててくてて大丈夫ですよぉ。私も終わったらすぐに行きますからぁ。(今度、ゆっくりと慣れて仲良く慣れば大丈夫ですよぉ)。
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Black Mamba
Is that so? (Hah...) Then, I'll see you later. そうか(ホッ)それじゃあ、また後でな。
Yep, see you later! Let's go, [protagonist]-chan! はーい、また後でねっ。それじゃ「主人公」ちゃん、行きましょうか!
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Komodo Dragon
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...Boomslang-san... ... You're being really friendly with [protagonist], huh?... ... *tch... ... ... ...* ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ブームスラングさん... ...。随分と「主人公」に積極的ですね... ... チッ... ... ... ...
Eh? Where did that clicking tongue sound just now come from... ...? あれ? 今、舌打ち... ...?
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Komodo Dragon
... ... Please don’t betray me, okay, [protagonist]? ... ... 私のこと裏切らないでね? 「主人公」。
Did I just feel a sudden chill...!? My spine shivered~! きゅ、急に寒気が...!? 背筋がゾクゾクする〜!
Is it cold? Then let's defeat these Celliens and warm up. 寒いですか? なら、セルリアンを倒してあったかくなりましょう。
"The Seeked Beast" spends a lot of her time in the back of the Garden. Let's look around there first. 訊ねけものちゃんは園の奥にいることが多いんですよ。まずはこの辺りから探して見ましょう。
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Komodo Dragon
Understood. [Protagonist], how about if we searched together? わかったわ。それじゃ「主人公」? 一緒に探しましょう?
Holding hands so tight, you two must get along well! Then I'll hold hands with [protagonist]-chan, too! がっちり手を繋いで、仲がいいですね!なら私も「主人公」ちゃんと手を繋いじゃいましょうっ。
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Komodo Dragon
... ... Planning to tear up our friendship... you don’t know your place. Let go of [protagonist], now, while my hand is too busy being held by [protagonist] to do anything. ... ... 私たちの仲を引き裂こうなんて身の程知らずね。今すぐ「主人公」から離れなさい。私の手が「主人公」の手に握られているうちに。
This chilly feeling isn't stopping~. Komomo's way of speaking changed, too... ... it’s a bit scary. うぅ、寒気が止まらないよぉ〜。コモモも喋り方変わってるし... ... ちょっと怖い。
Serval-chan, are you okay? You'll feel warm if you're holding hands. Here! *hold*. Ah, Galápagos Tortoise-chan. Oi! サーバルちゃん、大丈夫ですか? 手を繋げばあったくなりますよ、はい、ぎゅー。あ、ガラパゴスゾウガメちゃんです。おーいっ!
Galápagos TortoiseNexonIcon.png
Galápagos Tortoise
Ah, Boomslang-san. Greetings. あーブームスラングさんー。どうもーですー。
You're slow and cute today, as always. We're searching for "The Seeked Beast"-chan, have you seen her anywhere? 今日もゆっくりで可愛いですね。私たち訊ねけものちゃんを探してるんですが、どこかで見かけたりしてませんか?
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Galápagos Tortoise
"The Seeked Beast"-san? Ahh, that person. I caught a glimpse of her over there. It looked like she was searching for something. Maybe she's looking for her favorite liquor? 訊ねけものさんー? ああー、あの方ですねー。それならさっきーあっちの方でーちらっと見ましたよー。何かー探してたみたいですー。大好きなーお酒をー探してるんですかねー?
Hmm, hmm, I don’t know about that. But if she likes liquor, then that’s convenient to know. ふむふむ、それは知りませんでしたね。でもお酒が好きということなら、好都合です。
! !
Everyone, there's Celliens up ahead! Uh, this chilly feeling… … My goosebumps are standing up again, so let's defeat the Celliens standing in our way, so that we can feel warm again! 皆さん、前方にセルリアンです!うぅ、寒気が... ...。私も先ほどから鳥肌がスタンディングオベーションなので、立ち塞がるセルリアンを倒して暖を取りましょう!
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Komodo Dragon
I’m good at making omelet rice. I'll make it for you next time. So, please calm down? I'll put a heart on it using ketchup. 私、オムライスが得意なの。今度食べさせてあげる。安心して? ちゃんとケチャップでハートマークをかいてあげるから。
Banana flavored Japari Buns are delicious, but I want to eat Komomo's omelet rice! (*chew*) ジャパマン・バナナ味もおいしいけど、コモモのオムライスも食べてみたいなー(もぐもぐ)。
Yes, me too! (*chew*) そうですねぇ(もぐもぐ)。
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What? What are you eating? it looks delicious! Oi, Saltwater Crocodile! Come here! I'll share a manjū with you! なんだなんだ、うまそうなモン食ってるな!おーいイリエワニー!こっちこいよー!まんじゅうわけてもらおうぜー!
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Saltwater Crocodile
Geez, you’re such a glutton, Alligator Snapping Turtle-chan. If you’re too gluttonous, I'll blow you away with a Saltwater-style shining uppercut, got it? もう、ワニガメちゃんったらいじきたないわよ。あんまりいじきたないとイリエ式シャイニングアッパーかますわよ?
Alligator Snapping Turtle-chan and Saltwater Crocodile-chan! They're both very powerful. We're planning to form a new group, will you join us~? ワニガメちゃんにイリエワニちゃん!どっちもパワフルなんですよね。今度新しいグループを結成するので、一緒にどうですか〜?
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Alligator Snapping Turtle
A group? Unite as a team and fight against Celliens? I won't acknowledge any leader unless they're stronger than me! グループ? チームを組んでセルリアンと戦うってことか? 俺様より強いやつじゃないと認めないぜ!
That's fine, because the leader is going to "The Seeked Beast"-chan. そこは平気ですよー。何せリーダーはあの訊ねけものちゃんですからー。
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Saltwater Crocodile
"The Seeked Beast"-chan, huh? Then there’s no problem. But, have you even found her? That kid's hard to find, you see. 訊ねけものちゃん、か。なら何も問題ないわ。でも見つかるかしら? あの子ってほら、神出鬼没だから。
You’re right, we haven't... ... I’m downhearted. そうなんですよね... ... しょんぼり、です。
I feel down, too... ... なんだか私までしょんぼりだよ... ...
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Komodo Dragon
If we can't find "The Seeked Beast", that's fine... ... That way, me and [protagonist] will be together forever... ... I’m happy... ... You’re happy too, right? Please, say you’re happy? このまま訊ねけものが見つからなければいいわ... ... そうすれば「主人公」と私は一生一緒よ。嬉しい... ...。嬉しいでしょ? 嬉しいと言って?
I’m sorry for interrupting you in the middle of this tender moment, but Celliens are coming, so we have to fight them. Power up our unity by defeating them together with everyone! 仲を深めているところすいませんけど、セルリアンが来たので倒しましょう。みんなで倒して団結力アップアップですっ。
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Komodo Dragon
[Protagonist]? Let’s go to school from now on. Being called lovey-dovey by other kids is embarrassing. But...never let go and stop holding my hand, even so. Ufu, ufufufufu. 「主人公」? これからは一緒にと登下校しましょう。他の子たちからラブラブだねと言われて、恥ずかしくなるけど、それでも繋いだ手は離さないの。うふ、うふふふふ。
Go to school?? What do you mean?... ... Huh? Did you not hear me? Komomo, oi? 登下校?? どういうこと?... ... あれ? 聞こえてない? コモモ、おーい?
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Komodo Dragon
Oh my? Serval-san, what is it? And... ... who’s there? あら? サーバルさん、何ですか? それに... ... そこにいるのは誰?
Eh!? S-someone's here!? えっ!? だ、誰かいるの?
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Komodo Dragon
Show yourself. If you disturb me and [protagonist]'s world, I won't show you any mercy, okay? 姿を現しなさい。私と「主人公」の世界を邪魔する者なら容赦しないわよ?
Panther ChameleonNexonIcon.png
... ... I- no... You saw through my hidden body technique very well... ... de gozaru. ... ... 私の、じゃなくて。拙者の隠れ身の術をよく見破ったわね... ... でござる。
Waah!? Someone appears!? わあ!? なんかでた!?
Pa-Panther Chameleon-san!? Geez, please don't surprise me like that~! パ、パンサーカメレオンさん!? もうびっくりさせないでくださいよ〜!
Panther Chameleon-san's hidden body technique is amazing, though Komomo-san being able to see through it immediately is also amazing. パンサーカメレオンさんの隠れ身の術もすごいですが、それを一瞬で見抜くコモモさんもすごいですね。
Panther ChameleonNexonIcon.png
Panther Chameleon
Great vision... ... de gozaru. Even with that ability, "The Seeked Beast" is still difficult to find. Finding her is much more difficult than finding me... ... de gozaru. 大した眼力... ... でござる。だが、それを持ってしてもあの訊ねけものを探すのは困難。あれは私より見つけるのが難しいからね... ... でござる。
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Komodo Dragon
Yeah. But just because of that, it's worth searching for... ... for [protagonist] and I's love nest. Now, [protagonist]. Let’s search for it... our one and only love nest... Utopia, paradise! そうね。でもそれだけ、探す価値があるのよ。... ... 私と「主人公」の、愛の巣はね。さあ、「主人公」。探しに行きましょう。二人だけの愛の巣。ユートピア、楽園を!
There is no love nest. But more importantly, there's a lot of Celliens coming from behind [protagonist]-san. 愛の巣はないですね。とりあえず、「主人公」さんの後ろから、セルリアンならたくさんこっちに来てますよ。
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Komodo Dragon
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... [Protagonist], step aside. I can’t hit her with you in the way. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 「主人公」どいて。そいつら殴れない。
This might be too straightforward, but I'm sorry for disturbing your fantasy... ...! A-anyhow, let’s fight! Quickly, like a gale of wind! 自分の世界に入り込んでいたところを邪魔されてあまりにストレートな発言が... ...!と、とにかく戦いましょう!迅速早急疾風の如く!
A-amazing... ... You didn’t let any Celliens get close. す、すごい... ... セルリアンをまったく寄せ付けませんでした。
We did our best, but Komomo did even better. Amazing! 私たちも頑張ったけど、コモモはもっと頑張ってたねっ。すごいよ!
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Komodo Dragon
Thank you, Serval. You're cute, so you're invited to [protagonist] and I's house party. ありがとう、サーバル。可愛いあなたは特別に私と「主人公」のホームパーティに招待してあげるわ。
H-house party? Both of you are living together!? Nyaa, what does that mean?? ほ、ホームパーティ? ふたりは一緒に住むの!? にゃぁぅ、どういうことーーー??
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Komodo Dragon
There is [protagonist] in my future... in [protagonist]'s future, there is me… … Ufu, ufufufu, ufufufufufufu! 私の未来に「主人公」がいて、「主人公」の未来に私がいる... ... うふ、うふふふ、うふふふふふふっ!
Uhm... ... We've searched most of the Japari Crocodile Garden, but we still can't find "The Seeked Beast"-chan. うーん... ... 訊ねけものちゃん、ジャパリワニ園をほとんど探したのに見つかりませんね。
From underwater, *bubbling*! If you're looking for something, let Sala do it. 水の中なら、ぬぽぽぽーん!探しものなら、このサラにお任せだよぉー。
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Japanese Giant Salamander
Me too, *bubbling*. Sala-chan can find anything, she’s amazing! 私も一緒に、ぬぽぽぽーん、なの。サラちゃんは何でも探せてすごいなの。
It’s not like that~. そんなことないよ〜。
Both of you are always so relaxed and never seem to change. Even I'm feeling relaxed now~. *bubbling* By the way, concerning "The Seeked Beast"-chan, have you seen her lately? 二人とも、相変わらずゆったりですねー。こっちまでゆったりーになっちゃいます〜。ぬぽぽぽーん。ところで、訊ねけものちゃんのことなんですけど、最近どこかでみたりしませんでしたかー?
If you're looking for "The Seeked Beast"-chan, she’s right over there, you know? 訊ねけものちゃんなら、そこにいるよー?
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Japanese Giant Salamander
Yeah. なのー。
… … … …
It’s true! Both of you, thank you! Everyone, let’s defeat the Celliens in our away and follow "Seeked Beast"-chan! 本当です!二人とも、ありがとうです!さあ皆さん。行く手をふさぐセルリアンを倒して、訊ねけものちゃんを追いましょう!
Finally, I've found you! "Seeked Beast"-chan! やっと見つけましたよ!訊ねけものちゃん!
... ...Hm? ... ... ん?
S-"Seeked Beast-san"... no... It’s really... a real... Tsuchinoko!? For many years, many people have used several methods to try and find her, and there are many first-hand accounts of her, but no one has ever seen her... She's a really, really, really rare beast! た、訊ねけものさん、いえ。本当に、本物の、ツチノコさんじゃないですかー!様々な人々が様々な手段で何年も探して、目撃談は数多くありましたがその姿は誰も見たことがない、超・超・超レアなけものさんです!
... ... Noisy. What's made you come to this place? ... ... うるさいな。何しにこんなところまで来たんだよ。
There's-- There is something we would like to discuss with Tsuchinoko-san… … それはですね、ツチノコさんに相談が... ...
! !
A large Cellien? And not only that, it's the Cellien that we fought earlier and chased off! おっきいセルリアン? しかも、私たちと戦って逃げてったセルリアンだ!
Oi, oi, what’s this... ... Stop getting me into trouble. おいおいなんだよ... ...。面倒ごとに巻き込むのはよしてくれよ。
Park Guide-san! パークガイドさん!
... ...I've finished analyzing it! There’s no doubt it’s the Cellien we fought earlier. Not only that, but it looks like it’s stronger than it was before! ... ... 解析完了です!間違いなく前に戦ったセルリアンです。それに、以前よりも強くなっているようです!
What’s with you... ... What a nuisance. なんだよ、お前... ...。邪魔なんだよ。
EVENT: (Tsuchinoko unleashes a beam from her eyes!) (ツチノコの目からビームが放たれた!)。
There it is! Tsuchinoko-san's powerful technique, “Riddle Eyes’ Beam”! I'll help, too! 出ました!ツチノコさんの大技『リドルアイスビーム』!私も手伝いますよ!
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Komodo Dragon
... ... [Protagonist], please wait here for a moment. I shall retire that unreasonable Cellien. Tsuchinoko, I’ll help. ... ... 「主人公」、少し待っていて。聞き分けのないあのセルリアンに退場してもらうから。ツチノコ、手伝うわ。
Tch... ... It would be difficult to fight it alone. That's just how it is...don't get in my way! チッ... ... 私だけじゃキツイしな。仕方ない、足引っ張るなよ!
Alright, we defeated the Cellien, thanks to Tsuchinoko, Boomslang and Komomo! よしっ、セルリアンを倒したよ!ツチノコ、ブームスラング、コモモのおかげだよ!
It's all thanks to Tsuchinoko-san's leadership. So, Tsuchinoko-san, will you become our new group leader? これもツチノコさんのリーダシップがあればこそですよ。だからツチノコさん、私たち新グループのリーダーになってくださいな?
I refuse. It’s not in my character to do that. 断る。そういうのは、ガラじゃあない。
Can you say the same thing after you see this liquor~? このお酒を見ても同じことが言えますか〜?
Th-that’s a famously hard-to-find sake... ... “Hebigoroshi”? そ、それは滅多にお目にかかれない幻の銘酒... ... 『へびごろし』か!?
It's just like you said. If you're willing to become the leader, I'll give you this. その通りです。もしリーダーになってくれたらあげちゃいますけど?
... ... Understood. In exchange for the sake, I'll become a leader. ... ... わかった。酒をもらう代わりに、リーダーとやらになってやる。
Yes! The birth of a group other than the Nyan Nyan Family! It’s a happy occasion, right, Park Guide-san? やったー!にゃんにゃんファミリー以外のグループの誕生だね!嬉しいね、パークガイドさん!
Yes. I think that a wonderful group was formed! はいっ。とっても素敵なグループができたと思います!
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Komodo Dragon
[Protagonist], were you looking at me? You can’t look at other kids, okay? Ufufu... ... 「主人公」、私のこと見ててくれた? 他の子なんて、見ちゃだめだからね? うふふ... ...
[Protagonist] and Komomo get along really well! Now I'm happy, too. 「主人公」とコモモは、本当に仲がいいですね!私も嬉しくなっちゃいますよ。
... ... Your name is [protagonist]? Well… … Do your best. ... ... 「主人公」って言ったか? まあなんだ。... ... 頑張れよ。
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Komodo Dragon
[Protagonist], thank you very much for accompanying me on my selfish adventure... ... Please take care of me forever from now on, okay? 「主人公」、私のわがままに付き合ってくれて本当にありがとう。... ... これからも、末長く、よろしくね?
Komomo's Diary Because of all this, a new group that includes the kid I met at the Japari Park Crocodile Garden was formed, with Tsuchinoko as the leader. Well, at first, I gave an unreasonable demand, and just wanted to spend time together with [protagonist], but... ... with this, I've finished the love nest that will protect us. From now on, together with [protagonist]... ... And if they betray me, ufufufu... Ahh, just by thinking about [protagonist], my chest starts to get tight... ... I wonder if love is a poison. If that's the case, then I hope [protagonist] will fall into my poison love. 〜コモモの日記〜

こうしてツチノコさんをリーダーとし、ジャパリワニ園で出会った子たちを含めた新たなグループが結成されました。まあ、最初はそんなことは健全で、無理難題を出して、「主人公」と一緒にいられる時間を稼ぎたかっただけでしたが... ... でもこれで、ふたりを守る愛の巣が完成したわ。これからもずっと、「主人公」と一緒。... ... もし裏切るのならーーうふふふっ。ああ、「主人公」を思うだけで胸が苦しくなる... ...。恋は猛毒、なのかしらね。そうなのであればーー「主人公」が私との猛毒(こい)に落ちますように。

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