Park (Kingdom)

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The Park, formerly known as Paradise, is a feature of Kemono Friends Kingdom which allows the player to interact with Friends and collect resources.


The Park is an area where Friends gather to chat, play, relax, and prepare to set out on adventures. It is located on a grassy shoreline, amid dilapidated buildings and old stone pathways claimed by overgrowth. The edges of the shoreline are broken up into islets, typically close enough together that Friends and Lucky Beasts can safely hop between them; where larger gaps exist, bridges can be found. A forest borders the Park on the side opposite the water.

In the distance, a large castle is visible rising up over the trees.

Play Menu

Players can invite their favorite Friends to play in the Park through the Play menu, which allows for a number of Friends to be manually assigned to bustle about the Park. This also allows them to participate in Park Stories. The number of Friends who can be selected via the Play menu at one time increases as the level of the player's Main House does likewise. As Friends meander about the Park grounds, they will climb the stairs of the Main House, hop across water barriers, and speak to one another with simple speech balloons depicting emotions such as excitement, anger, surprise, confusion, or sadness; these appear to be wholly random and have no bearing on other matters of game-play, being purely cosmetic. Occasionally, a Friend might sit down at an outdoor seating area. The Park area is also populated by the Lucky Beasts to which the player has access, when they are not currently working on a building or producing materials in a House.

Interacting with Friends

When tapping on a Friend who is playing in the Park, that Friend should say one of two voice lines, accompanied by a dialogue bubble. Tapping and holding on a Friend will allow the player to pick her up and move her around the Park freely, to which she will typically react with frustration, surprise, resignation, or excitement; each Friend has a single "picked up" sprite. Moving a lifted Friend to a chair stationed at any of the outdoor tables will cause her to sit down; the hanging bench in the rear right of the Park does not support this feature. An orange square underneath a lifted Friend tells the player she can be dropped in the spot she is currently hovering over; attempting to drop a lifted Friend somewhere she cannot be, as indicated by the absence of said orange box, will cause her to snap back to the spot she was initially picked up from. Lucky Beasts can also be picked up and moved about, but they do not change their expression; they simply continue in their walking animation, akin to a wind-up toy which has been picked up off the ground, and resume walking once placed back on the ground.


Players are tasked with restoring dilapidated buildings in the Park called Houses, beautifying the run-down plaza and allowing for resources to be generated. Typically, upgrading one House requires resources only produced by upgrading another, so Houses must be restored in a set sequence. Restoring buildings or generating resources requires Lucky Beasts to be running, so the player must also restore Wind Turbines to increase the number of Lucky Beasts in the Park, as well as to provide KFKElectricity1.png Electricity— a key component in most material production.

There are five Houses to be restored in total: House of Air, House of Earth, House of Water, House of Life, and the Main House. The first four of these Houses each generate their own signature Produce Material—KFKAir.png Air, KFKSoil.png Soil, KFKWater.png Water, and KFKEcoFactor.png Ecological Factors, respectively—while the fifth, the Main House, produces a variety of other useful game-play materials such as KFKFluorite.png Fluorites, KFKEnergy.png Energy, and KFKManuscript1.png Manuscripts.

Produce Material Houses

As the four Produce Material Houses are levelled up, they gain the ability to produce new, refined forms of those materials alongside their lower-grade versions. Houses can produce Beginner (Level I), Intermediate (Level II), and Advanced (Level III) Produce Materials. Additionally, these buildings are expanded upon level-up, greatly increasing the number of materials a single building can generate at one time. In the case of level I and II materials, a player cannot craft a single instance; they can only be made in batches, increasing the total yield of lower-level material crafting. Level III materials are, meanwhile, always crafted in groups of one.

KFKAir.png House of Air Material Production
Materials Produced Quality Level Batch Size Production Cost Time Cost House Level Required
KFKAir1.png Pleasant Air Beginner (I) 5 File:KFKElectricity2.png Electricity x4 2 min. KFKAir.png House of Air 1
KFKAir2.png Fresh Air Intermediate (II) 2 File:KFKElectricity2.png Electricity x40
KFKAir1.png Pleasant Air x5
KFKWater1.png Clear Water x1
20 min. KFKAir.png House of Air 2
KFKAir3.png Fragrant Air Advanced (III) 1 File:KFKElectricity2.png Electricity x80
KFKAir2.png Fresh Air x1
KFKWater2.png Clean Water x1
40 min. KFKAir.png House of Air 3
KFKSoil.png House of Earth Material Production
Materials Produced Quality Level Batch Size Production Cost Time Cost House Level Required
KFKSoil1.png Rich Soil Beginner (I) 5 File:KFKElectricity2.png Electricity x6 3 min. KFKSoil.png House of Earth 1
KFKSoil2.png Fertile Soil Intermediate (II) 2 File:KFKElectricity2.png Electricity x50
KFKSoil1.png Rich Soil x5
KFKAir1.png Pleasant Air x1
25 min. KFKSoil.png House of Earth 2
KFKSoil3.png Virile Soil Advanced (III) 1 File:KFKElectricity2.png Electricity x100
KFKSoil2.png Fertile Soil x1
KFKAir2.png Fresh Air x1
50 min. KFKSoil.png House of Earth 3
KFKWater.png House of Water Material Production
Materials Produced Quality Level Batch Size Production Cost Time Cost House Level Required
KFKWater1.png Clear Water Beginner (I) 5 File:KFKElectricity2.png Electricity x8 4 min. KFKWater.png House of Water 1
KFKWater2.png Clean Water Intermediate (II) 2 File:KFKElectricity2.png Electricity x60
KFKWater1.png Clear Water x5
KFKSoil1.png Rich Soil x1
30 min. KFKWater.png House of Water 2
KFKWater3.png Sweet Water Advanced (III) 1 File:KFKElectricity2.png Electricity x120
KFKWater2.png Clean Water x1
KFKSoil2.png Fertile Soil x1
60 min. KFKWater.png House of Water 3
KFKEcoFactor.png House of Life Material Production
Materials Produced Batch Size Production Cost Time Cost House Level Required
KFKEcoFactor1.png Ecological Factor - Beginning Stage 5 KFKAir1.png Pleasant Air x5
KFKSoil1.png Rich Soil x5
KFKWater1.png Clear Water x5
15 min. KFKEcoFactor.png House of Life 1
KFKEcoFactor2.png Ecological Factor - Intermediate Stage 2 KFKAir2.png Fresh Air x1
KFKSoil2.png Fertile Soil x1
KFKWater2.png Clean Water x1
60 min. KFKEcoFactor.png House of Life 2
KFKEcoFactor3.png Ecological Factor - Advanced Stage 1 KFKAir3.png Fragrant Air x1
KFKSoil3.png Virile Soil x1
KFKWater3.png Sweet Water x1
120 min. KFKEcoFactor.png House of Life 3

Nature Bonus

Production of materials can be expedited by levelling up Friends. Each Friend has one or more traits, called Nature Skills or simply Natures, which passively speed up the production time of a particular House; they give a +1% production speed boost at skill level 1, which becomes a +1.5% boost at skill level 2. Plains Zebra, who has two Natures which do not level up, is the sole exception; when she reaches Tier 1 of Awakening, both of her Natures will be active, granting a combined 2.5% boost to the House of Air. Some Friends can grant an additional +0.3% (at Nature Lv.1) or +0.5% (at Nature Lv.2) boost in tandem with a second Friend; the player needs only own both Friends for this boost to apply, and their Natures do not need to be the same level. Additionally, Friends do not need to be actively playing in the Park for any of their Nature bonuses to activate; all Friends' Nature bonuses apply passively and simultaneously.

As aforementioned, the Natures of the Friends in the following table grant a boost of +1% at Lv.1 which becomes a boost of +1.5% at Lv.2, and those who can provide a bonus boost grant an extra +0.3% boost at Lv.1 which becomes an extra +0.5% boost at Lv.2, so long as their partner is also in the player's character roster.

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Construction Order Board

The Construction Order board is a wooden notice board hanging from a tree, where Friends from various Areas of Kingdom may request the delivery of materials produced by the player's Houses. In exchange for providing these materials, the player will receive KFKFluorite.png Fluorites proportional to the number, type, and quality of materials given. The player can deliver orders to the Savanna Area, Jungle Area, Plains Area, Desert Area, and Waterfront Area. Orders remain on the board until they are either fulfilled or swapped out for another order with the Refresh button; they do not change on a day-to-day basis.

The first ten orders to be completed in a day each have a x10 multiplier on the Fluorites they award, after which other orders give their standard rewards. Additionally, daily completion of three, six, and ten orders each grant a small Fluorite bonus to the player. This makes it optimal to complete at most ten Order Board requests in a given day, as returns diminish greatly past that point. Since incomplete orders remain on the board between days, players who have fulfilled ten orders in a day may find it efficient to reset any leftover orders offering low Fluorite rewards, so as to let their timers cool down and to maximize the rewards granted when they are multiplied by ten the next day.

Daily Order Board Target Rewards
# of Orders Reward Granted
3 KFKStargem.png Stargem x5
KFKFluorite.png Fluorite x5000
6 KFKStargem.png Stargem x10
KFKFluorite.png Fluorite x10,000
10 KFKStargem.png Stargem x15
KFKFluorite.png Fluorite x20,000

Comments Mini-Game

Main article: Kingdom:Comments Mini-Game
The Comments Board is a place where Friends in need of assistance post messages asking for aid, typically to solve a mystery or resolve a dispute. The player will follow a story wherein they, often accompanied by the Friend in need, collect clues or advice from an array of other Friends before assembling their findings to reach a conclusion or plan of action. Different endings to the story will occur depending on whether or not the player assembles their evidence in the correct order, and the central Friend will gain an amount of Trust proportional to how well each ending resolved their crisis.


The Hike map allows players to send groups of five Friends out on hikes to various local areas, from which they will bring back different resources. As the player progresses through the main story of the game, access to more areas, and thus more resources, will be gained. Players can send Friends out for two, four, six, or eight hours at a time, with higher rewards for longer hikes. Each area has special conditions that can be met regarding the Friends sent out on a hike; if the Friends meet these conditions at their minimum, a 30% bonus will be awarded to the player upon the hike's completion. These conditions were initially randomized each time a hike was started on any path, but later became fixed for each route.

Hiking Areas and Reward Types
Hiking Area 2 Hour Reward 4 Hour Reward 6 Hour Reward 8 Hour Reward
Silent River KFKBun1.png Half a Bun x4
KFKFluorite.png Fluorites
KFKBun1.png Half a Bun x12
KFKFluorite.png Fluorites
KFKBun1.png Half a Bun x20
KFKFluorite.png Fluorites
KFKBun1.png Half a Bun x32
KFKFluorite.png Fluorites
Haruka's Cabin KFKAir1.pngKFKSoil1.pngKFKWater1.pngKFKEcoFactor1.png Beginner Produce Material x45 KFKAir1.pngKFKSoil1.pngKFKWater1.pngKFKEcoFactor1.png Beginner Produce Material x135 KFKAir1.pngKFKSoil1.pngKFKWater1.pngKFKEcoFactor1.png Beginner Produce Material x225 KFKAir1.pngKFKSoil1.pngKFKWater1.pngKFKEcoFactor1.png Beginner Produce Material x360
Savanna Village KFKManuscript1.png Ruined Manuscript x2 KFKManuscript1.png Ruined Manuscript x6 KFKManuscript1.png Ruined Manuscript x10 KFKManuscript1.png Ruined Manuscript x16
Grassy Path KFKAir2.pngKFKSoil2.pngKFKWater2.pngKFKEcoFactor2.png Intermediate Produce Materials x3 KFKAir2.pngKFKSoil2.pngKFKWater2.pngKFKEcoFactor2.png Intermediate Produce Materials x9 KFKAir2.pngKFKSoil2.pngKFKWater2.pngKFKEcoFactor2.png Intermediate Produce Materials x15 KFKAir2.pngKFKSoil2.pngKFKWater2.pngKFKEcoFactor2.png Intermediate Produce Materials x24

Additionally, each Area has special conditions for hiking parties which, if met, grant a +30% bonus to rewards earned. The first condition is to bring at least one Friend of each Role type— KFK Weakener.png Control, KFK Tank.png Guard, KFK Healer.png Heal, KFK Buffer.png Support, and KFK Attacker.png Assault—as well as an ascending level and/or Radiance requirement, as follows:
Silent River: All Friends must be at least Awaken Tier 0 and at least level 30. This area has no Radiance requirements.
Haruka's Cabin: All Friends must be at least Awaken Tier 1, and at least three of these Friends must be KFKSplendor.png Splendor Radiance Friends.
Savanna Village: All Friends must be at least Awaken Tier 1 and at least Level 50, and at least three of these Friends must be KFKWonder.png Wonder Radiance Friends.
Grassy Path: All Friends must be at Awaken Tier 2, and at least three of these Friends must be KFKBrilliance.png Brilliance Radiance Friends.


  • The only Friends who provide a boost to the production time of the House of Life—Emperor Penguin, Eurasian Eagle-Owl, Northern White-Faced Owl, and Southern Rockhopper Penguin—are also some of the few Friends who provide an extra boost in tandem with a partner, which helps to compensate for the overall lack of boosting Friends for that House.

Bugs and Issues

  • Friends who were not implemented in the game before a certain point in its development cycle have bugged dialogue when attempting to speak to them in the Park; when tapped on the main screen, they present only a small, empty speech bubble instead of a quote, and no audio file plays even though the lines can be found in each affected Friends' voice library. This does not affect their ability to give Friend identity clues for the Comments Board mini-game, as these are pulled from a universal pool.
  • Golden Eagle suffers from a bug where her model breaks apart, with various pieces of the assembled puppet being strewn across the Park area.

JinriHarukaLeast WeaselChevrotain
Main Story QuestsEvent QuestsResource QuestsMiracle QuestsAwakening QuestsSandstone Hill QuestsInvestigation QuestsSubway Quests
AlbumsCellienKingdomKingsLucky BeastParkPark StoryPartyPatrol PlaneShop
User Guides
Beginner's GuideBoss CelliensComments Mini-GameInstallation GuideCombat Mechanics BreakdownAdvanced PlayUpdate History
List of AlbumsList of Kingdom's CelliensList of Limited-Run Events
Brilliance KFKBrilliance.png Splendor KFKSplendor.png Wonder KFKWonder.png
KFK Weakener.png
Sand Cat North American BeaverRed JunglefowlShoebill Arctic WolfJaguar
KFK Tank.png
African Bush ElephantRed-Eared Slider AurochsBlack RhinocerosHippopotamusSaltwater Crocodile Gentoo PenguinMooseWestern Lowland Gorilla
KFK Healer.png
Blue WhaleGiant PandaPassenger PigeonWild Bactrian Camel ChevrotainMouflonSuri Alpaca Arctic HareAxolotlRaccoonRoyal Penguin
KFK Buffer.png
King CobraPanther ChameleonSilver FoxStoat Chinese White DolphinEurasian Eagle-OwlGray WolfPlains Zebra CaracalEmperor PenguinGolden Snub-Nosed MonkeyHumboldt PenguinShort-Beaked Common Dolphin
KFK Attacker.png
Fennec FoxTsuchinoko Arabian OryxLeast WeaselReticulated GiraffeServal Indian PeafowlJapanese Black BearLionMountain HareScarlet MacawSouthern Rockhopper Penguin
KFK AOE Assaulter.png
Group Assaulter
Ezo Red Fox Greater LophorinaNorthern White-Faced OwlWestern ParotiaWhite Rhinoceros Crested IbisGolden Eagle
Appeared but Unobtainable Currently
African Rock PythonAsian Small-Clawed OtterCommon OstrichCommon Vampire BatDomestic PigEuropean HareJinmengyoKing CheetahKing PenguinLarge-Billed CrowNarwhalNew Zealand Giant PenguinOkinawan HabuOrcaSaber-Toothed TigerSiberian TigerWoolly Mammoth