Mammoth's Song

Mammoth's Song is the second original song of the Kemono Friends Stage Play. It is the theme song of Woolly Mammoth.

Mammoth's Song

Stage Play Kemono Friends OST Album Art.jpg

Song Data
Romaji Title Saikyo no Friends
English Title Strongest Friends
Album Stage Play "Kemono Friends" Original Soundtrack
Artist Moeno Nitō
Composer Takuya Kusunose
Lyricist Daiki Murakami
Duration 1:22


Japanese Rōmaji English

パークの力持ちは私 マンモス

古の時代から蘇りし フレンズ

いつも優しい でも怒ると怖い


pāku no chikara mochi wa watashi manmosu

inishie ni jidai kara yomigaerishi furenzu

itsumo yasashii demo okoru to kowai

ikita kaseki ga ooki na kiba o muki

The most powerful of all the Park, that is I! Mammoth!

I am a Friend, resurrected from the times of old!

Ever-gentle, but a terror when I'm mad

This living fossil bears her giant tusks





anata o oitsumeru

saban'na no hate made

kayou nara erabu gakkou manmosu-kou

kono manmosu to

I'll hunt you down

To the ends of the Savanna

If you're picking a school, choose Mammoth Academy

With I, Mammoth


Stage Play "Kemono Friends"
Major Characters
Black LeopardEmperor PenguinFennec FoxGentoo PenguinHumboldt PenguinOkapiRaccoon DogRaccoonRoyal PenguinServalSouthern Rockhopper PenguinWoolly Mammoth
Minor Characters
Blue WhaleCheetahEurasian BeaverGreater FlamingoKoalaMalayan TapirManed WolfOkinawa RailSaber-Toothed TigerSheepWhite Tiger
Do-Re-Mi SongEveryone's FriendsI am known as White TigerJapari Bun RapJapari MuseumKemono MichiMammoth's SongOzora DreamerPassionate PPP ŌgiriSavanna Super GirlsSheep's Song
Cellien (List) • Cellien HunterFriendJapari BunJapari Delivery ServiceLucky BeastPenguins Performance ProjectSandstarSavanna GirlsSolar Power System
Savanna AreaJapari Museum