Large-Billed Crow/Stage Play

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Large-Billed Crow
Large-BilledCrow ReJS.jpg
Friend Data
Actress Rika Tsuzuki (JS 2019) / Ui Hinagata (Re:JS, JS2024)
Large-Billed Crow Season 2 Festival Pavilion KF3 Nexon Game Stage Play Gallery

Large-Billed Crow appears as a character in the Stage Play Kemono Friends "JAPARI STAGE!" ~Big Ears and Small Miracles~.


She tends to do exactly what needs to be done, but she is not cruel. She has a friend-oriented nature, such as caring for Southern Cassowary, which cannot fly, and preparing for Siberian Tiger who is about to open the Japari Café.

Role in the Plot

"JAPARI STAGE!" ~Big Ears and Small Miracles~

She was responsible for building a team of Friends of the Birds, taking direction from Northern Goshawk. That team is the Army of Birds. She single-handedly tried to wrest control of the Japari Academy from the Friends of the Land, resulting in a state of confrontation. Later, through the mediation of Bat-Eared Fox, it was decided to settle the dispute not through a feud but through dancing, and they began practicing dancing. Then she learned that the reason she had created an army of birds from Northern Goshawk was to replace damaged solar panels by turning windmills to generate electricity. Later, at the White Tiger's mediation, the leader of the Friends of the Land, Siberian Tiger, apologized to her and admitted her fault. After that, she worked hard to get the windmills up and running again, including opening the control room.

JAPARI STAGE! ~I Could Hear Your Footsteps Once Again~

When Siberian Tiger decided to open the Japari Café, Large-Billed Crow was consulted and promised to manage the business with her. So, with the help of Shoebill and Tasmanian Devil, they grew coffee beans in the forest. However, they were enraged when Siberian Tiger, along with Komodo Dragon, began preparing a Japari Café. Eventually, she made peace with Siberian Tiger and provided her with coffee beans.


Northern Goshawk

Northern Goshawk is the boss of Large-Billed Crow in Army of Birds. Because of Large-Billed Crow's lenient treatment of Southern Cassowary, Northern Goshawk expelled Southern Cassowary from the bird army.

Southern Cassowary

A member of Army of Birds, chosen by Large-Billed Crow. Large-Billed Crow chose the outhern Cassowary knowing that the hikuidori could not fly, but Northern Goshawk banished the outhern Cassowary. When outhern Cassowary was banished, Large-Billed Crow apologized.

Siberian Tiger

She is the leader of the Friends of the Land, the army of birds with whom Large-Billed Crow has come into conflict. After Northern Goshawk's original goal was achieved, Siberian Tiger and Large-Billed Crow seem to have become good friends. When Siberian Tiger decided to open a Japari Café, Large-Billed Crow grouse arranged a promise to jointly manage it, but Siberian Tiger forgot about it. This infuriated Large-Billed Crow, but they eventually made up and offered coffee beans that Large-Billed Crow had made for Siberian Tiger.

Stage Play Kemono Friends "JAPARI STAGE!" ~Big Ears and Small Miracles~
African Bush ElephantBat-Eared FoxBlack JaguarBlack LeopardDomestic PigGolden Snub-Nosed MonkeyGreat White PelicanLarge-Billed CrowNorthern GoshawkOkapiOkinawan HabuRaccoon DogResplendent QuetzalReticulated GiraffeSecretarybirdSheepShoebillSiberian HuskySiberian TigerSouthern CassowaryWhite Tiger
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Stage Play "Kemono Friends" JAPARI STAGE! ~I Could Hear Your Footsteps Once Again~
Black LeopardBlue WhaleCaracalCheetahDomestic CatEmperor PenguinGreater LophorinaKomodo DragonLarge-Billed CrowRaccoon DogSaber-Toothed TigerServalShoebillSiberian TigerTasmanian DevilWestern ParotiaWhite TigerWoolly Mammoth
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