Jinmengyo/Nexon Game
A Jinmengyo friend named Koi-chan appeared as a minor character during the original Kemono Friends mobile game. She is also a member of Water Girls.
Jinmengyo | |||
Friend Data | |||
Nickname | Koi-chan
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Group | "Water Girls"
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Voice | Ōwada Hitomi 大和田仁美 | ||
Game Data | |||
Attribute | Pure
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Attack Type | Healer
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Size | Medium
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Nocturnal | Yes
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Skill | Koi's Agricultural Dance
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ID | 00064 |
Jinmengyo | Anime | KF3 | Nexon Game | Gallery |
She likes to be under water in the night because she can moves swimmingly and enjoys festival. She speaks in 3rd person.
This mask is for disguise. It's because Koi-chan can transform into anything! Long time ago, Koi-chan often mistaken as human and Colored Carp that has a face like that of human making her appearance!? It's even appeared in the newspaper, ehehe. Is the yukata matching? Koi-chan like festival! This time let's dance together!
Role in the Plot
Jinmengyo's Character Quest
During her character quest, she invites Serval to the Japari Festival, who happily agrees. They resolve to get their hair done by Snow Sheep, but a Cellien attacks while Serval's hair is getting done, and Jinmenngyo steps in to defeat it. At the festival, they see Masked Palm Civet and Atlantic Puffin at a food stall, and banter before another Cellien appears, eating the food. After Serval helps Jinmengyo to defeat the Cellien, they then visit a stage, where Indian Elephant and Greater Bird-Of-Paradise are dancing together. Jinmengyo decides to join them in dancing, but a Cellien attacks once she goes onto the stage, and the group is forced to fight it. After the battle, the two of them encounter Crested Ibis and Scarlet Ibis, who are having a singing contest. Serval is distressed, and Jinmengyo decides to join in the contest to protect the peace. However, she is knocked unconscious, and another Cellien approaches. However, upon seeing Jinmengyo's mask, which depicts a demon, it runs away in fear, impressing Serval and the Ibises. Serval notices that because of Jinmengyo's mask, the two have stopped singing, and the duo then resolve to happily enjoy the rest of the festival.
Barn Owl
Barn Owl is the one who makes her masks and considers it as her masterpiece
Greater Bird-Of-Paradise
She teaches Greater Bird-Of-Paradise Bon festival dance. Greater Bird-of-Paradise thinks that Jinmengyo has mysterious charm
Southern Rockhopper Penguin
She becomes one of water girl member when Rocker asks her to support PIP concert
Voice Lines
Line | Japanese | English |
やほー、人の顔したニシキゴイって言われたこともあるコイちゃんだよ。お祭りが大好きなの。祭りだ、祭りだ | Hiya! I'm the one who people like to call the human-faced colored carp, Koi-chan! I love festivals! Festival, festival! |
Battle Cry
祭りばやしが聞こえる気がする。出番ね | Koi-chan feel like I heard the sound of festival music. It's my turn |
さー、一緒に踊ろう | Now, let's dance together |
勝利のポーズ。コイちゃんの大活躍見ててくれた? | Victory pose. Did you see Koi-chan great efforts? |
Level Up
うん、うん。レベルアップって感じかな | Yes, yes. It feels like level up |
Wild Release
えへへへ、なんだかとっても体が軽いの。お空も飛べちゃうかも、なんてね | Ehehehe, Somehow Koi-chan body feels lighter. Maybe Koi-chan can fly to the sky, just joking |
Home Screen Lines
Line | Japanese | English |
Line 1 | コイちゃんにとっては毎日がお祭りなの、楽しまなきゃそんだよ、踊ろ、踊ろ! | For Koi-chan everyday is festival; if you don't enjoy it, you'll regret it; let's dance, let's dance! |
Line 2 | 踊りだけじゃないんだよー、お祭りが大好きなのっ!お祭りがコイちゃんの趣味! | Not only dance, Koi-chan really like festival too! Festival is Koi-chan's hobby |
Line 3 | 夜の水の中は大好きで、すいすい移動できちゃうんだー。近くでお祭りがやってれば最高! | I really like underwater during the night; I can move swimmingly. It would be the best thing ever if there's festival near there |
Line 4 | コイちゃんは出店も大好きなんだよ。一緒にたくさんのお店を見て回ろうよっ | Koi-chan also really like to open up a stall. Let's go take a look around various stall together |
Line 5 | コイちゃんとーいっちばん~まえでーおどりましょ~!にへへ~、ありがとう! | Let's dance with Koi-chan in front~! Nihehe, thank you! |
Line 6 | じゃ~ん、コイちゃんの変身百面相!ちゃんと正体を見破れるかな? | Look, Koi-chan's mask disguise! Can you see Koi-chan's true form? |
Line 7 | 花火きれいだね!……このまま隣でずっと同じ夜空を見上げていたいな、「 」ちゃん | The firework is wonderful isn't it!?... ... [protagonist]-chan, Koi-chan want to always stay by your side and look up to the same night sky with you |
- She is the only Friend in the game whose name is not written in katakana.