Jinmengyo's Character Quest

Jinmengyo's Character Quest is a quest in the original Kemono Friends mobile game centered around Jinmengyo.



Quest Data
Quest Type Character
Quest Number 42
Friends Jinmengyo
Snow Sheep
Masked Palm Civet
Atlantic Puffin
Indian Elephant
Greater Bird-Of-Paradise
Crested Ibis
Scarlet Ibis
Common Ostrich


The story opens with Jinmengyo approaching Serval and the protagonist in Japari Park's Park Central, excitedly informing them that today is the Japari Festival, and asks the two of them to go with her. Serval notes that the festival was newly created, and confirms with Jinmengyo if the event will have stalls and events. Jinmengyo tells Serval that she is correct, and expresses her enthusiasm for festivals, telling her about how she can also dance at the event. Serval decides to go, and says she will ask Snow Sheep to do her hair in a manner that will fit the festival, and Jinmengyo decides she also wants to have her hair done to match the festival's yukata. Snow Sheep promises to put all of her skill into giving the two a fitting hairdo, and Jinmengyo thanks her. Stating that a girl's hair is her life, Snow Sheep prepares to tend to the two's hair.

While waiting and getting their hair done, Serval asks why Jinmengyo likes festivals so much. She mentions that of course, she also likes festivals, but notes that Jinmengyo seems exceedingly lively. Jinmengyo responds by telling Serval that she enjoys rare things and being surprised, and that festivals have many interesting things. She also mentions that festivals are very busy places that everyone seems to look happy at. Serval thinks the same, and says that festivals are special days. Jinmengyo gets restless, saying she wants to go to the venue soon, and Snow Sheep asks her to be still or the hairdo will become untidy. Serval notices that Celliens are approaching, and Snow Sheep asks the two to wait while she finishes up, but Serval becomes nervous and asks her to be quicker. Jinmengyo, seeing Serval in danger, then decides to take care of the Celliens herself.

Later, after having escaped the danger, Serval thanks Jinmengyo for saving her earlier, and the group arrives at the Japari Festival. Jinmengyo becomes excited upon seeing the colorful stalls. Masked Palm Civet goes over food choices at a nearby stall - apple candies, apricot candies, and chocolate bananas, and is overwhelmed by how many good looking fruits there are. However, she has to stop to scold Atlantic Puffin for eating other people's portions, but Puffin simply asks Civet to share her snack with her. Serval visits the stall, seeing yakisoba and cotton candy, and has difficulty picking what to eat. Jinmengyo jokes that Serval is a glutton, causing Serval to rebuke her statement. Jinmengyo reminds Serval that she also enjoys stall food, and that it's okay to eat a lot of food at such events. However, Civet suddenly cries out, as Celliens have appeared and are eating stall foods, though she seems more upset that she was told not to eat in excess herself. Serval ponders if the Celliens are imitating them, but realies that the stalls will be completely out of food if this continues, and rallies the group to fight the Celliens.

After the battle, the group approaches a dancing stage, and Jinmengyo marvels at the colorful outfits of the dancers. Seeing Indian Elephant on-stage, Jinmengyo notes that her dance is more extravagant and showy than it usually is. Greater Bird-Of-Paradise sees this as well, and states she will not lose in the contest of passion for dancing, and declares that she will perform a passionate samba. Jinmengyo calls Bird of Paradise gorgeous, and decides to dance on-stage with the two. However, in her excitement, Jinmengyo does not notice an approaching Cellien, and Serval warns her, preparing to fight, exclaiming that everyone on stage is in danger.

Following the fight, Jinmengyo sees that a singing contest is about to begin, but Serval sees a familiar face, and becomes terrified. At that moment, Crested Ibis begins to sing. Scarlet Ibis hears, and smugly states that she is more suitable to become the Japari Festival diva, and begins singing herself. Serval, in pain, wonders how it has come to this. In order to protect the peace of the festival, Jinmengyo decides to join in on the singing contest. Serval warns that if she becomes too close to the singing, she may be in danger, but she is too late, and as Jinmengyo approaches the two birds, she suddenly faints.

After fainting, Serval laments her inability to warn her, but then realizes that Celliens have snuck up on them. She cries out to Jinmengyo, telling her to run, but she is still dazed and unable to flee. However, upon seeing Jinmengyo's mask, the Cellien becomes scared and leaves. Jinmengyo then recovers and is surprised, and Serval is amazed at how Jinmengyo's mask repelled the Cellien. She comments that it must be because the mask looks like the face of a demon. Jinmengyo chuckles, and says that because of this, any who may disturb the festival have left. The two Ibises praise her, and Serval realizes that the two have also stopped singing after seeing Jinmengyo's mask, and she declares that she is saved. Jinmengyo and Serval then enjoy the rest of the festival with everyone.


Character English Japanese
Serval-chan, [protagonist]-chan! Today is the Japari Festival! Let’s go together! サーバルちゃん、「主人公」ちゃん!今日は、ジャパリフェスティバルだよっ!一緒に遊びにいこっ!
The Japari Festival? That's the new festival they just started, right? Are there a lot of stalls and things to do? ジャパリフェスティバルといえば、今度できた、新しいお祭りでしょ? いろんな屋台やイベントがあったりするんだよね
Yes! Koi-chan really likes festivals! You can dance with everyone, too. It's fun~. うんっ!コイちゃん、お祭り大好きなんだ!皆でダンスもできるんだって。楽しみだな〜
Then... I'll ask Snow Sheep to fix our hair to fit the festival! じゃあ、ユキヒツジに頼んで、お祭りらしく髪型をセットしてもらおうよ!
Wai, Koi-chan wants to have hair that matches the festival's yukata, too! わーい、お祭りの浴衣に似合う髪型にしてもらおうっと!
Snow Sheep
I understand the circumstances. Serval-san, Koi-chan, I shall put everything I have learned to use in creating a suitable hairdo! 事情はわかりました。サーバルさんもコイちゃんさんも、私が腕によりをかけて髪をセットしちゃいますね!
Thank you for making this pretty hairstyle that fits the festival! ありがとう!お祭りらしい、ぷりちーな髪型にして!
Snow Sheep
A girl’s hair is her life. Let Snow Sheep take care of it! Wait a second, okay! 髪は女の命ですからね。このユキヒツジに任せておいてください!ちょっと待っててくださいね!
Which reminds me, why does Koi-chan like festivals so much? Of course, I really like festivals too, but Koi-chan looks really lively. そういえば、コイちゃんは、どうしてお祭りがそんなに好きになったの? もちろん、私もお祭り大好きだけど、コイちゃんはなんだか、すごく生き生きして見えるよね。
Hmm, Koi-chan really likes rare things and being surprised. And you can see a lot of interesting things at festivals, right? Plus, it's really busy and everyone looks happy. えっとね、コイちゃん、珍しいものやびっくりすることが大好きなんだ。お祭りって、おもしろいものがたくさん見られるでしょ? それに、にぎやかでみんな楽しそうだし。
That's true! Festivals are special days, after all. たしかにそうだね!お祭りって特別な日だもんね
Yes! Ah, Koi-chan wants to go to the venue soon~. うん!ああ、早く会場に行きたいな〜
Snow Sheep
Ah, please don’t move! The hairdo will become untidy! あ、動いちゃダメですよ? セットが崩れちゃいますから!
Huh? Over there... Celliens are coming!? あれ? 向こうから、セルリアンが接近してくる!?
Snow Sheep
Please wait... ...! Just a little bit longer, and then the beautiful wave will be complete, so please wait for a bit... ...! もうちょっと... ....!もうちょっとで美しいウェーブが完成しますから、もう少しだけ待ってください... ...!
Eeh! P-please be quick, Snow Sheep! ええっ!は、はやくして、ユキヒツジー!
Serval-chan is in danger! Let Koi-chan take care of this! サーバルちゃんが危ない!ここは、コイちゃんに任せといて!
Thank you for earlier, Koi-chan! Thanks to you, we arrived at the venue safely. コイちゃん、さっきありがとう!おかげで、お祭り会場に無事たどり着けたよ。
You're welcome! Waah, there are so many colorful stalls! どういたしまして!わあ、カラフルな屋台がたくさん出てるよ!
Masked Palm Civet
Apple candy, apricot candy and choco banana... ...! There's a lot of delicious looking fruits. Eh-- Hey, you can’t eat other people's food! りんご飴にあんず飴にチョコバナナ... ...!おいしそうなフルーツがいっぱいだね!え、人の分まで食べちゃダメなの?
Atlantic Puffin
Ah... share that snack with Puffin-chan too! They all look delicious! あー、そのお菓子、パフィウンちゃんにもくださーい!どれもおいしそうです!
Looks like everyone's enjoying the stall! Wah, they have yakisoba, too, and even cotton candy! What should I pick?... I can't choose~. みんな、屋台を楽しんでるみたいだね!わあ、焼きそばや、わたあめもある!どれにしようか迷っちゃうよ〜。
Ahaha, Serval-chan is a glutton. あはは、サーバルちゃんは食いしん坊だね。
It’s-- it’s not like that! そ、そんなことないよ?
Ehehe, joking, joking! Koi-chan really likes stall food as well. It’s fine to eat a lot of different foods when you're at a festival. えへへ、じょーだん、じょーだん!コイちゃんも屋台の食べ物大好きだよ。お祭りっていろんなもの食べられていいよね。
Masked Palm Civet
Hyaah!? This isn't fair! These selfish Celliens are eating all of the food! And I was told I can't take that much!... ひゃあっ!? ずるいよー!セルリアンが勝手に屋台の食べ物食べる!私にはつまみ食いしちゃダメって言ったのにー!
Maybe they're imitating us? But... at this rate, the stall food will run out!? Everyone, let’s defeat the Cellien! 何か、私たちを真似してるみたいかも?でもこのままじゃ、屋台の食べ物がなくなっちゃう!? みんな、セルリアンをやっつけよう!
Waah, the dancing stage! Amazing! Everyone is wearing such colorful outfits! わあ、踊りのステージだ!すごーい!みんな、カラフルな衣装だね!
Indian Elephant
Lalala~♪ Lululu~♪ ラララ〜♪ ルルル〜♪
Indian Elephant's dance is more gaudy than usual! インドゾウちゃんの踊り、いつもにまして、きらびやかだね!
Greater Bird-Of-Paradise
I will not lose in a contest of passion for dance! Haah! Look at my passionate samba! 私も、ダンスへの情熱では負けないわ!はアッ!情熱のサンバをごらんあれ!
Greater Bird-Of-Paradise-chan, you look really gorgeous, too! Alright, Koi-chan won't lose either! Let’s dance together! Hn? You want to dance with Koi-chan, too? オオフウチョウちゃんも、すっごく華やかだね!よーし、コイちゃんも負けていられないよ!一緒に踊ろう!ん?あなたも、コイちゃんと踊りたいの?
Koi-chan, that’s...! コイちゃん、それって!
... ...! … …!
Everyone on stage is in danger! Let’s go, [protagonist]! ステージのみんながあぶない!行こう、「主人公」!
Hey, hey, over there! It looks like they're going to have a singing contest! ねえねえ、あっちでは、のど自慢大会やってるみたい!
Uh! Could it be...!? うっ!まさか、それって... ...!?
Crested Ibis
*singing* 〜〜〜♪ 〜〜♪
Scarlet Ibis
Hmm, Scarlet Ibis is the most suitable candidate for the Japari Festival's diva! *singing* *smug face* むむっ、ショウジョウトキのほうが、ジャパリフェスティバルの歌姫にふさわしいんです!〜〜♪ (ドヤァ)
Hyaah! How did I know that it would come to this~!? ひゃあああ!やっぱり、こうなるの〜!?
Alright, if that's how it has to be! To protect the peace of the festival, Koi-chan will compete in the singing contest as well! よーし、こうなったら!お祭りの平和のためにコイちゃんものど自慢に出るよ!
Ah, Koi-chan, if you get any closer to those two and their singing... ...! あっ、コイちゃん、あのふたりの歌声に近づいたら... ...!
... ...Uuh!? *collapse* ... ... うっ!?(バターン!!)
I tried to warn you... ...!? Celliens!? I didn't even notice!... だから言ったのに... ...!? いつのまにか会場にセルリアンが!?
... ...! … …!
Koi-chan, watch out! Run! コイちゃん、危ない!逃げてー!
Uh, uuh… … う、うーん... ...
... ...! … …!
Eh? The Celliens saw Koi-chan's mask and ran away?... … I wonder if it’s because it has a face? え? コイちゃんのお面を見て、セルリアンが逃げ出した?... ... 迫力があったからかな?
Fuh, heave-ho. Aah, I’m surprised. ふう、よっこいしょっと。ああ、びっくりしたー。
Amazing! You've repulsed the Cellien! It must be because Koi-chan’s mask looks like the face of a demon! すごい!セルリアンを撃退するなんて、コイちゃんのお面って、鬼瓦みたいだね!
Ehehe. With this, anyone who has disturbed the festival have gone. えへへ。これで、お祭りを邪魔するものはいなくなったよ。
Crested Ibis
Amazing. As expected from Koi-chan. すごいわ。さすが、コイちゃんね
Scarlet Ibis
You’re doing pretty good! なかなか、やるじゃないですか!
Hah... ...!? By showing them the mask, you've stopped both of them from singing! な... ...!? お面に注目させることで、ふたりの歌声も止めるなんて!
Ahaha, an alright result! あはは、結果オーライだね!
I-I’m saved... ... ほ、ほんとに助かったよ... ...
Now then, today, let’s enjoy the festival with everyone! じゃあ、今日はみんなでお祭り楽しもうね!
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