Japari Delivery Service

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These are the three members of Japari Delivery Service that appeared in the first stage production.

Japari Delivery Service (Japanese: ジャパリ便 Hepburn: Japari Bin) is a group by Friends. It appears in the Stage Play series.


Japari Delivery Service is a group by Friends that handles the transportation of packages. The cheetah is called "Master" (Japanese:親分) and is assumed to play the role of leader.


Stage Play "Kemono Friends"

Raccoon and Fennec Fox's cue as Japari Delivery Service was to carry a boom box to Royal Penguin at PPP. Cheetah appears to be carrying something somewhere, but what in particular it is carrying is not revealed.

Stage Play "Kemono Friends 2" ~Kemonos of the Snowy Night~

Tasmanian Devil is staffing Japari Delivery Service. The Tasmanian Devil was asked by the fox to bring rice to the snowy mountain area before the main part of the Story.



Stage Play "Kemono Friends"
Major Characters
Black LeopardEmperor PenguinFennec FoxGentoo PenguinHumboldt PenguinOkapiRaccoon DogRaccoonRoyal PenguinServalSouthern Rockhopper PenguinWoolly Mammoth
Minor Characters
Blue WhaleCheetahEurasian BeaverGreater FlamingoKoalaMalayan TapirManed WolfOkinawa RailSaber-Toothed TigerSheepWhite Tiger
Do-Re-Mi SongEveryone's FriendsI am known as White TigerJapari Bun RapJapari MuseumKemono MichiMammoth's SongOzora DreamerPassionate PPP ŌgiriSavanna Super GirlsSheep's Song
Cellien (List) • Cellien HunterFriendJapari BunJapari Delivery ServiceLucky BeastPenguins Performance ProjectSandstarSavanna GirlsSolar Power System
Savanna AreaJapari Museum
Stage Play "Kemono Friends" 2 ~Kemonos of the Snowy Night~
Regular Characters
Silver FoxEzo Red FoxOkapiWoolly MammothRaccoon DogBlack LeopardWhite TigerOinari-samaTasmanian DevilGreater LophorinaWestern ParotiaBald EaglePolar BearReindeer
Version-only Characters
ServalFennec FoxRaccoonRoyal PenguinEmperor PenguinGentoo PenguinHumboldt PenguinMargay
Silver Fox and Ezo Red FoxLet's get into a hot springLet's go to the snowy mountainsIn the past, someoneWe want to help youWe play games all the timeI'm a timid Friends, but... Humming ver.Japari Bun Rap Hyper ver.Mammoth is a doctorCourtship Dance of the Bird of ParadiseI'm a timid Friends, but...Raccoon Dog's The "Rice Harvesting" SongThe "I want to hand out" SongLet's take off our clothes and get into a hot springThe "I want my keepsake back" SongIt's delicious when we all eat togetherDance with Kemono Snow Festival ver.I'm a timid Friends, but... Snow Festival ver.
Cellien (List) • Cellien HunterFriendJapari BunJapari Delivery ServiceLucky BeastPenguins Performance ProjectSolar Power System
Snowy Mountains AreaShrineBotanical GardenHot Spring