Edit 3DesignFriendBuilder/KF3: Greater Flamingo/KF3

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Essential Code:

If a Friend only has an SR or just an SSR, and not both, use Form:2DesignFriendBuilder/KF3. If a Friend only appears in the mobile game or has no cards in Planet Tours at all, use Form:FriendBuilder/KF3.

App in-game picture:
App model: Please keep in mind the following HTML must be inserted in full, where [x] is the Friend's internal ID:
<iframe height="400" width="250" frameBorder="0" src="https://katboi01.github.io/DholeViewer/?id=[x]"></iframe>
SR: Upload file
Another Variant (SR): Upload file
SSR: Upload file
SSR Art: Upload file
Another Variant (SSR): Upload file
App Rarity:
Implement Date:
ID #:
Card illustrator:

Role in the Plot:
Base Kemono Status:
Maximum Kemono Status:
Base Stamina:
Maximum Stamina:
Base Attack:
Maximum Attack:
Base Defense:
Maximum Defense:
Base Evasion:
Maximum Evasion:
Base Action Multiplier:
Maximum Action Multiplier:
Base Try Multiplier:
Maximum Try Multiplier:
Base Beat Multiplier:
Maximum Beat Multiplier:
Miracle+ Flag:
Order Flags:
Kemono Miracle Name:
Kemono Miracle (Lv1):
Kemono Miracle (Lv2):
Kemono Miracle (Lv3):
Kemono Miracle (Lv4):
Kemono Miracle (Lv5):
Kemono Miracle (Miracle+):
Beat!!! Name:
Beat!!! Effect:
Standby Skill Name:
Standby Skill:
Unique Trait Name:
Unique Trait:
Miracle Trait Name:
Miracle Trait:
Rainbow Trait Name:
Rainbow Trait:
Planet Tours Stamina SR:
Planet Tours Attack SR:
Planet Tours Stamina SSR:
Planet Tours Attack SSR:
Planet Tours Time:
Planet Tours Area:
It is extremely important that for the following costume-related fields, all entries are separated, without spaces or line breaks, by commas,

and that "empty" entries are not included, with the exception of the final entry for "costume image", which should always be "end", with that exact wording and capitalization.

Costume Image:
Costume Name:
Costume Obtain Method:
