Dire Wolf/KemoV

Dire Wolf, often called by her nickname Dia, is a Virtual YouTuber and part of the KemoV project. She debuted on March 18, 2022 as the fifth member of KemoV. She is a veteran of the game, Valorant and a big otaku of anime, Vtubers and the Japanese idol group, Hello! Project.

Dire Wolf

DireWolf iconv.jpg

Friend Data
Debut March 19, 2022
Phase First
Nicknames Dia, Dia-man, Diamen (だいあめん)
Special Skills gaming, Valorant, snowboarding, singing, oshi activities
Channel Youtube Twitch
Social Media @Direwolf_KEMOV
Tag #ダイアはここにいる
Art Tag #ダイアート展
Personal Emoji 💎🐺
Dire Wolf KF3 Nexon Game Stage Play KemoV Gallery


Complete contrast to her cool look and her character being based on a fierce canine, she is more of a child-like, laid-back member who is very weak to horror games. Her carefree personality may have lended her a very calm state of mind to perform confidently in front of big audience. Notably she is very calm when it comes to live performance; she showed no nervousness even in her very first live for KemoV. Dire Wolf has a soft, calm and slightly mumbling voice, and often makes a variety of funny noises during gameplay. She enjoys FPS games, especially Valorant. Being a big otaku of anime and its seiyū, VTubers and music groups, she loves to talk about them on Twitter and during stream. More often than not, games she picked for livestreams have her favorite Seiyū in them.


She starts her streams by saying "Ohaga o-" (おはがおー!) and ends with "Jā na Urufu!" (じゃあなウルフ!). "Irasshasse-" (いらっしゃっせー) is her welcome phrase to new viewers.

Regular Streams

Her regular stream often recurs at 19:00 JST. Main themes include gaming and chatting with fans, usually about anime. A lot of the time she does guerrilla livestreams playing Valorant. Perhaps because she often sleeps early, her stream schedule is more diurnal compared the other members who often stream later in the evening. Occasionally she does gunpla-making stream which is unique among KemoV.



  • March 6, 2022: First tweet. A teaser promo was revealed on the KemoV Staff Twitter as well as on screen inside the Pop-Up Shop at Shinjuku Marui when the shop was closing on its last day.
  • March 18, 2022: 3D debut stream with Island Fox as the MC.
  • March 19, 2022: First solo stream.
  • March 20, 2022: First gameplay stream as well as first stream in KemoV Minecraft server.
  • March 27, 2022: First collab with African Penguin playing the game Fall Guys.
  • April 15, 2022: Monetization celebration stream.
  • July 5, 2022: First external collab with Amakawa Hano (天川はの) and Yumekawa Kanau (夢川かなう), together with Humboldt Penguin playing 'Golf it!'.
  • July 9, 2022: Celebration stream of her channel reaching 5k subscribers.
  • September 23, 2022: She together with Humboldt Penguin and Coyote represented KemoV to perform at Life Like A Live!4, an online virtual idol concert.
  • November 11, 2022: She held the first movie watchalong, watching 'Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway' (2021) on her channel.
  • December 18, 2022: She performed in the 'Kemono Friends V 1stLive' with all the current KemoV members.
  • December 19, 2022: Membership of her Youtube channel started.
  • January 20, 2023: From January 20 to February 17, she participated in a game event of Rise of Kingdoms, "Rise of Oshi"(推し活対抗戦), to compete with three other KemoV members with the help of her fans.
  • February 19, 2023: Her first livestream on Twitch.
  • March 17, 2023: She together with Humboldt Penguin and Caracal represented KemoV to perform at Life Like A Live!5, the online virtual idol concert for the second time.
  • March 20, 2023: 3D celebration stream for her one year anniversary since debut, with Coyote as guest.
  • October 3, 2023: She has become Twitch Affiliate.
  • December 16, 2023: She will be performing in the second KemoV live performance, Kemono Friends LIVE (けものフレンズV LIVE♪ かがやきをより強く!), with all the current members.
  • February 28, 2024: Celebration stream for reaching 10,000 subscribers.
  • March 18, 2024: Celebration stream for her two year anniversary since debut, with Humboldt Penguin, Irodori Mayoi (彩まよい) and Hino Akane (緋乃あかね) as guests.
  • July 18, 2024: She along with 4 other KemoV members are participating in Nekosaba RUST (猫鯖RUST) playing with over 100 Vtubers.
  • October 26, 2024: It's been announced that she will release her first original solo song 'I'm With You'. This will be one of the 6 original solos to be released by KemoV for the Kemono Friends live performance on November 9, 2024.
  • November 9, 2024: She along with 8 other current KemoV members performed in the Kemono Friends live performance, 'Kemono Friends LIVE Hello Japan!' (けものフレンズLIVE はろー じゃぱん!) at Studio Freedom, Tokyo.


  • She calls her fans Hiyokko (ひよっこ).
  • Island Fox gave her the nickname, Dia-man (ダイアまん) and frequently use that when greeting her.
  • She often uses the nickname, Dia-men (だいあめん/ダイア麺, which can mean Dia-noodle) as her in-game name.
  • She addresses herself as Urufu (ウルフ).
  • Very often she plays Volorant with Nekoha Koron (猫羽ころん) on stream even when it is not an official collab.
  • One of her most tweeted topics is saying good night and she tweets that almost everyday. Judging from the time of the tweets, she is less of a night owl.
  • She is into a Japanese musical collective, Hello! Project and sings a lot of their songs.
  • She loves anime, such as Pretty Cure series. She often watches a plenty of new anime releases of each season. She reads manga, Jump magazine in particular but she has not read any of the One Piece manga despite its popularity.
  • Her chatting with viewers about anime usually ends up talking about Gundam.
  • She is into FPS and mahjong games but fears horror games.
  • She is good at skiing and snowboarding as well as swimming.
  • She plays drum and trumpet.
  • Her favorite color is orange.
  • She has a good appetite. She loves udon, cucumber asazuke (a type of Japanese pickles) and lemon soda juice. She does not particularly like sweet food. It's said that she can't eat Mont Blanc.
  • She has very low tolerance to hot weather that she often says she melts in Summer. She is not very fond of outdoor activities like hiking either.
  • She remembers Japan's prefecture map very well. She has got the full score in the Japan map quiz, first try - the best performance among KemoV members.
  • Her favorite Friend is Tibetan Sand Fox.
  • Dire Wolf in the mobile game, Kemono Friends 3 was implemented before her Vtuber debut. Voice lines by Vtuber Dire Wolf were added to the game some time after the debut. Similar to African Penguin and Island Fox, Dire Wolf's voice actress name in the game is listed as "・・・?". Her name being hidden conforms to the practice of Virtual YouTubers' real-life personal identity being protected.


External Links

Dire Wolf's YouTube Channel

Dire Wolf's Twitch Channel

Dire Wolf's Twitter account

First Phase African PenguinHumboldt PenguinIsland FoxCoyoteDire WolfCaracal
Second Phase Large-Spotted GenetGeoffroy's CatBrown Long-Eared BatJungle CatSiberian Chipmunk