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Character Data
AKA Debidebi Debiru
Romaji Debirusama
Debut Kemono Friends 3
Collaboration Data
Classification Virtual YouTuber
Species Unknown
Read More Debidebi Debiru NIJISANJI
Conservation Uma label.png
Debiru-sama KF3

Debiru-sama is a collab Friend that appeared in a collaboration with the Virtual YouTuber, Debidebi Debiru, in Kemono Friends 3.


Debiru-sama has dark brown hair and fluffy, downturned ears that somewhat resemble canids. Her ear furnishing is a dull, off-white color that matches the tips of her bangs and the hair that frames her cheeks. She has black sclera and yellow-orange eyes. Atop Debiru-sama's ears are two sets of navy-blue horns, one set curved downwards and the other upward, the latter with white, rune-like symbols. She has a similar style marking on her bangs over her forehead and on the backs of her large, three-toed paws. From her back sprouts bat-like wings, the same blue as her horns and slightly lighter colored between the segments. She also sports a long, thick tail that is shaped like a spade at the end.

Debiru-sama's clothing is just as intricate as her anatomy. She wears a dark brown shirt styled like a duffel coat, but with ruffles along the bottom. The long sleeves also have ruffles on the ends, but darker colored, to match the fluff that sits on her shoulders. Over top, she has a Victorian-style ruffle collar in an off-white color and a golden necklace that holds a blue-purple stone. Debiru-sama also wears tight-fitting, brown leggings and laced brown boots that almost appear to be spiked at the top.

Series Appearances

Appearances In Kemono Friends Media
Media Role

In the Source Material

Debiru-sama is based on Debidebi Debiru (でびでび・でびる), or simply Debidebi, who a Japanese Vtuber and one of the talents affiliated with NIJISANJI. Debidebi is described as a demon from an alternate world who has began their activities to strengthen their power and make their existence known to humans. Their goal is to corrupt all of mankind.

Debiru-sama is a separate entity from Debidebi Debiru. Both of them co-exist in the Japari Park as shown in the stories.


  • Debiru-sama, like her real-life counterpart, loves wine and ice creams.
Demon Vtuber Debidebi Debiru.

UMA Friends
Beast King Friends
AliyanBeast King ElephantBeast King GiraffeBeast King GorillaBeast King HippopotamusBeast King LionBeast King MongooseBeast King Old World VultureBeast King OstrichBeast King WildebeestBeast King Zebra
Cryptid Friends
JinmengyoPeach PantherSkyfishTsuchinoko
Ghost in the Shell Friends
HAW-206LogikomaTachikoma Type-ATachikoma Type-BTachikoma Type-CTachikoma Type-HTachikoma Type-SUchikoma
Mythological Friends CerberusMerlion
Chinese Myths Black DragonBlue DragonByakkoGenbuKirinRed DragonSeiryuSun WukongSuzakuWhite DragonYellow Dragon
Japanese Myths ByakudaDanzaburou-DanukiGoshingyu-samaInugami GyoubuKamaitachi (Chi)Kamaitachi (Setsu)Kamaitachi (Ten)KinshachiMakamiNine-Tailed FoxNueOinari-samaRaijūRairyūSanmoto GorōzaemonShisa LeftyShisa RightTsukuyomi-No-ShinshiYamata No OrochiYatagarasu
Osamu Tezuka Friends Hi-no-ToriUnico
Jungle Emperor CocoLeoTommy
Parco Friends
Sgt. Frog Friends
Alisa SoutherncrossDororoGiroroKeroroKururuNatsumi HinataTamama
Miscellaneous UMA Friends
Chibi KumamonCrunchyroll-HimeDebiru-samaDraco CentaurosGachapinGodzillaHello Kitty ServalHello Mimmy ServalHigejiiHigumamonJack-o'-LanternManeki NekoMukkuRabbit YukineShiserval LeftyShiserval RightWhite Ezo Red FoxWitch