Edit FriendBuilder/Pavilion: Collared Peccary/Pavilion

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Pavilionpic: Upload file
Sleep Pattern:
Materials Dropped:

JP Description:
EN Description:
How to Encounter:
Unique Behaviors:
JP Encounter Line 1:
EN Encounter Line 1:
JP Encounter Line 2:
EN Encounter Line 2:
JP Encounter Line 3:
EN Encounter Line 3:
JP Encounter Line 4:
EN Encounter Line 4:
JP Encounter Line 5:
EN Encounter Line 5:
JP Encounter Line 6:
EN Encounter Line 6:
Holiday 1:
JP Holiday Line 1:
EN Holiday Line 1:
Holiday 2:
JP Holiday Line 2:
EN Holiday Line 2:
Holiday 3:
JP Holiday Line 3:
EN Holiday Line 3:
Holiday 4:
JP Holiday Line 4:
EN Holiday Line 4:
JP Level 100 Line:
EN Level 100 Line:
Special Line 1:
JP Special Line 1:
EN Special Line 1:

Free text:
