Cheetah/Nexon Game

Cheetah appeared as a minor character during the original Kemono Friends mobile game. She is also a member of the Clan of the Kings of a Hundred Beasts.

Friend Data
Group "Clan of the Kings of a Hundred Beasts" Clan of the Kings of a Hundred Beasts.png
First Episode Episode 19
Voice Saitō Yuka 斉藤佑圭
Game Data
Attribute Passion
Attack Type Short-Range Short Range.png
Size Large NexonLarge.png
Nocturnal No
Skill Supersonic Roar
ID 00017
Cheetah Season 2 Manga Pavilion KF3 Nexon Game Stage Play Gallery


She has a very high confidence in herself. Her dream is to become the fastest being in the universe.


Me? Order carnivora, family felidae, I'm Cheetah. I'll show you that I run live up to my name "the fastest being on land". Hmph, the fastest speed is around 100km/hour I think. Long-distance running? Uhm, no no, I must end it in an instant because that's the "fastest on land style".

Role in the Plot

In the 9th chapter She alongside with Raccoon, Fennec Fox, Margay, Brown Bear, Koala, Rock Dove and the rest of freewheeling patrol team bats defeated evolved Cellien


King Cheetah

King Cheetah is her big sister and claims that is her not Cheetah who is the fastest being in land

Maned Wolf

She often have a race against Maned Wolf.

Crested Porcupine

Crested Porcupine admires her conduct and hopes she could do the same.

Peregrine Falcon

Peregrine Falcon often compares herself with her in terms of speed.


Platypus claims that she could catch the glimpse of her fast movements, with certain condition.


Friend Stats
Maximum HP: 7,572 Maximum ATK: 5,126
Movement: 100 Attack Speed: 75
Knockback: 37 Anti-Knockback: 54
Reach: 20 Damage Per Second (Single Target): 3,844
Skill Charge Speed: 3.45 Maximum Targets: 1
Advantageous Terrain:   Disadvantageous Terrain:  

Voice Lines

Line Japanese English

地上最速は伊達ではないの。チーターは常に早くなければいけないのよ The fact that I'm the fastest on land is not just for show. I'm Cheetah, and there's not a day I spend where I'm not going fast!
Battle Cry

十秒あれば十分よ。カウントダウン! It's enough with 10 seconds. Countdown!

スピード勝負で勝てると思わないことね Don't think you could win against me in speed contest

あらー、もう終わったの? 気づかなかったわ Oh my, it's already over? I'm not realized it
Level Up

攻めにも守りにも、速さは武器になるわ for attack or protect, speed will become asset
Wild Release

最強にして最速、力を解放した私ならできるはず Being the fastest by becoming the strongest, I who have released my power should be able to do it

Home Screen Lines

Line Japanese English
Line 1 ネコ科の子たちは足が速いわ……けれど、最速の名は譲れないの Felidae kids are fast... ... but, I will not hand over the fastest name
Line 2 私に置いてかれず必死について来てるなんて、やるわね、ふふっ Frantically follow me without being left behind, not bad, fufu
Line 3 いずれは地上最速を超え、宇宙最速になってみせる! Soon I will exceed the world fastest and become the fastest in the universe!
Line 4 あいさつ?私のあいさつはもう済んでいるわ。あなたに話しかけられると思った、その時にね Greetings? I'm already finished with my greeting. It's when I'm thought you will talk to me
Line 5 私は平野で最も速く走れるわ。逆に雪は少し苦手よ。全力は尽くすけれどね I can run the fastest on plain. On the contrary, I'm not really good in snow. Even though I'm already did my best
Line 6 速さとは何か、常に考えているの。ゆっくり考え速さを求める。これが遠回りでいて近道なのよ What is speed? I'm always thinking about it. Thinking slowly and seek the speed. It's a detour but the truth is it's a shortcut
Line 7 マッサージしてくれてありがとう「 」。私の速さを支えているのはあなたの献身よ Thank you for give me massage [protagonist]. The one who support my speed is your devotion

Clan of the Kings of a Hundred Beasts  
Arizonan JaguarBarbary LionBengal TigerBlack JaguarCape LionCheetahGolden TigerJaguarKing CheetahLionMaltese TigerMasai LionSaber-Toothed TigerShisa LeftyShisa RightSiberian TigerSouth China TigerTransvaal LionWhite LionWhite Tiger
Kemono Friends (2015 Mobile Game)
Major Characters
CellvalMiraiServalTowaCellien QueenStar BeastsSilver FoxCaracalCrested IbisLuluWhite RhinocerosArai-sanFennec Fox
Minor Characters
Rabi-RabiBlack RhinocerosMargayOinari-sama
Apron Lovers' ClubCarefree Floaters' ClubClan of the Kings of a Hundred BeastsKemo Courageous Spears Chivalric OrderNyan Nyan FamilyPowerful Girls AllianceTeam I'll Bite YouWater GirlsWolf Federation
Japari ParkKyōshū RegionAn'in RegionSankai RegionNakabe RegionHokkai RegionHōtoku RegionGokoku RegionRiukiu RegionPark CentralKemono Castle
Story QuestsEvent QuestsGroup QuestsCharacter Quests
The Four GodsFriendsCelliensJapari BusGroupSandstarSparkle
Lists and Documentation
CelliensCostumesEventsGameplay MechanicsItems and EquipmentMusicUnused ContentUpdate History
AardwolfAfrican Bush ElephantAfrican Forest ElephantAfrican Golden WolfAfrican Wild DogAlpine IbexAmerican BisonArabian OryxArctic FoxArctic HareArctic WolfArizonan JaguarAsian Golden CatAsian Small-Clawed OtterAurochsAye-AyeBaikal SealBantengBarbary LionBat-Eared FoxBearded SealBengal TigerBergman's BearBinturongBlack-Backed JackalBlack-Tailed Prairie DogBlackbuckBlack JaguarBlack LeopardBlack RhinocerosBlue WhaleBobcatBornean OrangutanBrazilian PorcupineBrown BearBrown Greater GalagoBrown Long-Eared BatBuru BabirusaCalifornia Sea LionCape LionCapybaraCaracalCheetahChinese White DolphinClouded LeopardCollared PeccaryCommon Bottlenose DolphinCommon Brushtail PossumCommon ChimpanzeeCommon ElandCommon Ringtail PossumCommon Vampire BatCommon WombatCoyoteCoypuCrested PorcupineCulpeoDholeDingoDire WolfDomestic CatDonkeyDromedaryDugongEastern WolfEurasian BeaverEurasian LynxEurasian OtterEuropean HareEzo Brown BearEzo Red FoxFennec FoxFlat-Headed CatFossaFraternal Myotis
GaurGeoffroy's CatGiant AnteaterGiant ArmadilloGiant Forest HogGiant PandaGiant PangolinGolden JackalGolden Lion TamarinGolden Snub-Nosed MonkeyGolden TigerGray FoxGray WolfGreater BilbyGreater GliderGrizzly BearGrévy's ZebraGuanacoGuernsey CattleHarp SealHilgendorf's Tube-Nosed BatHipparionHippopotamusHippopotamus GorgopsHokkaido WolfHolstein Friesian CattleHonduran White BatHoney BadgerHooded SealHuacaya AlpacaHyracotheriumImpalaIndian ElephantIndian RhinocerosIndian WolfIndriIriomote CatItalian WolfJaguarJaguarundiJapanese BadgerJapanese Black BearJapanese BoarJapanese MartenJapanese River OtterJapanese SquirrelJapanese WolfJersey CattleJungle CatKing CheetahKoalaKodiak BearKyūshū Flying SquirrelLeopardLinnaeus's Two-Toed SlothLionLong-Tailed Chinchilla
Malayan TapirMaltese TigerMandrillManed WolfMarbled CatMargayMarkhorMasai LionMasked Palm CivetMediterranean Monk SealMeerkatMexican WolfMongolian WolfMooseMountain GoatMountain HareMountain TapirMule DeerMuskoxNarwhalNilgaiNorth American BeaverNorthern Fur SealNorthern Sea OtterNumbatOcelotOkapiPademelonPale FoxPère David's DeerPink Fairy ArmadilloPlains ZebraPlatypusPolar BearPronghornPrzewalski's HorsePumaQuaggaRaccoonRaccoon DogRed KangarooRed PandaReindeerReticulated GiraffeRhim GazelleRing-Tailed LemurRinged SealRoe DeerRothschild's GiraffeRyukyu Boar
Saber-Toothed TigerSableSable AntelopeSaiga AntelopeSand CatScaly-Tailed PossumSchomburgk's DeerServalSheepShort-Beaked Common DolphinSiberian ChipmunkSiberian TigerSika DeerSilky AnteaterSilver FoxSivatheriumSnow LeopardSnow SheepSouth African GiraffeSouth China TigerSouthern PudúSouthern Sea OtterSouthern TamanduaSpectacled BearSpectacled Hare-WallabySpotted HyenaSpringbokSquirrel GliderSteller's Sea CowSteller Sea LionStoatStriped SkunkSulawesi Bear CuscusSumatran RhinocerosSun BearSuri AlpacaTakinTarpanTasmanian DevilThomson's GazelleThylacineTibetan AntelopeTibetan Sand FoxTopiTransvaal LionTundra WolfVenezuelan Red HowlerVicuñaWalrusWater DeerWestern Lowland GorillaWestern Spotted SkunkWhite-Eared OpossumWhite LionWhite RhinocerosWhite TigerWild Bactrian CamelWoolly MammothYezo Sika Deer
Acorn WoodpeckerArctic TernAtlantic PuffinBald EagleBarn OwlBlack SwanCampo FlickerChukar PartridgeCommon CuckooCommon OstrichCrested IbisDodoEastern Spot-Billed DuckEgyptian GooseEmperor PenguinEmuEurasian Eagle-OwlForest OwletGastornisGentoo PenguinGoldcrestGolden EagleGreater Bird-Of-ParadiseGreater FlamingoGreater HoneyguideGreater RheaGreater RoadrunnerGreen PheasantGuadalupe CaracaraHarpy EagleHumboldt PenguinIndian PeafowlJapanese Bush WarblerJapanese CormorantKing VultureKyushu OwlLarge-Billed CrowMartial EagleMarvelous SpatuletailMedium Tree FinchNorthern GoshawkNorthern White-Faced OwlNorth Island Giant MoaOkinawa RailOriental StorkPassenger PigeonPeregrine FalconPink-Backed PelicanRed-Crowned CraneRed JunglefowlResplendent QuetzalRock DoveRock PtarmiganRoss's GullScarlet IbisSecretarybirdShoebillSouthern Brown KiwiSouthern CassowarySouthern Rockhopper PenguinSpectacled OwlStriated CaracaraSuperb LyrebirdTundra SwanWhite-Naped CraneWhite Peafowl
African Rock PythonAlligator Snapping TurtleAmazon Tree BoaAmerican AlligatorBlack MambaBoomslangCoastal TaipanEmerald Tree BoaEuropean RatsnakeFrilled LizardGalápagos TortoiseGharialIndian Star TortoiseKing CobraKomodo DragonLeopard TortoiseOkinawan HabuPanther ChameleonRed-Eared SliderRed-Footed TortoiseSaltwater CrocodileSatanic Leaf-Tailed GeckoSpectacled Caiman
AxolotlHellbenderJapanese Giant SalamanderNorthern Dwarf Siren
ByakkoCellvalDanzaburou-DanukiGenbuInugami GyoubuJinmengyoKamaitachi (Chi)Kamaitachi (Setsu)Kamaitachi (Ten)Nine-Tailed FoxOinari-samaPeach PantherSeiryuShisa LeftyShisa RightSkyfishSuzakuTsuchinokoYamata No OrochiYatagarasu
DororoGiroroHAW-206KeroroKururuLogikomaTachikoma Type-ATachikoma Type-BTachikoma Type-CTamamaUchikoma