African Bush Elephant/Kingdom

“I'm African [Bush] Elephant, the King of the Jungle Castle. I don't like sticking to the throne, so I often sneak outside. If you need me, just find Shoebill, and she will pass me your message.”
African Bush Elephant's Friend Info page, "Self-inroduction"

African Bush Elephant
Friend Data
Voice 川边紫 Kawabe Murasaki
Radiance KFKBrilliance.png Brilliance
Role KFK Tank.png Guard
Attack Type Single-Target Melee
Implemented May 31, 2022 (Launch)
ID # 11
African Bush Elephant Manga Festival Pavilion KF3 Kingdom Nexon Game Stage Play Gallery

African Bush Elephant is a Friend that appears in Kemono Friends Kingdom. In the English release of the game, she is simply referred to as African Elephant.


“I wonder what sort of leader I will be when I grow up?”
African Bush Elephant's Friend Info page


Japanese English
? I am African Elephant. My dream is to become a king, but it's going to take me a loooong time. Until then we can arouuu... arouuu...!

Role in the Plot

Main Story

Though they do not yet know her identity, African Bush Elephant is the first King that Jinri, Least Weasel and Chevrotain seek to meet when they set out on their journey, the Jungle Area being their very first destination. When attempting to find an audience with her, they first encounter the wary Shoebill, who breaks to them that the King is not in her castle but rather assisting with the clearing of a recent landslide elsewhere in the Jungle Area. After Shoebill promises them a meeting with the Jungle Area King if they can help quickly resolve the landslide issue, the trio sets off and quickly runs headfirst into the commotion. They meet African Bush Elephant, not yet knowing she is the King who they seek, and come to learn this only after devising a strategy to clear away fallen trees with the aid of North American Beaver. Unfortunately, they also learn that African Bush Elephant has no knowledge of Jinri's past; she thus directs them towards the Plains Area.



Upon encountering Chevrotain and her companions during the events of the main story, African Bush Elephant claims to recognize the timid deer Friend from having met her during a walk, though Chevrotain doesn't hold the same degree of recollection.

“The brown-eared Friend over there, you are... Chevrotain-san? [...] I reckon I've seen you somewhere when I was out for a walk~ I remember because you're so cute~”
African Bush Elephant, "A King's Guide"


African Bush Elephant's advisor, confidant, Guard, and best friend. The two are a powerful duo and have incredible synergy, even if African Bush Elephant's tendency to sneak out of the Jungle Castle can be irksome to the tidy Shoebill. Though they may tease back and forth, the two wholly think the world of one another.

“You know, African [Bush] Elephant, even though I always tease you for wandering, I actually know that you're not just strolling, but also lending a paw to Friends in need.”
Shoebill to African Bush Elephant, "Scary Guard"


Friend Stats
Base Max Base Max
HP 815 4343 PATK 204 1093
PDEF 153 761 SATK 61 304
SDEF 158 785 Speed 50 50
Kemono Miracle Level +2 Glorious Legacy I

When African Elephant's Shield expires, 5% of the remaining Shield is converted to Max HP for 7 rounds.

COMBO Effect +14% Same-Radiance Teammate Friends' DMG +1.5% Glorious Legacy II

When African Elephant's Shield expires, 14% of the remaining Shield is converted to Max HP for 7 rounds.

Radiant Effect
Awaken Tier 1: With a Radiant Advantage, all Friends take 0.7% less damage from Celliens.

Awaken Tier 2: With a Radiant Advantage, all Friends take 2.8% less damage from Celliens.

Super Splash!
African Elephant curls up and spins quickly to fiercely impact an enemy unit, dealing PDMG equal to 324% PATK.

Grants 4985 Shield to Friends in combat for 1 round. Awaken Tier 1: When a Friend has less than 20% HP, she gains +7% Shield.

(Note: At Tier 2, the requirement becomes "less than 50% HP".)

Shield of Water
Strong and Gentle
African Elephant summons shields that bring comfort and warmth just like water. Friends protected by such shields gain DEF equal to 12% of African Elephant's Max HP. When African Elephant enters combat, if there is a Friend whose HP is below 20%, grants a stack of Shield equal to 29% of African Elephant's Max HP for 1 round. N/A
Nature Skill Expert Hiker Lv.1/2
Wind Turbine Production Rate +1%/+1.5%
Combo Builder Team

African Bush Elephant, North American Beaver

All Friends' ATK +23% for 3 rounds. This effect is halved every round.
Special Attributes
 This Friend can grant other Friends a Shield.


“African [Bush] Elephant does as a proper Friend should—she protects the other Friends.”
African Bush Elephant's Friend Info page, "Personality"

African Bush Elephant is a serviceable early-game   Guard who specializes in granting   Shields to other Friends. Her Combo with North American Beaver, a great early-to-mid-game   Control Friend, adds merit to her use; however, she will likely fall out of a player's roster long before her counterpart does, especially if they acquire the free Hippopotamus available to new players for completing limited-time missions upon their first sign-in. New players who miss this opportunity are likely to get solid mileage out of African Bush Elephant's overall consistent kit.

Her first Habit,   Shield of Water, has a decent effect and should be the go-to Habit when using African Bush Elephant. While raising her to Wild Awakening 2 is not strongly recommended, her second Habit,   Strong and Gentle, does have a niche-use case; by enhancing her Miracle's ability to rescue a low-health ally with its extra shielding, it may be able to allow a player to delay activating a   Heal Friend's Miracle for an extra turn in some situations or battles, if they for any reason wish to do so.



  • The shortening of African Bush Elephant's name to "African Elephant" in English releases of the game causes a potential conflict with another Friend in the franchise, African Forest Elephant, who could also be referred to as "African Elephant".

JinriHarukaLeast WeaselChevrotain
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Brilliance   Splendor   Wonder  
Sand Cat North American BeaverRed JunglefowlShoebill Arctic WolfJaguar
African Bush ElephantRed-Eared Slider AurochsBlack RhinocerosHippopotamusSaltwater Crocodile Gentoo PenguinMooseWestern Lowland Gorilla
Blue WhaleGiant PandaPassenger PigeonWild Bactrian Camel ChevrotainMouflonSuri Alpaca Arctic HareAxolotlRaccoonRoyal Penguin
King CobraPanther ChameleonSilver FoxStoat Chinese White DolphinEurasian Eagle-OwlGray WolfPlains Zebra CaracalEmperor PenguinGolden Snub-Nosed MonkeyHumboldt PenguinShort-Beaked Common Dolphin
Fennec FoxTsuchinoko Arabian OryxLeast WeaselReticulated GiraffeServal Indian PeafowlJapanese Black BearLionMountain HareScarlet MacawSouthern Rockhopper Penguin
Group Assaulter
Ezo Red Fox Greater LophorinaNorthern White-Faced OwlWestern ParotiaWhite Rhinoceros Crested IbisGolden Eagle
Appeared but Unobtainable Currently
African Rock PythonAsian Small-Clawed OtterCommon OstrichCommon Vampire BatDomestic PigEuropean HareJinmengyoKing CheetahKing PenguinLarge-Billed CrowNarwhalNew Zealand Giant PenguinOkinawan HabuOrcaSaber-Toothed TigerSiberian TigerWoolly Mammoth