7-1: Rumors

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Quest Data
Quest Type Story
Quest Number ?
Friends Serval
Thomson's Gazelle
White Rhinoceros
Crested Ibis
Just Before the Goal
Preparing for the Art Festival

Rumors is a quest in the original Kemono Friends mobile game.




Character English Japanese
~Serval's Diary~
My feelings when I heard about [Protagonist]'s story... I wonder why it made me cry?
It feels like there was something I could've recalled in the back of my mind, but... Hmmn... I guess just mumbling away like this won't do me any good. I'm sure I'll remember it soon enough! 何か思い出せそうな気がするんだけど、う~ん……ってうなっててもダメだよね。きっとそのうち思い出すよ!
More importantly, we need to find Cellval! それよりも飛んでっちゃったセーバルを探さなきゃ!
And so, we've made it to the Gokoku Region! Did everyone recover from their muscle cramps? ということで、やってきましたゴコクチホー!
Yeah, I'm doing way better! I'm ready to gallop all over Gokoku! おー! バッチリ治って絶好調!
Park GuideNexonIcon.png
Park Guide
Hehe, everyone is so lively. ふふ、皆さんお元気ですねー
But, we've been running into all sorts of Friends ever since we came here, huh? しかし、このゴコクチホーに入ってから、やたらと色んなけものとすれ違うわね
Park GuideNexonIcon.png
Park Guide
Mhm, the Gokoku Region is made up of seas and mountains, so there are many Friends who make their homes here. うーん、ゴコクチホーは山あり、海ありでさまざまなけものさんたちが暮らしている場所ではありますが……
White RhinocerosNexonIcon.png
White Rhinoceros
It seems like the person we caught sight of in the other Areas is here as well. 他のエリアで見かけた方もいらっしゃるようですわね
I wonder if it's related to the event that Margay said she would hold. There's an ocean nearby, so I wonder if it's a beach event...? マーゲイがやると言ってたイベントと関係あるのかしら。
Park GuideNexonIcon.png
Park Guide
Oh, there are actually some strange rumors about that ocean. あ、その海ですが、色々と妙な噂が立っているみたいですね
White RhinocerosNexonIcon.png
White Rhinoceros
Strange rumors, you said? 妙な噂、ですの?
Park GuideNexonIcon.png
Park Guide
Yes, rumors like how "there's a ship that can move by itself in the waters even without wind nor sails, and turned out to be a ghost ship when people came to take a closer look"... 『風も帆も無いのに、海を自在に進んでいる船があり、近づいて見てみると、それは亡霊船だった』という噂や
Wh-Wh-What the heck?! That's terrifying! な、な、な、なにそれ! 怖いよー!
Park GuideNexonIcon.png
Park Guide
Or rumors like how "there's a spot where a pirate's treasure is hidden in"... 『海賊の宝が眠る場所がある』という噂
Ooh, that sounds so romantic! おぉっ! それはロマンがあるね!
Park GuideNexonIcon.png
Park Guide
Or the rumor about how there's a "Mysterious Giant Monster, Ghossi", and so on... There doesn't seem to be an end to the rumors.

(TL Note: Gossi is a compound word for Gokoku and Nessie.)

...Isn't that last one a Cellien? ……最後のはセルリアンじゃないの?
No! Ghossi is real! And they'll let people ride on their back and head! 違うよ! ゴッシーは居るよ!
We can ride it? We can take a ride on Ghossi?! 乗れるの!? ゴッシー乗れるの!?
Crested IbisNexonIcon.png
Crested Ibis
Lulu... That's just Serval's imagination. ルル……それはサーバルの妄想よ
Well, we could always find out by summoning it with Toki's song. ま、トキの歌でゴッシーを呼び寄せてみればわかることよね
Crested IbisNexonIcon.png
Crested Ibis
...My song is not a Cellien trap. ……私の歌はセルリアンホイホイではないわ
Hey, Ghossi isn't a Cellien! だから、ゴッシーはセルリアンじゃないんだってばー!
Oh, are you all going to submit a song as your entry? おや、お前たちは歌でエントリーするのか?
Park GuideNexonIcon.png
Park Guide
Y-You're...! You're Ikkaku-san the Narwhal, aren't you?! To think that we could meet a Cetacean Animal Girl so suddenly, oh my gosh...! あ、あなたは……! イッカクさんじゃないですか!!
Crested IbisNexonIcon.png
Crested Ibis
Guide-san is crying tears of joy... ガイドさんが感涙してるわ……
Park GuideNexonIcon.png
Park Guide
Gasp...! Could there even be dolphins here too...?! (Drool) はっ――!?
G... Guide-san, you're drooling! ガ、ガイドさん、よだれよだれ!
Park GuideNexonIcon.png
Park Guide
Hwaah, I-I'm so sorry for my rudeness! It seems like I lost control of myself there. ふあっ、し、失礼いたしました!
Park GuideNexonIcon.png
Park Guide
Alright, um... [Protagonist]-san. Ikkaku-san, who is a Cetacean, has a unique feature that is her big tusk! ええと、[プレイヤー名前]さん。
Park GuideNexonIcon.png
Park Guide
Narwhals' tusks are actually evolved teeth, and, as an excellent sensory organ, is equipped with many functions! イッカクさんの角は、実は牙が進化したものでして、優れた感覚器としての機能を多数備えているんですよ!
Park GuideNexonIcon.png
Park Guide
By the way! The differences between whales and dolphins are very vague, but most of the time, those with lengths of more than 3 meters is classified as a whale while the ones shorter than that are called dolphins! But, if we take into account the Pygmy Killer Whale... ちなみに! クジラさんとイルカさんの区別は非常にあいまいで、体長3メートル以上をクジラ、以下をイルカと呼ぶことが多いのです! ただユメゴンドウクジラさんのように――
Alright, that should be enough! Even Ikkaku's starting to space out. はーい、そのくらいでストップストップ!
No no, my apologies... That was a bit overwhelming. いや、すまない……。
By the way, Ikkaku's spear looks cool, doesn't it? It looks really strong too! ねえねえ、ところで、イッカクのスピアー格好良いね。
Thank you. But, this spear is my pride. I can't just swing it thoughtlessly. ありがとう。
White RhinocerosNexonIcon.png
White Rhinoceros
(She looks more like a knight than Black Rhinoceros does.) (クロサイよりも騎士らしく見えますわね)
Crested IbisNexonIcon.png
Crested Ibis
(White Rhino... She probably just thought that Ikkaku looks more like a knight than Black Rhinoceros does.) (シロサイ……。今、クロサイよりも騎士らしく見える、
Speaking of which, you're all participating in the Art Festival, right? You can meet a lot of artists from different fields if you go there. I'm sure you'll get some nice motivation if you come. ところで、ゲージツ祭に参加するのだろう?
Crested IbisNexonIcon.png
Crested Ibis
Art Festival? ゲージツ祭?
There's also going to be a lot of Friends there, right? それで沢山のけものが集まって来てたんだね!
An Art Festival, huh? It sounds like something Margay would like. ゲージツ祭、ねぇ。
Oh, you're Margay's acquaintances? Nice timing, then. She's feeling down for some reason, so I was wondering if you could come and visit her. マーゲイの知り合い? それなら、ちょうど良かった。
Feeling down? Did something happen? 元気がない? 何かあったの?
I don't know, really. Maybe you could find out why if you guys were the one talking to her? ...Well, I think it's got something to do with an art piece for the festival, but... わからない。そこも含めて、親しそうなお前たちなら何か聞き出せるかも知れない。
In any case, I think we'd understand what happened if we come and visit her. とにかく、様子を見に行けばわかるわね
Margay should be among the other participants she hired... With that said, I'll take my leave. Please try to cheer her up if you can. マーゲイは準備している他の参加者たちの中にいるはずだ。
Yeah! See you again, Ikkaku! ...Alright then, [Protagonist], let's go and look for Margay! うん! イッカク、またねー!
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Kemono Friends (2015) Story Quests
1: Tutorial 12: Tutorial 2
Learning Quests
1: Learning Quest 1-12: Learning Quest 1-23: Learning Quest 1-34: Learning Quest 2-15: Learning Quest 2-26: Learning Quest 2-3
Chapter 1
1: The Beginning of a Journey2: The Very First Things3: What's Great About the Park4: The Name of the Danger is Cellien5: The Scent of the Charm6: A Strange Uneasiness7: I'm a Guide, After All8: Animal Girls Getting Along9: Caracal's Mad?10: I'm Going to Cry!11: Caracal's Misunderstanding12: It's a Mystery13: I'm Not Happy About That!14: Serval's Ears are Big Ears15: A Strange Person16: Serval's Determination17: Caracal's Hobby... ...18: Fake Found19: We Have You Cornered!20: Showdown, Fake Serval!
Chapter 2
1: Exciting! Forest Area2: A Looming Threat!3: We're Lost4: A Mysterious... Song?5: Rumors of the Town Square6: The Rumored Girl7: Crested Ibis's Dream8: I Want to Make Your Dream Come True9: The Forest Sage Appears!10: A Forest Sage... ...?11: Are You Really a Sage... ...?12: The Measure of a Sage13: Let's Go to the Copaiba Tree!14: The Doubt of Crested Ibis15: Arriving at the Copaiba Tree16: The Sap's Effect... ...17: The Professor's Strategy18: F-Forget It!19: I'll Never Sing Ever Again... ...20: Don't Give Up!
Chapter 3
1: The Vast Desert Area!2: Big Problem in the Desert Area3: Rabi-Rabi Appears4: About Lulu5: The Desert's Star Sisters6: A Threat Approaches7: Arai-san Appears!8: Listen to What I Have to Say!9: Goodbye, Arai-san10: I Made It!11: Lulu and Rabi-Rabi12: Rabi-Rabi's Anxiety13: Oasis No. 114: Famous(?) Detective, Caracal15: We Found Lulu-chan!16: Caracal's Shame17: The Reason for the Water Shortage18: Lulu's True Feelings19: The Drinking Cellien20: Water for the Desert Area!
Chapter 4
1: Serval's Our Bait2: Serval's Being Weird3: The Waterfront's Princess and Knight4: Prepare Yourself!5: Why is it Always Me!?6: The Waterfront's Disease7: Arai-san, Again8: The Fake Serval's Doubt9: Chivalry of Black Rhinoceros10: The Disease and the Amulet11: Do You Understand What I'm Saying?12: Rematch with Fake Serval!13: Tell Me The Cure14: Crested Ibis's... ...15: The Famous Amatatsu Waterfall16: Undine's Offense and Defense17: To Cure the Disease...18: Another Appearance!?19: Fake Serval's Secret20: Tell Me about the Waterfront Area
Chapter 5
1: Snow World2: The Lost Thing3: A Way to Get Your Memory Back4: Looking For the Hot Spring5: Listening to the Study6: An Expert's Opinion7: A Strange Hot Spring8: Tired of Hanging Around9: A Sobering Surprise Attack10: Reunion and Abandonment11: A Thief, A Gift-Giver12: Beyond the Snow13: The Sudden Battle14: At Our Destination Is...15: Memories and the Past16: Silver Fox's Intentions17: Where Oinari-sama Lives18: Roles and Values, Revealed19: Cellval's Power20: Awaken, Crash, Invitation to the Sky!
Chapter 6
1: The Birds' Gathering Place2: Sky Race3: A Rival Appears!?4: A Team Divided5: A Potential Winner6: Start the Race!7: The Animal Girl's Rumor8: A Premonition of Trouble9: Northern Goshawk is Being Weird10: Charmed by the Song... ...?11: Halfway Results12: Danger Zone13: Arai-san's Secret Plan14: Chaotic Race15: The Nature of Celliens16: The Stolen Thing17: Friend18: Sky Warriors19: Starting Over20: Just Before the Goal
Chapter 7
1: Rumors2: Preparing for the Art Festival3: The Cellien's Shadow4: Convincing Art5: A New Friend?6: Nostalgic Talk7: Songs and Memories8: Miracle of the Past9: A New Threat10: What We Got Back Is...11: To the Film Set12: Preparing to Film13: The Cast is Decided14: Filming Begins15: A Ghost Appears16: Ghost Ship17: Art Is... ...18: In the Middle of Filming19: An Unseen Voice20: A Rumor Takes Shape
Chapter 8
1: The Tropical Country2: The One Living in the Hinterlands3: A Legendary Beast4: Hospitality5: The Reason I Am Here6: Shisa's Prediction7: To the Sea, Again8: "That" Almighty9: Die Hard10: Reunion11: Critical Condition12: Shock13: A Helper14: Again, and Again, a Helper15: Serval is Troubled?16: A Black Presence17: Trust18: Invasion from Underground19: Cellval's Presence20: Surrounded
Chapter 9
1: Get In2: The Sparkle Vanished3: Trembling4: Kako5: A Wall of Light6: A Genius Descends7: All-Out Attack Strategy8: Battle in the Observation Deck's Garden9: Battle at the Obstacle Course10: Battle at the Shopping Center11: Battle by the Seaside12: Battle in the Ruins13: Battle by the Waterside Restaurant14: Battle of the Warehouse15: Entering the Castle
Chapter 10
1: Skirmish2: Origins3: A Light4: Closing In5: Friends6: The Queen7: ... ... It's Over, and Now...
Post-Game Chapters
1: Chapter 112: Chapter 123: Chapter 134: Chapter 145: Chapter 156: Chapter 167: Chapter 178: Chapter 189: Chapter 1910: Chapter 20