5-12: Beyond the Snow: Difference between revisions

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|nopic1=Special case
|nopic1=Special case
|en2=Fake Serval -- no, <BR>
|en2=Fake Serval... I mean, Cerval seems happy.
Cerval seems happy
|en3=Serval's sense has come through more than expected<br>even if the name seems a bit iffy…
|en3=Serval's taste somehow came through more than I expected, even if the name sounds a bit iffy…
|en4=But it's a good name!<BR> right, Silver Fox?
|en4=But it's a good name! Right, Silver Fox?
|name5=Silver Fox
|name5=Silver Fox
|en5=ko-kon?! uh....um....
|en5=Y-Yip?! I... um...
|jp5=コ、コン!? え……ええ……
|jp5=コ、コン!? え……ええ……
|en6=Haha…  That's an odd facial expression.<BR> Even if she doesn't have her memories, her sense is still good. It's
|en6=Ahahah, that's a weird face you're making. Seems like her taste is still working properly, even if she has amnesia.
|en7=<span style="color:#ff8080">tch, even though before she had amnesia,</span><BR><span style="color:#ff8080"> she gave my naming sense her heartfelt praise!</span>
|en7=<span style="color:#ff8080">Jeez, even after you gave my naming sense your biggest compliment before you got amnesia!</span>
|jp7=<span style="color:#ff8080">くっ、記憶喪失になる前は</span><BR><span style="color:#ff8080">心から私のネーミングセンスを褒めてくれてたのに!</span>
|jp7=<span style="color:#ff8080">くっ、記憶喪失になる前は</span><BR><span style="color:#ff8080">心から私のネーミングセンスを褒めてくれてたのに!</span>
|name8=Silver Fox
|name8=Silver Fox
|en8=''' (stare------) '''
|en9=She took quite a shock!<BR>...from Serval's lie that is!
|en9=You're looking really shocked! ...about Serval's lie, right?
|name10=Silver Fox
|name10=Silver Fox
|en10=R-Right... Whew (sighhhh)
|en10=R-Right... Yeah. (Whewww)
|en11=Nyaaa...... Was is that bad?<BR>My sense......
|en11=Nyaaah...... Is my taste really that bad...?
|en12=Heave-ho, Heave-ho
|en12=Heave-ho, Heave-ho.
|name13=Park Guide
|name13=Park Guide
|en13=That's... Reindeer-san?
|en13=Is that... Reindeer-san?
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|en15=Oh, hey!<BR>I'm clearing the snow!*<BR>The path's been buried under it, hey
|en15=Oh, yahoo there! I'm just clearing the snow, since the road got buried under.
|name16=Park Guide
|name16=Park Guide
|en16=[Protagonist]-san!<BR>Reindeer are good at digging through snow. Normal reindeer can also use their antlers to dig through snow!
|en16=[Protagonist]-san! Reindeer-san is good at digging through snow. They primarily use their antlers to plow right through it!
|en17=This road isn't usually used much, but<BR>up ahead there's a rumor of a <span style="color:#ff8080">"super secluded hotspring."</span> Some time I'd like to go see it for myself...
|en17=This road isn't usually used much, but there's a rumor of a <span style="color:#ff8080">"Super Secret Hot Spring"</span>, up ahead, so I wanted to visit it and see for myself.
|jp17=この道は、あんまり皆が使う道じゃないけど、<BR>この先には<span style="color:#ff8080">“超秘境温泉”</span>があるって噂だし、一応、通れるようにしておきたいしね
|jp17=この道は、あんまり皆が使う道じゃないけど、<BR>この先には<span style="color:#ff8080">“超秘境温泉”</span>があるって噂だし、一応、通れるようにしておきたいしね
|en18="super secluded hotspring"?!<BR>That sounds promising!<BR>Reindeer! We'll help you clear that snow!
|en18="Super Secret Hot Spring"?! That sounds amazing! We'll help you shovel the snow, Reindeer!
|jp18=“超秘境温泉”!?<BR>これは、期待できそうな名前だよ!<BR>トナカイ! 私たちも雪掘り手伝うよ!
|jp18=“超秘境温泉”!?<BR>これは、期待できそうな名前だよ!<BR>トナカイ! 私たちも雪掘り手伝うよ!
|en19=Ah, Serval's really motivated now.<BR>I have a bad feeling about this...
|en19=Ah, Serval's really motivated now. I've got a bad feeling about this...
|en20=Heave-ho! *clink*
|en20=Heave-ho! (Tchk)
|en21=―――― (Squirm)
|nopic21=Special case
|nopic21=Special case
|en22=It's a Cellien!!!
|en22=It's a Cellieeen!
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