S2 Chapter 2: Let Us All Walk Forward As One (Manga)

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Chapter 2 - Let Us All Walk Forward As One


Chapter Data
Volume 1
Pages 30
Debuts Giant Pangolin, Giant Armadillo, Siberian TigerToki, Giant Panda, Red Panda
Setting Gen ? era
Previous Ch. Welcome to Japari Park
Next Ch. The Premonition Of A New Meeting...!?

Let Us All Walk Forward As One is the second chapter of Kemono Friends 2 (Manga).


The group visited the location based on Kyururu's drawing but Kyururu tell them that it's not his home then he open the next page of his sketchbook. Althrough the location drawn on next page is unknown to Serval and Caracal, Serval is still very optimistic about finding Kyururu's house. Before the trio able to continue their journey, they are stopped by Eastern Spot-Billed Duck, she scolds the group and remind them about safety. Serval showed her Kyururu's drawing, she recognize the place drawn in sketchbook and lead the group to the said location. As the group follow Eastern Spot-Billed Duck, she suddenly stop because there is huge gorge despite the said gorge is very small but she still insist the gorge is big which Caracal find her as weirdo. Eastern Spot-Billed Duck jump off to the small gorge which made Serval impressed while Caracal aren't at all because she only do normal jump then the rest of group jump off the small gorge. Meanwhile inside the facility ruins, Giant Pangolin who is known as Sen-chan is investigating around the facility then her partner, Giant Armadillo who is known as Arma-chan show her fun objects which made Sen-chan scolds her for playing around. The Double Sphere curled themselves because they are shocked by falling objects sound before they hear a mysterious roar and their job is over.

Eastern Spot-Billed Duck and Kyururu's group found the exact location drawn in sketchbook but the atmosphere has changed. Kyururu draw Eastern Spot-Billed Duck alongside his group in his sketchbook then give it to Eastern Spot-Billed Duck as souvernir. Kyururu see the moonorail and think that he might rode on that to get in the park. However they are attacked by a large individual of the same type Cellien they previously encountered before. Kyururu's group escapes but Eastern Spot-Billed Duck fell on floor, Kyururu worried but Caracal tell him to worry because she is only faking it when her Friends are in danger. Kyururu tell everyone to get into the monorail which door can be opened with hand detection system. Lucky Beast inside the monorail announce that they are departing to Azua Region, the trio ride the monorail but that huge Cellien chasing them. As the huge Cellien getting closer to the monorail, suddenly a mysterious Friends silhouette destroy that huge Cellien with single punch. Eastern Spot-Billed Duck tell Kyururu's group that she is specialize at pseudo injury, Caracal asked her whether she is the one who beat that Cellien however she said that she is behind that Cellien. Eastern Spot-Billed Duck wishes Kyururu's group for safe travels before leaving. Kyururu open up the next page of his sketchbook but it already torn out, then Lucky Beast announce that they will arrive to Azua Region.

Giant Panda and Red Panda visited Suri's cafe as her customers. Suri said that Giant Panda's color schemes black and white is rare to see, Red Panda said it's for camoflauging in woods, she also adds that Giant Panda is very beloved animal because of her rare black and white appearance meanwhile Toki overheard their conversation. Alpaca Suri is impressed that Giant Panda already fell asleep since the beginning while Toki walked out from the cafe. On the next day, Toki painted her entire body with black and white color which made Suri mistaking her as monster.

Major Events

  • Double Sphere investigating the facility ruins.
  • Kyururu's group were saved by a mysterious Friends silhouette.
  • One of the page inside Kyururu's sketchbook already torn out.


Major Characters

Minor Characters

Major Characters KyururuServalCaracalLucky BeastGiant ArmadilloGiant PangolinDomestic Dog (Mixed-Breed)
Minor Characters AardwolfAtlantic PuffinAye-AyeBat-Eared FoxBlack LeopardBlue WildebeestCalifornia Sea LionCampo FlickerCommon Bottlenose DolphinCheetahCommon Vampire BatCrested IbisDomestic PigDonkeyEastern Spot-Billed DuckEmperor PenguinEurasian Eagle-OwlFennec FoxGentoo PenguinGiant PandaGreater LophorinaGreater RoadrunnerHumboldt PenguinKabanLeopardMargayNorthern White-Faced OwlOkinawan HabuPassenger PigeonPronghornRaccoonRaccoon DogRed PandaRoyal PenguinSaltwater CrocodileSiberian TigerSouthern Rockhopper PenguinSpectacled CaimanThomson's GazelleWestern Lowland GorillaWestern Parotia
Cameos African Wild DogArabian OryxAsian Golden CatAsian Small-Clawed OtterAustralian DevilAxolotlBarbary LionBlack-Backed JackalBlack-Headed IbisBlack-Tailed Prairie DogBrown BearCape LionCapybaraChickenCougarDomestic DogEzo Red FoxGolden EagleGolden Snub-Nosed MonkeyGolden TigerGray WolfGreat AukHonduran White BatImpalaIriomote CatIsland FoxJaguarJapanese River OtterJapanese WolfKoalaLarge-Billed CrowLionMaltese TigerMasked Palm CivetMeerkatMooseMouflonNorth American BeaverNorthern GoshawkNorthern Sea OtterOkapiPlatypusRed FoxRed KangarooReticulated GiraffeRock DoveSand CatScarlet IbisShort-Beaked Common DolphinSilver FoxSpotted HyenaStoatSuri AlpacaTsuchinokoWhite LionYatagarasu
Beyond MemoriesPanda and PandaCreatures of the SeaDifferent Kinds of HousesThe Power of HumansA New MorningBeyond SpeedNew Song in ConcertWelcome HomeCheck-inThe Ocean's MoodI'm Home
Albums Notteke! Japari BeatYoukoso Japari Park e ~Complete Best~FRIENDS BEAT!Starry StoryKemono Friends 2 ORIGINAL SOUND TRACK
Songs Hop In! Japari BeatAround RoundConnect the StarsYou're My Home
BeastCellienCelliumFriendFriends Type CellienJapari BunJapari BusJapari LineLucky BeastPenguins Performance ProjectSandstar
Azua ParkMarine Life ParkSouth Maerica ParkJungle ParkJapari Hotel
KotodamanMabinogiDestiny Child