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WARNING: This template uses the PavFace template in both its code and its usage. Please read PavFace's style guide before reading this style guide!

KemoTalkTable is a template that allows users to fill in a large table with the IDs and participants of KemoTalks. KemoTalkTable may a little confusing, due to a necessary but mechanically unusual step that isn't often found in such templates, but at its core it is an extremely simple template that will allow you to easily fill out a full table without having to fiddle around with the code. For this demonstration, we will be using Komodo Dragon, because the person who made this template and this style guide loves her. Note that because the talks haven't been imported to the wiki as of this writing, the examples being used are not what will actually be on Komodo Dragon's page.

|friend=Komodo Dragon
Komodo Dragon's KemoTalks Kemotalk 010029001 01.png
Kemotalk ID Friends Involved Kemotalk ID Friends Involved Kemotalk ID Friends Involved Kemotalk ID Friends Involved
[[KemoTalk {{{talk1}}}]] {{{talk1friends}}} [[KemoTalk {{{talk2}}}]] {{{talk2friends}}} [[KemoTalk {{{talk3}}}]] {{{talk3friends}}} [[KemoTalk {{{talk4}}}]] {{{talk4friends}}}
Cameo Appearances
KemoTalk Icons
Kemotalk 010029001 01.png Kemotalk 010029001 02.png Kemotalk 010029001 03.png Kemotalk 010029001 04.png Kemotalk 010029001 05.png Kemotalk 010029001 06.png Kemotalk 010029001 07.png Kemotalk 010029001 08.png

In KemoTalkTable, the parameters friend and friendid make up the table's header. Because the table is collapsible, when you first open a Friend's page, these will be the only things they are able to see. If you expand the template with only these two values having been defined, then the first row of the template will just be a mess of code and rot and whatnot. The parameter "friend" defines the name of the Friend, while the parameter "friendid" prints the icon. The value of friendid should be equal to the ID value that is used when using the PavFace template - in Komodo Dragon's case, this is 0029.

|friend=Komodo Dragon
|talk1friends={{PavFace|id=0007|link=Asian Small-Clawed Otter/Pavilion}}
|talk2friends={{PavFace|id=0002|link=Raccoon/Pavilion}} {{PavFace|id=0002|link=Fennec Fox/Pavilion}}
Komodo Dragon's KemoTalks Kemotalk 010029001 01.png
Kemotalk ID Friends Involved Kemotalk ID Friends Involved Kemotalk ID Friends Involved Kemotalk ID Friends Involved
KemoTalk 549 Kemotalk 010007001 01.png KemoTalk 551 Kemotalk 010002001 01.png Kemotalk 010003001 01.png [[KemoTalk {{{talk3}}}]] {{{talk3friends}}} [[KemoTalk {{{talk4}}}]] {{{talk4friends}}}
Cameo Appearances
KemoTalk Icons
Kemotalk 010029001 01.png Kemotalk 010029001 02.png Kemotalk 010029001 03.png Kemotalk 010029001 04.png Kemotalk 010029001 05.png Kemotalk 010029001 06.png Kemotalk 010029001 07.png Kemotalk 010029001 08.png

The values talk1 and talk1friends turn that mess into an actual functional table. However, it isn't as easy just filling in the numbers all at once. As you can see, only two talks on the table are filled in - talk2 and talk2friends allow for the second talk to work. Because different Friends in Pavilion have different amounts of KemoTalks, the table is designed to have talks entered one by one, with each cell on the table defined by their equivalent parameter.

You may also ask why KemoTalkTable standardizes to using PavFace rather than simply using text to define which Friends are involved. There's the honest answer, which is that I think it's cooler, and I didn't code PavFace for nothing, or the technical answer, which is that I think it's more user-friendly. Using images rather than text allows users to quickly determine which Friends are used at a glance, as all that text put so closely together could make it difficult to distinguish what information belongs where.

|friend=Komodo Dragon
|talk1friends={{PavFace|id=0007|link=Asian Small-Clawed Otter/Pavilion}}
|talk2friends={{PavFace|id=0002|link=Raccoon/Pavilion}} {{PavFace|id=0003|link=Fennec Fox/Pavilion}}
Komodo Dragon's KemoTalks Kemotalk 010029001 01.png
Kemotalk ID Friends Involved Kemotalk ID Friends Involved Kemotalk ID Friends Involved Kemotalk ID Friends Involved
KemoTalk 549 Kemotalk 010007001 01.png KemoTalk 551 Kemotalk 010002001 01.png Kemotalk 010003001 01.png KemoTalk 553 Kemotalk 010001001 01.png KemoTalk 559 Kemotalk 010029001 01.png
KemoTalk 560 Kemotalk 010029001 01.png
Cameo Appearances
KemoTalk 111 KemoTalk 222 KemoTalk 333 KemoTalk 444 KemoTalk 555 KemoTalk 666 KemoTalk 777 KemoTalk 888
KemoTalk 999
KemoTalk Icons
Kemotalk 010029001 01.png Kemotalk 010029001 02.png Kemotalk 010029001 03.png Kemotalk 010029001 04.png Kemotalk 010029001 05.png Kemotalk 010029001 06.png Kemotalk 010029001 07.png Kemotalk 010029001 08.png

This final example contains two more important concepts:

  • Cameo appearances. Cameo appearances are defined as when a Friend appears in a Talk that does not belong to them, such as an Archive Talk. If no cameos are known, the template simply displays "none", that they do not cameo in any talks. For cameos, PavFace is not used because the owner of the talk is irrelevant - this simply catalogs which other Talks a Friend can be seen having dialogue, for all readers who want to see all of a Friend's dialogue in Pavilion.
  • Archive Talks use the Friend's own image. They also do not require to link to any pages. This is because even if other Friends appear in the talk, the game itself only counts the Friend the talk belongs to as a participant. However, because it's redundant, the Friend will not be listed as a participant on the table for any other Talk. The differences between Talk 551 and Talk 560 illustrate the difference between a normal talk and an Archive Talk.

cameos: 56

{{{friend}}}'s KemoTalks [[File:Kemotalk 01{{{friendid}}}001 01.png|35px|link=]]
Kemotalk ID Friends Involved Kemotalk ID Friends Involved Kemotalk ID Friends Involved Kemotalk ID Friends Involved
[[KemoTalk {{{talk1}}}]] {{{talk1friends}}} [[KemoTalk {{{talk2}}}]] {{{talk2friends}}} [[KemoTalk {{{talk3}}}]] {{{talk3friends}}} [[KemoTalk {{{talk4}}}]] {{{talk4friends}}}
Cameo Appearances
KemoTalk Icons
[[File:Kemotalk 01{{{friendid}}}001 01.png|50px|link=]] [[File:Kemotalk 01{{{friendid}}}001 02.png|50px|link=]] [[File:Kemotalk 01{{{friendid}}}001 03.png|50px|link=]] [[File:Kemotalk 01{{{friendid}}}001 04.png|50px|link=]] [[File:Kemotalk 01{{{friendid}}}001 05.png|50px|link=]] [[File:Kemotalk 01{{{friendid}}}001 06.png|50px|link=]] [[File:Kemotalk 01{{{friendid}}}001 07.png|50px|link=]] [[File:Kemotalk 01{{{friendid}}}001 08.png|50px|link=]]