KemoTalk 0244

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KemoTalk ID ?
JP Title あやまることのむずかしさ
Implemented January 26th, 2018
Friends Ezo Red Fox, Gentoo Penguin
Area Mountain
Time Day
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KemoTalk 244 is titled (あやまることのむずかしさ). It is unlocked by an interaction between Ezo Red Fox and Gentoo Penguin.


Character Japanese English
Kemotalk 010023001 07.png
Gentoo Penguin
次のライブはもうすぐ。気を引き締めていかなくっちゃ。 The next live is coming up soon... We have to focus!
Kemotalk 010015001 01.png
Ezo Red Fox
……ねえ、ジェーン。 Hey, Jen...
Kemotalk 010023001 02.png
Gentoo Penguin
あっ、キタキツネさん。どうしたんですか、ずいぶん深刻そうですね。 Ah, Ezo Red Fox. Did something happen, you look pretty troubled here.
Kemotalk 010015001 04.png
Ezo Red Fox
えっと、ギンギツネとケンカしちゃって……。 Mm, you see, I had a fight with Silver...
Kemotalk 010015001 01.png
Ezo Red Fox
きみもPPPの子たちとケンカしたりするの? Doesn't something like this happen between you and other PPP Friends?
Kemotalk 010023001 04.png
Gentoo Penguin
……ケンカはしませんけど、ライブの内容で考え方が違っちゃう時はありますね。 We don't really fight, but having others' opinions on how we should go about our next live differ is a thing that does happen sometimes.
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Ezo Red Fox
ふ〜ん。そういう時、どうしてるの? Mhmm... and how do you all deal with it?
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Gentoo Penguin
うーん……。お互いに納得いくまで話をします。 Hmm, well... we just keep the discussion until we're all satisified with what we've come up with.
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Gentoo Penguin
5人もいるからいろいろな意見が出ますけどね。 With the 5 of us there, there're plenty of different opinions.
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Ezo Red Fox
そうなんだ……それでうまくいくの? So that's how it is... and that's how you all manage to get along, right?
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Gentoo Penguin
はい。その子のことが嫌いになったわけじゃないですから。キタキツネさんもそうですよね? Indeed! And it's not like Silver Fox hates you after all that, you know. I'm sure you don't hate her either, right?
Kemotalk 010015001 01.png
Ezo Red Fox
うん……。嫌いじゃない。 Y-Yea... I don't hate her.
Kemotalk 010023001 02.png
Gentoo Penguin
ギンギツネさんとちゃんと話しましょう。そうすればわかってもらえると思いますよ。 Then, make sure to properly talk about what happened with her now. I think she'll understand you if you do.
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Ezo Red Fox
うーん。ぼく、ちゃんと話して仲直りしてみる。 Yes, I'm gonna try to talk and make up with her.
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Gentoo Penguin
頑張ってくださいね! Do your best!
Kemotalk 010015001 07.png
Ezo Red Fox
う〜、でもめんどくさいな〜……。 Uuh... but-but, it's pretty bothersome...
Kemotalk 010023001 05.png
Gentoo Penguin
でも、早く話した方がいいですよ!勇気を出しましょう! It'll really be for the best if you talk with her as soon as possible. Summon your courage, Ezo Red Fox!
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