Wooden Slide: Difference between revisions

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[[Category:Pavilion Playthings]] [[Category:Generation ? Pavilion Playthings]] [[Category:Water Pavilion Playthings]] [[Category:Three Star Pavilion Playthings]] [[Category:Pavilion Playthings With One Slot]] [[Category:Savanna Pavilion Playthings]] [[Category:Pavilion Playthings Liked By Raccoon]] [[Category:Pavilion Playthings Liked By Hippopotamus]] [[Category:Pavilion Playthings Liked By Asian Small-Clawed Otter]] [[Category:Pavilion Playthings With Unique Behaviors]] [[Category:Needs Translation]] [[Category:Missing Content]]
[[Category:Pavilion Playthings]] [[Category:Generation ? Playthings]] [[Category:Water Playthings]] [[Category:Three Star Playthings]] [[Category:Playthings With One Slot]] [[Category:Savanna Playthings]] [[Category:Raccoon Playthings]] [[Category:Hippopotamus Playthings]] [[Category:Asian Small-Clawed Otter Playthings]] [[Category:Playthings With Unique Behaviors]] [[Category:Needs Translation]] [[Category:Missing Content]]

Revision as of 02:43, 18 March 2020

Plaything Name: Japanese Plaything Name: Rarity: Effective Area: Generation: Land or Water? Implemented: Time Limited?
Wooden Slide 木のすべり台 ★★★ Savanna Generation ? Water January 26th, 2018 No
Plaything ID Craftable? Sturdy Wood Soft Cloth Cold Stone Stretchy Rubber Rough Steel Attraction coin
0016 No None None None None None None
Normal Behaviors: Unique Behaviors: Liked By:
1. Standing/sitting at the top of the slide Kemotalk 010007001 01.png
Kemotalk 010002001 01.pngKemotalk 010004001 01.pngKemotalk 010007001 01.png
Description: ?
Japanese Description: 木で作ったワイルドなすべり台?なんだか他のもののようにも見える。なにはともあれ、楽しくすべれそう。